How to deal with anxiety


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score

(Situation: Year 11 Accelerated IPT Preliminaries tommorrow, and i doubt i can deal with it... or get enough answers to how to deal with the stress right now. Here's hopin'.)
Think positively. Listen to music. Get ready. Trust yourself.
Go into it with confidence. If you get too stressed you might have to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes.
Do lots of drugs. No I kid, but uhh... just try and relax and as these other fellows said, just trust yourself and trust your ability, listen to some relaxing music, and think about the finer things in life, and how theres more important things than preliminaries
Hang with your mates, just have a laugh. No need to get pished though :cheers:
Realize that it doesn't really matter anyways. I find thinking about things on a really big scale makes you kind of laugh at what you consider to be really important. We're just specs on a little bit of rock flying around a star.
In situations like that, i just go in pretending i know exactly what im doing. Because then you remain calm and collected, at least for me anyway.
My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.
outpost said:
Your such an asshole borgasm

Indeed. The poor guy is stressed as hell and you give him bad advices. What a good example of humanism... :|
I have Social Anxiety, what happens with me is, when I'm ready to go somewhere like school, out with my friends, Ect. I get REALLY sick, like, I've had it for about 6 years now, so I'm used to being sick, but even so, what I do (Only listen to me if you feel sick, like your gonna puke) is Acually TRY and puke RIGHT before you go in, right after you puke you feel fine for a few minutes, and when you get there, U'll feel fine, I puke almost every day, I can't beleive I'm not beleemic (How do you spell it?) :D
AntiAnto said:
Indeed. The poor guy is stressed as hell and you give him bad advices. What a good example of humanism... :|
...Didn't anybody get the Animal House reference? That line is a quote from Animal House, quite possibly the funniest movie ever made. I figure if you're stressed out about something, what's better than a good laugh? (of course it does rely on him having seen the movie..)
eat bananas.

ps dog you are disgusting.
Dog-- said:
I have Social Anxiety, what happens with me is, when I'm ready to go somewhere like school, out with my friends, Ect. I get REALLY sick, like, I've had it for about 6 years now, so I'm used to being sick, but even so, what I do (Only listen to me if you feel sick, like your gonna puke) is Acually TRY and puke RIGHT before you go in, right after you puke you feel fine for a few minutes, and when you get there, U'll feel fine, I puke almost every day, I can't beleive I'm not beleemic (How do you spell it?) :D

that isn't exactly healthy... but if it works for you, :D
kisses and love from a girl usually works. Otherwise, listening to music, getting a bit of exercise, just do something positive.
I feel better now, after i've done the test.

Bah, it was just as hard as i imagined. I'm going to go play RA2 for a while.
It's not healthy but it works :D yaaaaaaayyyyy PUUUUKKKKKEEEE!!!
this little post is given
to wish you luck today
And a little angel told me
she will chase your nerves away

So should you feel a flutter
it's your angel taking care
Giving you all her angel strength
letting you know she's there


i love you guys...
Masturbate, the easy, healthy but not always clean way to temorarily get rid of stress.