How to create a monitor?


Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
As in a proper monitor that displays what a point_camera is facing. Here's what I know so far...

Requires at least 3 entities:
  • point_camera
  • info_link_camera
  • func_monitor

Properties I've set:

Name = camera_test

Entity Whose Material Uses _rt_camera = camera_mat
Camera name = camera_test

Name = camera_mat
Camera name = camera_test

All other properties not listed are at defaults. The func_monitor has the NoDraw texture on all sides except two faces - one with a standard floor texture and one with the "cubemapdemocameraspace" texture... I think this is where I'm going wrong :|
The Help for the info_camera_link entity says I need to use the "_rt_Camera" texture, but I can't find it at all... anyone else have this problem? I suppose I have something set up wrong in Hammers Options (note that I'm trying to map for HL2, NOT CS:S).

If you want screenshots, I'll provide some.

Any ideas then? :(
just made a monitor pretty sweet. its a live cam too. put a alyx model and she was moving on the screen. but does anyone know how to make the camera move like a security camera from say point A to point B back and forth? i think they did it in the game. I'll try experimenting.

also, does anyone know, off hand, if a monitor will show peeps running around while playing MP, and what lag probs if any?

just had a thought on how I could do moving monitors. make the parent a rotating door or sometime of moving brush?

got run out, will test it later.
Yeah, Bossanova, I think that'd work no problem. I'm not sure if it'd create any extra lag for online play. I'm not even sure if they have that great a hit on the framerate. Best have a play around really...
Could anyone think of a way for the monitor to change to a different camera say every x second?

Oh and has anyone tested it to see if it displays players in mp yet?
Osilo said:
Could anyone think of a way for the monitor to change to a different camera say every x second?

Oh and has anyone tested it to see if it displays players in mp yet?
It worked in CS S so I would guess that it works in hl2dm.