How to concentrate?


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
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I'm learning (at least trying to) for my final exams. The problem is, while reading something, my mind often drifts away and focuses on something else. It can be anything - some thought a certain word triggered, or I start thinking about tonight's movie in the TV, or let's say The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (just an example :P).

Reading through the text, I often have to go back a few lines, to actually grasp the sense of what's written there, because I read it not "receiving" the info.

What's more, it has to be quiet. Actually I find learning in, let's say, a bus, easier than in my room, while someone is watching the TV downstairs. That's because in the bus it's just noise from multiple sources, while the TV or one person talking causes me to subconsciously (sp?) focus on the words I hear, instead of those I'm reading.

What I'm asking you, is to give me any tips, your methods of achieving a state of mind in which you can effectively learn, without getting your thoughts distorted. Any help will be appreciated :)

(yes I know my nickname suits me in this case ;))
I suggest masturbate right before you're about to study. Takes away some of the stress.
Pesmerga said:
I suggest masturbate right before you're about to study. Takes away some of the stress.
Good thing you're back Pes, this community really was missing something with you not here.
I'm in the exact same position at this very moment. I have the concentration of a 5 year old. I'm finding it very hard to revise at the moment. I only work well under pressure (leaving it to the last minute). The only reason I'm posting here is because I don't want to revise.

Calm music helps me work though. Try not to work the near a PC/television. Go to a quiet environment where theres no distractions.
Pesmerga said:
I suggest masturbate right before you're about to study. Takes away some of the stress.

Eerily, I read the thread title and was about to type the same thing o_O

-Angry Lawyer
What I do before exams:

- wake up at 6:00 am in the morning
- take a big cup of coffee
- turn on my mp3 player
- close all sources of distraction
- then study
My advice is "Remove all distractions". Permerga's advice, surprisingly, removes one distraction.

-Angry Lawyer
AntiAnto said:
- turn on my mp3 player
- close all sources of distraction

Something doesn't seem right ;). I heard some people prefer to study while listening to music though, so I understand you may prefer it this way.
I love the irony of this thread, its awesome! Music distracts me...i cant use it.

Music distracts me from reading, but not doing my math, oddly enough.
I also have trouble revising for exams and stuff. I usually driffed of if it's a boring subject.

I'm doing my dissertation at the moment and it's a bitch. While bot revision it's pretty similar. I now have to do a 12,000 write-up. I've already done about 2,000 but that's another 10,000 to go. :(

I usually try to find a quite relaxing spot (not in my bedroom unless it's late at night) and just try to get on with it. Try not to go and do other things unless you've worked for hours and need a break, you'll only just forget or not want to bother. Listening to music or watching TV is a no, they just distract you too much.

I find it easier to do know than when I was at school. I hate revising and always will but I've got better as I've got older.
Lock yourself in a room with nothing but the materials you need.

Set an alarm clock and use self discipline to only allow yourself to leave once you have spent enough time on whatever, if it's not time relevant you'll just have to use discipline again.

If there's nothing else to do in the room your focus will be on the subject.

Either that or you could take some drugs.
Well, I find the best way to concentrate is to just- Oh! A penny!
I usually just find someplace with absolutely NOTHING to do, and do my work there. If I have to write a paper, I just use an ancient laptop and disconnect it from the web. Problem solved.
What I do is work for 20 minutes and take a 10 minute break. Trust me, I was sceptical when told about this, but it really fricken works. But in your 10 minute break do something completly different from the task at hand, like take a walk or something. You don't get bored and you hit the subject with a new motivation every time you start again. Just try it; if it doesn't work, let me know.
Sebastian said:
What I do is work for 20 minutes and take a 10 minute break. Trust me, I was sceptical when told about this, but it really fricken works. But in your 10 minute break do something completly different from the task at hand, like take a walk or something. You don't get bored and you hit the subject with a new motivation every time you start again. Just try it; if it doesn't work, let me know.
I started work at noon, and, at time of posting (1a.m.), I'm still on my 10 minute break.

Get your mind out of the gutter and ****ing work, that is how you concentrate
The same thing happens to me, I can never concentrate, so I just don't study, funny thing is I do alot better in school without studying.

With studying my average mark was 76%, without studying my mark shot up to 89%, so now I just don't study, it's better this way :D
so Unfocused is...unfocused D:

tape your eyes open and tell yourself that you can only close them when you get 10 problems that you are working on done.