How to **** with people in TF2

Is this fun?
Maybe it's my lag of humor that i think this is bullshit.

main blame goes to valve for not fixing those bugs.

blocking doors? building exits in blocked areas? walking underground?
come on!

Nothing much you can do against such idiots using tactics against their own team except leaving the server.

It's the fact that it's hilarious watching people get pissed off. I would lol too if I did it, but some people just don't have senses of humour.
"This is my chair, this is my chair..."
"F*cking ******! Get down!"

HAHAHA, classic. XD
If it helps people sleep better at night, these guys are actually providing an indirect service for Valve. I'm sure as soon as these guys release a new video, at least 30,000 different people e-mail it to Gabe Newell. Think of it as post-release bug testing. The fact that they do it to piss people off is even more incentive for Valve to patch these issues.
adding to what i wrote before i though the defending team in the video with the gravelpit exploit seemed to be quite stupid and uncoordinated.
if they would have gone uber combos leaving spawn , or better spy (cloaked) ,everything would have looked a bit different.
if they would have gone uber combos leaving spawn , or better spy (cloaked) ,everything would have looked a bit different.

The same thing happened to me, after a while when everyone figured it out everyone went spy. Not so stupid now huh!
that was hilarious. i especially liked the last part of the second video where people are freakin' out about the teleporters outside their spawn point. "are you trying to get us to lose?" haha

Step 1: Run directly towards the center of the offending player.

Step 2: Jump repeatedly.

I discovered this and the griefer started calling me an asshole. I lol'd with Social Bacon and AcePilot. Good times :D
Thank you - this will come in handy if it comes up.
Gay PORN! :D Last time I make TF2 trivia by myself. Much fun no ban :p
Lol, the reactions were hilarious. Love the english guy about half way through the first vid going off on one about ''why do you ****ing americans do this shit!?'' lol.
Be a Spy on 2fort, and continously kill the same snipers and engineers, it really pisses them off :D
Be a Spy on 2fort, and continously kill the same snipers and engineers, it really pisses them off :D

I love doing that. there was this Sniper i kept stabbing then running around the corner, this being an instant respawn server he was back quickly, i got him over 20 times in a row before he quit not before yelling alot of abuse down his mic he was practically crying.