how to player start.


Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
how the hell do you add a player start in the hammer editor???
click the entity icon on the left (if you dojn't know hover your mouse over each one)

then on the right side, under entities click "info_player_start" in the drop down pip screen.

now move your mouse over the x/y y/z or x/z graph views where you want the entity. place it by lft mouse click, then hit return when you have it where u want it.
err ok ill try when im done updating, but in the entity list i never saw info player start. is that all i need to just start up a flat mapp and spawn some monsters to record them fighting? or do ihave to compile and shit...??
Ryjalon5k said:
err ok ill try when im done updating, but in the entity list i never saw info player start. is that all i need to just start up a flat mapp and spawn some monsters to record them fighting? or do ihave to compile and shit...??

its there. if you have problems clicking the entity button hit "shift+E" which will bring up the entity task icon on your mouse (a hammer with a plus sign) in 2D view. then look to the right toolbars. it says "Catagory:" and under it "Entities"

if you can't find that look for "create prefab" and above it it has a drop down menu box and above that it says "object" in the drop down menu box search for "info_player_start".

yes thats all you need.


ummm you'll need a lot more to do than just add some npc and "compile and shit"
Load up the example maps that came with the sdk, should point you in the right direction with what entities you need and stuff.
Ryjalon5k said:
err ok ill try when im done updating, but in the entity list i never saw info player start. is that all i need to just start up a flat mapp and spawn some monsters to record them fighting? or do ihave to compile and shit...??
By the sounds of it you need to just go and forget everything you have planned and start with the very basics before you even consider attempting stuff like that. You'll be glad you did in the long run.