How to get a girlfriend

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Jangle said:
the biggest mistake people make is wearing their official half-life 2 gold package hat in public. This will not get you a girlfreind.

I've actually been complimented on my collector's edition HL2 tee by a nice girl in my uni class :cool:

But I'm actually more of a lone wolf and likewise have never had a proper girlfriend, nor would I be able to entertain one sufficiently if I did (NOTE: for "lone wolf" read "lonely misanthropic social reject")

short recoil said:
I'm not the type of guy that will go to a club just for a shag.

Same here. For one thing, I can't stand clubs, and secondly I can't stand the type of girl I'd end up picking up there. It's far more of a turn on for me to be genuinely impressed with a girl's intelligence or sense of humour. Even in that case it's not like I'd start making advances. Let what happens happen and who cares care.
Girlfriends... it sounds so temporary, does it not?

My friend, in the game of love, just wait it out. Of course, don't just wait in your room at your computer, the key to the game is to socialize and meet new people. And don't hide behind some false identity, you will find someone you like if you just are yourself. Being charming, sweet, etc. is nice, but it all comes down to who you are.

It's usually something that just happens, and ironically if you go looking, you probably won't find it. Or at least a meaningful and long-lasting relationship.

I don't know, just my $0.02.
eBay will work. She might not talk English though. Minor bump in the road.
Ikerous said:
Plus church chicks are whorey.
Prove that you're not joking, and I will become the world's greatest half-assed devout Christian teenager.

Oh, and speaking of the problem in question, I must admit I've got a bit of a crush on a girl a grade below me (grade 11, I'm in grade 12). Basically, I have only a vague idea of how to approach her, and no clue how I'd go about separating her from her friends for a few minutes. Also, I seem to lose my cool as soon as I see her. She was on her own a few times in the halls, but all I could do was keep on walking... Curse my nerves.

halflifeguy: Wow, that sucks. Feeling alright?

Well, I met my girlfriend through... friends? I dunno, I kinda talked to her a bit over AIM after I socialised with friends and her for a while outside of the net. After about 5 months, after a non-serious relationship with this other girl fell apart, I kinda realised that yeah, I loved her to bits. I told made her a cute picture with a panda cub and the rest is history :D

My advice: socialise with your most pimptacular friend more often.
Im to lazy to have a gf..i only have one night stands. Im an asshole :)
Well i'll never have a girlfriend in my life, well they can be a "friend" as such but not a sexual partner/mate like in the normal sense of pairing up, for i have vowed to never have sex.

<all the guys jaws on the forum suddenly drop>

well yeah, it's my choice.
short recoil said:
......why not?
I can understand this if you don't masturbate.
However, if I ever catch you admitting to ever having pleasured yourself, I will hunt you down and throw your face in between a woman's legs and make you do her.

Edit - I had to add this (SFW):

short recoil said:
I wouldn't ever "hunt" for a girlfriend like some people do, i would only like to spend my time with someone if i really liked them.

I'm not the type of guy that will go to a club just for a shag.

What is important is to remain social if you do want to meet someone, you oviously will not get a girlfriend while sitting at the computer (well you can i guess but meh, internet dating is wierd)

haha, i did!!
we have a site where all the local youth meets on the net (very popular), there you can post your picture or albums, where you live,... thats where i've met my current girlfriend which i'm maddly in love with. we have been together for 6 months now... ;)
I've never had a girlfriend, but, hey, I am only 14 years young! I still have years to live! :D
short recoil said:
for i have vowed to never have sex.
Sex is overdone in the media, yes. But giving it up completely is just plain stupid. Sex is not just "OH YES **** ME HARD BITCH!". It's more than that. It carries on the family name, and it carries on the human race. Here's a hypothetical question. If you and some girl were the only people in the world, and the only way to carry on the race was by having sex, would you do it? I would in a heartbeat. :)
spike ur hair with individual spikes. takes about 2 hours. but when you do. oh god you just wait, the girls went insane for me. well not insane but they couldn't stop looking at me. lol. i was happy.
Darkknighttt said:
spike ur hair with individual spikes. takes about 2 hours. but when you do. oh god you just wait, the girls went insane for me. well not insane but they couldn't stop looking at me. lol. i was happy.

Yeah.....That doesn't work for everyone, infact, you mostly look stupid when you do that.
Jangle said:
the biggest mistake people make is wearing their official half-life 2 gold package hat in public. This will not get you a girlfreind.
haha :LOL: that made me giggle.

Anyway, people have said it all really... just be yourself, drink if it helps and go to social events, and get chatting. Im not a clubber, so i've found it hard meeting people but eventually it'll happen. Some things you can be so worried about, fear of rejection and all that, but be a man, put your balls on the line and take what comes, because the acceptance is 1000x better than the rejection.

Be confident in who you are, what you're about and you'll find your soulmate. Im waiting to find her too :)

Darkknighttt said:
spike ur hair with individual spikes. takes about 2 hours. but when you do. oh god you just wait, the girls went insane for me. well not insane but they couldn't stop looking at me. lol. i was happy.

^^^^^^^^^^ and dont be like this guy, so so vain its embarrasing! :x
My tips are just talk to girls even if you think you're ugly/dumb/annoying or whatever. If you're a nice guy they'll like you.

Speaking of girls, I just got talking to a girl today when we both turned up at the wrong room for the same class. Eventually we found the right room. After the lesson it was one of those weird moments where you're not sure if you should wait for them so they can walk with you since you don't really know them, but we ended up walking to the bus stop somehow. It's like when you meet a friend in a new class, you kind of cling to them, it was weird.


PS. The quickest way to get a girl is by looking like this:, the insane sexiness makes girls weak at the knees.
Darkknighttt said:
spike ur hair with individual spikes. takes about 2 hours. but when you do. oh god you just wait, the girls went insane for me. well not insane but they couldn't stop looking at me. lol. i was happy.

People can't stop looking at freaks and car accidents either :hmph:
eh!!!!!!! im not a goth or anything!!! my hair isnt that long either, not like those gay people with 1 meter spikes, it was way shorter. im just saying, it looks good!
girls your age are stupid garfield, wait around, play games, learn some action sports (a bit late but still), i'm telling you ****ing is great but i'm far from convinced that they are worth the trouble.
I met my girlfriend in class. We were both overqualified for the class so we just didn't pay attention and passed notes to each other in class. I still have them.
Hehe, most of the girls in my age are stupid but not all, there are some great ones :D
Wow, now you really should be sorting yourself out before you even begin to start looking. If you are ever in the stage when your really upset about not having a girlfriend, it will make things worse so just hang around with your mates, have lots of fun then well maybe when that attitude is dropped you can start looking for a girlfriend (assuming you still want one by then).

You shouldn't be thinking "I need a girlfriend" you should be thinking "Perhaps it would be fun to have a girlfriend" and NEVER think : Girlfriend> mates. Just a personal opinion. Even if you get a girlfriend you will be so overjoyed or whatever you will lose her quick, ive seen it happen to a mate and it just makes things a lot wore.
Yeah, but sometimes the relationship can last till you are old :)
i've got a buddy and he meet his gf when he was about 13 and still today he is with the same girl. I think he is about 30 or something now
Garfield_ said:
So what i should do is go out with my friends, try to have girls included. If it was a party i should be myself, enjoy the party and talk to some girls.

EDIT: damn dubble post :/

yer that'd be your first step...
Personally I would'nt want to be your girlfriend, you sound like a stalker "I muuuuust have a girlfriend!"

No one is going to be interested in you as your going around looking at every girl thinking "Hm, can she be my girlfriend". People who think like that are never going to get one.

Question - Why do you want a girlfriend?

If the girl likes you for who you are, you dont need any "Tricks" if such things exist ?? ;/
Ritz said:
Personally I would'nt want to be your girlfriend, you sound like a stalker "I muuuuust have a girlfriend!"

No one is going to be interested in you as your going around looking at every girl thinking "Hm, can she be my girlfriend". People who think like that are never going to get one.

Question - Why do you want a girlfriend?

I agree Ritz, if I was the girl, I'd be scurred.

Shhhhh he must do that!

He wants a girlfriend because, A.) He wants some action B.) He wants some action and C.) He wants some action

Its quite clear ;)
In that case, he does'nt want a girlfriend, he wants a whore. I hear you can get them at any good high street corner. :/
I doubt it, dark elf cant handle me. The weakling.
Ritz said:
I doubt it, dark elf cant handle me. The weakling.
hehe oh please ;), the demons I've dated in the past, your a cute lil puddy tat who just wants her belly rubbed compared to them ;)
aww its ok, don't feel bad :) Your fun nasty, not nasty nasty. You should be glad :p
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