How to Survive a Long Fall

While it has been shown to be possible to survive great falls like that , most of that article will still get you mashed to a pulp. Hitting water from a high altitude would be like hitting concrete. Many people have died from hitting water in the past.
just remember, hands first...even if it's not water
Break hands or break ribs? Tough choice.

anyone else remember thinking as a child that if you were on a random falling object you could live by simply jumping really hard before hitting the ground?

I'm glad I was never in that situation at an early age.


this guy had to be opened up just so his organs had room to swell...unbelievable.
She would take his hand and hold it to her skin. Then, one day, he reached out and touched one of the nurses.

All I know is, I'm going as fast as possible in a pencil position, fist first into the ground. **** yeah!
All I know is, I'm going as fast as possible in a pencil position, fist first into the ground. **** yeah!
Then when the smoke clears, it'd be just you standing in a crater the size of a house, making devil horns with your bloody knuckles?
Roll damn it, Roll!!
I turn noclip back on.

That's how I got up so high in the first place, probably.
People very seldom survive falls from heights of 100 feet (30 m) or more, and mortality is high even at heights of 20-30 feet (6-9 m). It is always best not to fall at all.
Best piece of advice in that entire article.
Dear Abby right ****ing there.

this guy had to be opened up just so his organs had room to swell...unbelievable.


The death rate from even a three-story fall is about 50 percent, Barie said. People who fall more than 10 stories almost never survive.

"Forty-seven floors is virtually beyond belief," Pardes said.

Science may never be able to explain what protected Moreno when the platform he and his brother were using atop an Upper East Side apartment tower broke free and fell to the ground.

He has movement in all his limbs. He is breathing on his own. And on Christmas Day, he opened his mouth and spoke for the first time since the accident.

That's completely amazing.
Science may never be able to explain what protected Moreno when the platform he and his brother were using atop an Upper East Side apartment tower broke free and fell to the ground.

Make sure you do not roll after you've 'bounced' off the ground once you've landed.

This made me D:

You should also contract your buttocks so that water does not rush in and cause severe internal damage.

Also this.
Or take the Douglas Adam's idea and forget how to fall...
And miss the ground.

Seriously, nobody got that? : |