How to film a D-Day invasion scene in 4 days with 4 people

Holy crap. I have always dreamed of doing something like that.
That was amazing.. I wish i was able to do that, but sadly my education was scrapped before we got to green screen production :(
Compositing was hard for me. I tried to composite a cg car into live footage, and it looked awful. Props to compositors.
I can do that in Adobe AfterEffects ... obviously not to those standards - That's awesome!
Didn't realise it only involved 3 guys.

I actually watched the documentary when it was on T.V, wasn't too fond of the cgi or Richard Hammond, wtf are you doing on Timewatch? The series has gone downhill imo. Also historical accuracy alert? German soldiers in the bunker using Garands? GOOD ONE!
The only CGI here is the boats in the water. The beach props are photos, and the soldiers / scenery are real.

What have you got against the boats?

Also, Richard Hammond is grand.
I actually had this D-Day documentry with Hammond recorded from quite recently but forgot to watch it, then it got recorded over. Curses!

Awesome stuff, though. Really. Wow.
this is cool as hell, it makes me want to do that
the rotoscoping and tracking was ace, i dont think they even had any tracking markers on the beach :S .
Yeah, thats what i was saying to my roomate. Its cool as hell, but I dont envy the roto work.
I doubt they used tracking. Probably they just had a wider angle shot that they cropped to give shaky camera effect.