How to spot a warez version player

JBrown03 said:
You should do. The more people who would have paid for the game and pirate it, the less money games developers will make. This ultimately has a negative impact in the quality of any product that will be financed in the future, and could push up the price a game costs. I for one like living in a market economy... maybe you should look it up.

It's no scam... it's called business. If you don’t want to pay the price then it's your option not to pay it. Again, this is what a market economy is all about. Remember, you do not own CS, only the copy of the software you bought. Valve are under no obligation to fulfill your wanting for it, morally or in law.

I very rarely get a good laugh, thanks for your post. Next time I am looking for some advice on morality, business and how the law doesn't apply to people who don't like spending money... I know who to go to.

all of this doesnt change the fact that i dont care. ahhah, oh no i broke a law, ive been breaking laws my whole life who cares. like i said i have the silver package anyway so im not breaking any laws here, its just retarded to get your panties tied up over someone else playing the game for free.
i think most people are just disappointed that they could have got it for free and are suffering buyers remorse.
without piracy i never would have got into gaming in the first place, i had hundreds of games on 5'1/4" floppies, i had no money to buy any i was about 4 years old.
Wesisapie said:
i think most people are just disappointed that they could have got it for free and are suffering buyers remorse.

The truth hurts ;(
chriso20 said:
LOL the guy who sprayed this matched the description, i never knew and im amazed he dint change his name.

(I hate ppl who skank gabe like this, i mean without him we'd be playing pong or something)

No you mean without John Carmack we'd be playing Pong. Hell without Carmack we wouldn't have HL1,CS,DOD,HL2 etc...
the warez version shouldnt work anymore when theres an update for css, right?!
Standard nick : S3RIOUS

ive played with him many times, once valve uses Vac2 and logs peoplle , then they will be banned.
valve wont do anything

i doubt valve will do anything, and as for updates, when updates come out the crack sites come out with updates lol, it only takes like 5-6 hours for them to do it.
cschaef13 said:
i doubt valve will do anything, and as for updates, when updates come out the crack sites come out with updates lol, it only takes like 5-6 hours for them to do it.
yeah but each time VAC2 catches them I assume their account would be banned.

perhaps in time it may be taken more seriously, and they may track em down ... or something