How to cure hiccups quickly? PLEASE??

Knife stab in throat is the quickest way.

Also, try drinking a cup of water while upside down.
You have to stick your head up a cow's bum.
I tried choking myself once (serious hiccups people. Serious business) and it made it go away, but it's not healthy so don't do it.

Try going outside and yelling at the top of your lungs. It has helped me on more than one occasion.
Serious replies only, please... these damn things wont go away, if anything they're getting more violent!

The shouting idea sounds good, but ... it's 00:53 and I have a lot of neighbours.
Im am serious. Whenever I had hiccups trying to drink water while bending over made it stop. I think it has something to do with the way your body needs to regulate its breathing in order for you to do it.
I think they've stopped now ... jeez my chest is sore. I haven't had them that violent before! Felt like mike tyson was going all out on my chest.

Cheers guys
I've had those before....then again, every day at the same time I get the hiccups. Sucks ass.
Seriously? damn, I havent gotten hiccups in like 4 years.
Used to have 'em all the time. A relative of mine has a disorder where he hiccups constantly. He can't control it or anything.

But really, screw the neighbors. If they get pissed show them who's boss! It's yo' hood man!
Had them bad the other night in the pub with my missus. Made drinking/eating/kissing awkward

Just held my breath as long as a i could, worked. Think it stopped the diaphragm moving or something o0
I'm deadly serious - it will stop them.
take a really hard crap, you know one of the grunters...

if anything will cure them its that
I get them after eating a meal too fast...

It usually goes away within a few minutes by itself :D
The sound quality is pretty bad so turn up the volume: [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] :P
The sound quality is pretty bad so turn up the volume: [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] :P


Also, bending forward and drinking water works.
I have turned my speakers to the max volume too, and... trust me... that video actually worked... best hiccup cure ever...
I don't think I've ever used that for a hiccup cure...ever.
What I found were the best ways to get rid of them are:
  1. Get scared.
  2. Say the word "watermelon" or some other fruit name. I forgot the word but it only worked once.
  3. When your about to hiccup, try to burp. 100% of the time that method works. ;)
This way has ALWAYS worked for me and my famely and my friends my entire life, always cures it 100% for me:

First, hold your seconds for 10 seconds

Then swallow 3 times, but theres a catch. You can NOT breath between these 2 steps, directly after 10 seconds you have to swallow without breathing. You can not open your mouth or gather saliva to swallow.

Drink atleast 3 full mouths of a liquid (preferly milk). Again, you can NOT breath between any step, everything has to be without any breathing or opening of the mouth (exept putting the glass/bottle to your lips). When you drink, dont drink it normaly, your suppose to SUCK it in, do it with a straw or something. Complete vaccume in your mouth. After all this is done, start breathing.

ALWAYS works for me, if it wont for you, then your DOING IT WRONG! FAIL
I remember as a kid I saw an episode of ER where a patient had hiccups for months and couldn't get rid of it. Then it turned out it was because he had AIDS. I was really frightened everytime I had hiccups after that. really funny now, but back then it wasn't nice.
I remember as a kid I saw an episode of ER where a patient had hiccups for months and couldn't get rid of it. Then it turned out it was because he had AIDS.

Could do the old:

'Hold your breath for 4 hours, youll never have hiccups ever again'...

But no, take in a HUGE breath. Done that? Now take in more air. Hurts right? Do it again. DONT BREATH OUT. Keep sucking in air little by little whilst still holding your breath. When you feel a bubble come up your throat and you do one of those small burps in the back of your throat, your hiccups will be gone.
I used to do the drinking from the opposite side of the glass, but since then I've just controlled my breathing and basically concentrated on not hiccuping. I can drop them whenever I want now.
teaspoon of sugar always always does it for me. Dunno why... maybe its some sort of placebo? but it always works o0
Holding the nose, tilt your head back and take a sip of water.

Works instantly and has NEVER failed me.
We Dutch people have an awesome rhyme that gets it 95% of the time. Win.
DannyC.'s never failing hiccup cure (at least, it's never failed for him):

Get a glass of water. Then get a spoon, prop the mouthpiece against your forehead using the glass, then drink the water with it propped there.

Never failed.
Robbing a bank usually does it for me.

Although I tell my girlfriend, sucking on something always helps.

Although in all honesty, send a small electrical current through your diaphragm. It will work.
*bump* I just hiccupped (only once) and I was reminded of this thread! :)