How to track your gold copy!

Mine's about an hour and a half drive away from my house (I'm in Canada)... how exciting. I might get it today.
T.H.C.138 said:
ordered mine 10 minutes into the madness and nothing is listed for my area..

Me too...Valve must not like California.
Eternal_Oz said:
this is becasue perhaps ive had mine orderd since the start of ordering and henceforth mine was at the front of the queue?

I ordered mine about 10 minutes after it was available on Steam :(
lol they must hate arkansas too...

Not found
No information for the following shipments has been received by our system yet. Please try again later or contactCustomer Service.

gots to get mine!

Didn't work for me.

On another note.
FedEx > UPS.

I ordered Halo2 through with one day shipping. I should be playing Halo2 right now, but UPS screwed my order up and so now, I won't be receiving it 'til late tomorrow.


I always get my stuff late with UPS, FedEx is on time, everytime.

I have one day shipping with HL2, UPS better not screw that up too.

I did call EBGames though, they refunded my ten dollars shipping. So that was nice of 'em.
works fine for me, im in the UK tho..

Estimated delivery
Nov 10, 2004 8:00 PM
I bet some of us can't find their 'cause they're not sent out yet. Only those who ordered the first day has gotten their stuff shipped according to Cliffe. What about today's shipment?
Estimated delivery: Nov 9, 2004 5:00 PM

Looks like I could be getting it tonight. It weighs 4.0 lbs. Hoorah.
Alec_85 said:
I bet some of us can't find their 'cause they're not sent out yet. Only those who ordered the first day has gotten their stuff shipped according to Cliffe. What about today's shipment?

I ordered on day one and apparently it didn't ship yet

Remember there might be other reasons for why Fedex doesn't have your listings:

Either different curriers(Could be plausible since you are in the US)
Or too many hits(Like 10 or something ordering from the same area)

I wish Cliffe would confirm though.
Hey I ordered mine on the first day, but mine hasn't been sent out yet either.
The reason it won't list some peoples (Read the message it gives you) is because it will only give UNIQUE delivery info, thus if more than one person in the same area ordered on the same day, it can't give info. Now all i have to do is find these people, and pay them a "visit", hehe.
Bought Gold package 5 minutes after availability and
Not found
No information for the following shipments has been received by our system yet. Please try again later or contactCustomer Service.
Argh. I'm guessing they don't like New York either?

yipee mine is at STANSTED and will be here tomorrow 8pm :cheers:
hi all..
just had to join when I saw these threads..

apparently they don't like some Danes as well
On the page it pretty explicitly states

"Only unique matches will be displayed when searching without an account number"

Otherwise someone could type in some common shippers info ( for example) and know exactly which porches to rip off.

I called them, and with my address and the info that it was valve software shipping to my address on the 8th of november, they told me that it was scheduled for delivery 'tomorrow'. They cannot give the recipient a tracking number, only the shipper can get (and give) that information.

I live in Portland, Oregon, USA, less than half a state away from valve, so I would imagine most of the US will be waiting a day or two, international of course, will take longer.

For the US:

Dial 1.800.463.3339 and press 0 for an operator

1.800.247.4747 and probably the same phone menu

Estimated delivery Nov 15, 2004 5:00 PM

To Western Australia.

If thats EST its roughly 25 hours before HL2s global release..though im such a delivery noob I have no idea what to make of the last comment in the tracking info (dated the 8th): Package data transmitted to FedEx; package not in FedEx possession
It's in Stansted.
12:00pm tomorrow. Wooooo!

I love living just off a fairly major train route sometimes.
deltron zero said:
I ordered on day one and apparently it didn't ship yet

Strange. Anyone know if the FedEx delivery time is local or not? I've never seen FedEx in Sweden though. So maybe the local post offices screwes things up :) Mine shouldn't ship for a couple of days if they only send those who ordered that day. 2-3 days from now for me if so.
Well since almost everyone else is getting their stuff about now, i'm going to assume that my stuff will be here shortly aswell. (Mesa Az here. Didnt show up on the page and im too skurred to call them)
wow, well nothing showed up for me on website so i tried callling and they still did not find anything shipping to my address. im in chicago and i ordered gold package seconds after it became available. ;(
it seems like everyone cept the uk is getting listed
can't get it to work for me Argentina they might be asking where the f*ck is that country?heh goddam third-world country
mine worked but the tracking looks a little messed up...

my package is coming to edmonton, and for some reason this is what is shown on the tracking page...

memphis, TN? wtf?
w0w i didnt expect it to arrive so soon, it say s nov. 11 at 8pm so i should get it on friday
I ordered my gold package on day one, but Fedex says there's nothing coming to my town. I'm sad. ;_;
I just called up FedEx and talked to a rep, gave the rep my info, and was told it was FedEx ground, shipped yesterday and expected to be here on the 13th. Just for reference, Im located on the Florida Panhandle.