How to stop terrorism by airplanes.

Every airline should be fitted with mini nukes. By detonating mini nukes on a "terrorist airline" you will atomize the craft.

Terrorist Airline = 0
humanity = +1
Seriously brainwashed-numbers-boy, where do you think up this shit?

Um...... that little pointy metal thing on that rooftop?

Lol @ SimonomiS. If bush was in one of those, Iran, Iraq, Syria, ect. would be 'free'.
You know, if it went like this, it might work.

#1. Radio Warning

#2. Fire Visible Warning shots

#3. Hit aircraft with a few warning rounds

#4. Destroy unresponsive aircraft with live fire.

Skip #2, #3 when its a military plane or going at extremely low altitudes.
Washington DC has this, except it has constant patrol by fighter aircraft so they take the lead in shooting down planes rather than AA. But there also is AA stationed if it's needed.