How to "RE"Activate Windows XP PRO?


May 19, 2003
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Yes, I'm getting ready to reformat my computer pretty soon, and i hear you have to activate windows with your cd key. Well, it's been activated before and supposivly i have to REactivate it. I've called microsoft and the automated machine told me to type in that 20 digit code with the different groups. I did, and on the second group she denied me....yep she shut me out :( Anyways, that code is supposivly in the My Computer>Properties. So what in the world do i do now? Once i reformat i have 30 days to register or windows xp stops there an option once i reformat to "Reactivate" maybe? Hope some of you wizzes can help me out :)

3 weeks till HL2 woo!
When I re-installed my new mobo w/fresh xp install, I just ran the cd and it prompted me to click a buttom to re-activate windows. Was as simple as that. I clicked the button and life is good again.
Yeah, just reinstall it and follow the instructions. I've reformated this computer I'm using now a good 5 times with Windows XP.

Worst case scenario is that you must call Microsoft. I've heard they are quite friendly over the phone.
Okay cool, ill just see if i can easily reactivate it after reformatting. I know when you reformat it makes a huge difference, but will it be much of a difference when playing HL2/CS:S? That is the main reason I'm doing this.
depends on how much your original windows install was cluttered, but more than likely you'll gain some FPS.
I'm on XP Home, and recently I had to reformat. I don't remember anything about re-activating Windows...only a Pro thing?
blahblahblah said:
YI've heard they are quite friendly over the phone.
You've only heard?

I've had to call em up about 5 times...
They ask for the key and then they ask how many computers this Key has been installed on. "Just this one, ma'am." :naughty:
No really. :angel:

Guess I've reinstalled too many times.
^^ Well, it was an automative machine asking the the digits and supposivly they were wrong, i tried the key in my system properties and in My Computer>Properties. I might be screwed once i reformat.
Unless you've installed about 3 or more times, you should be fine with the internet activation. If not - talk slowly to the microsoft computer you've had issues with. Working as a tech - annunciation was key with that stupid computer.

If all else fails, there are ways around that hurdle. It's not completely legit and I won't get into it here. Best of luck with the Microsoft reps...I always told them that I installed a new mobo.