How to play the Pyro


Oct 16, 2007
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EvilDaedalus has made another class tutorial as a followup to his ever-so-popular Spy piece. (Found here) Stunning and hugely imformative, as always. I look forward to his tutorials for all of the other classes.

I was actually on the blue team in the Dustbowl match featured at 2:42 and in the "WTF" clip at the end. It's ironic and hilarious that during the match, I remember thinking how annoying that teams' pyros were. Little did I know, my ass-kicking was going to be featured in a tutorial just a day later. :LOL:
Very cool, but that link doesn't work and I really want to see the video. Can you post it like you did the pyro one? Whats a clown boat?
Very cool, but that link doesn't work and I really want to see the video. Can you post it like you did the pyro one?

Sure, no problem.

Delusional said:
Now I know why I suck at Pyro, i never retreat...

I know, same here. I set someone on fire and I think, "OK, if I can just keep my flame on him for a few more seconds, I can kill him before he reaches a health...". That's when I always die.
I've actually done that bit where you run up onto the roof in Dustbowl and stab wildly at the enemy team. Got 3 backstabs there. :D
I find the Pyro's flamethrower range to be a bit iffy. I don't know how many times I've watched soldiers and demomen dance right through my flames, even while I'm crit-ing, and not catch fire. So much so that I touch them with the nozzle of my gun. Other times, I'll think, "There's no way in hell I'll reach him from here." Yet I do.

I know how insanely hard it would be to code it realistically so that opponents burn as soon as any part of the dancing flame touches them, but it makes judging distances hard.
The pyro is so much fun to play. But I don't play him as much as I would like since other usually chose pyro before I do and in the end I want to help make the best team configuration.
How to play the Spyro
I'll play when I gather my parts, then I'll see if this is effective or not :D
Another cracking video from Deadelus, **boots up TF2**. I wanna play pyro now lol!

I think the main thing is to not treat the pyro as a disposable class, see the amound of criticals he gets due to running away and staying alive.
Great vid, I love playing the pyro, I seem to rely too much on my shotgun though, and I have the niggling feeling that as people start settling into their "mad skillz" it won't be so easy to run up and blow the faces out of enemies.

I'll have to use my flamer more, and remember the mantra "run in - flame - run out" rinse and repeat until cooked.
Man, I just had some amazing rounds as Pyro yesterday after seeing this. I really hadn't considered how effective just leaving people to burn can be. :D
Man, I just had some amazing rounds as Pyro yesterday after seeing this. I really hadn't considered how effective just leaving people to burn can be. :D
I completely agree. I set people on fire then chase them around to kill them instantly, based on the fact the more damage you do the closer you are. Leaving someone to burn then coming back for the scraps seems so much more effective from watching that video. NEW TICTACS!
Yeah I played on 3 servers last night and there were definatly more pyro players than usual on each team. Suddenly the pyro is getting more popular.
I hope he makes a demoman video. I want to learn how to play my favourite black scottish cyclops more effectively.
They're fantastic. There's nothing like the thrill of getting 4 kills at once because people don't look up and notice your bombs on the ceiling. :D
They surely do, but theres absolutely no way to dodge them when they're ontop of the spawn point exit :rolleyes:

Cheap class tbh, but thats just my opinion. Don't start a debate :hmph:
I have read several times the demoman is the most powerful class if you know how to use him well.

And I can say for the times I have played him... I suck at being teh demoman.
I have read several times the demoman is the most powerful class if you know how to use him well.

And I can say for the times I have played him... I suck at being teh demoman.

Arguably the best. Sticky nades can be a right bitch if used properly but even so that can be shot away or bypassed by other means. However I tend to find a Soldier + Medic Beats a medic + anything else in pretty much every scenario.
Just took this guys advice on dustbowl, defense, and got a 17 kill streak. Hell, I think I got their entire team with a single run.

Great advice, this guy.
If youve not seen the one about on the Spy you should difinatly watch it, really helped me :)
Imo this vid is better than the Spy vid.

From watching this you'll notice he always tends to keep the enemies at the tail-end of his flame and just let the flames lick them, while keeping himself at distance. This is probably because when you're being flamed you spin round and shoot wildly in the direction of the flames, and if the Pyro is closer up he presents a bigger target and will take more damage.