How to stop dr.breen from teleporting?


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
how to stop breen from reaching the teleport?

I was to involved with chuckign combine down the citadel to notice any tips or hints in the dialogue to stop him.

srry for exidentally posting this topic in the hl2 general forum. It was not my intention to ruin the future experience of any player. so I apologize
Grab those glowing balls in the generators, and throw them at the teleporter. Oh, make sure you get to the top of the chamber first. :)
Yep - go all the way to the top (ride up multiple large moving pilars). Once you're at the top (great view), it'll take about 10 or 20 of the balls to destroy him. Just shoot into his white orb that has rotating guards around it... Then for a great ending.. god I wonder whats in store for Hl3
With an ending like that Valve had better not be wasting time on anything that isn't Half Life 3.

If they wanted a holiday, they should have ended it differently!