How to deal with someone stealing food?

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Dec 3, 2010
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I live in the university dormitory. In the beginning of term I left a cake in the fridge and the next day I discovered it had been stolen. Recently, the thieving has intensified. Only last week someone stole my food three times. Some other students have had it even worse. Pizza, fruits, desserts, yoghurt and eggs have vanished from our fridge. What’s more, a cettle and a frying pan have also been stolen from the kitchen. Some senior students said it was the same thing a year ago, and they had no idea whether it was someone from the school or an outsider. This gets everyone annoyed to the max and the atmosphere between students is tense. Can anyone suggest anything that could be done?
There's nothing we can really offer advice wise that wouldn't come off as common sense. Why did you sign up to this forum in particular to ask this question, anyway?
Get together and talk about it. You need to try and identify whether it's one of you or someone from outside, because if it's the former you're going to have to work something out and if it's the latter then the university needs to be notified. If you put a combination lock on the fridge and selectively share the code, then it will, at the very least, narrow down the range of subjects.

Also: welcome to the forum!
Just gather up a posse of shillelagh wielding hooligans and start beating people. Doesn't matter who, just once they're bloody and rolling in pain make the announcement that anybody caught stealing food will answer to you.

Basically just start an Irish mob and become the boss of the entire dorm via fear. Depending on how far you want to take it, you could even extort food/cooking equipment from people for protection.

At least, thats what I would do.
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