How to spawn a armed airboat?


Jun 16, 2004
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Does anybody know what the command would be to spawn a ARMED air boat? I'm looking to play that coast level with a airboat instead of the buggy :-P

I know impulse 83 gives one but without the hunter gun :(
Nope. :D But I need to learn how to spawn combines. :(
npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1; wait; npc_create npc_combine

You can use other weapons too..
Sweet! Thanks. :) Also, how do you spawn citizens with guns and how do you make them fight? Thanks for your help! :)
uhhhh so we've establish nobody knows how to spawn a armed airboat but it turns into spawn combines.... :)
Yeah, about that, I tryed to spawn one and my game just crashed..:( Do I have to make my own map to do this? If so, how do I make one? Thanks!
You probably have to go to the map where the vortigaunt repairs the gun, and then load another map and try spawning it again. I bet its like the phys cannon where the thing that makes it into the 'super' version is a map-specific attribute, and once you've enabled it in the game it'll carry over all of the levels.