How warm is Schroedinger's cat?


Nov 16, 2005
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CGW: Hot or cold: Breen's mind now occupies the Combine Advisor we see early in episode one.

Marc Laidlaw: How warm is Schroedinger's cat? [Editor's note: Google it. We did.]

So, how warm is Schroedinger's cat?
I don't feel like reading. Just give me the answer.
To sum it up, it is unknown or perhaps more accurately, is both alive and dead at the same time, due to the nature of his condition being unknown.
This confuses me but I'm sure scalar waves are involved.
This confuses me but I'm sure scalar waves are involved.

Everything involves scalar waves on this forum, it is the most logical thing to explain most mysteries. ;)

Breen is alive, but he is not an advisor, he is something much more terrifying. He has become an apparition, similar to Gman
Actually, Breen decided that City 17 and the citadel was a bit of a drag, and he's joined a marauding band of beatniks to perform interprative dance with vortigaunts.

It's true, Laidlaw told me. In my sleep.

somewhere in google said:
My theory is you're only cool as long as you never think about it. Once you start thinking whether or not you're cool, you become part of that 80% who are status-hungry assholes. I want to set up some sort of Schroedinger's Cat type experiment where I put a cat in a box. I don't know all the details, and I guess the cat would have to be cool or uncool, or both until observed. Then we can prove that a cat is cool until observed and made aware of its coolness. The trick here would be finding a cat that you could teach to think it's cool. Okay, so maybe that's not exactly like Schroedinger, but it would still be really fun to stick a cat in a box.
Yay QMech!!

The temperature of Schrodinger's cat is 37 degrees celcius. Prove me wrong and you get one internetz free.
Quantum mechanics hurts me brain lots :(

Think of this: Quantum computers give out all the possible solutions to the given question simultaneously (for example a two quantum bit computer may spit out the following to question "Is this question real?". The answers are 0 for not, 1 for yes and maybe) and sometimes quantum computers answer the question before its being even asked. What's the most fun part though is that performance-wise you get the fastest response when technically the computer is turned off.
The thing about Schroedinger's cat is if they don't feed it they'll end up with 2 different types of dead cat instead.
Think of this: Quantum computers give out all the possible solutions to the given question simultaneously (for example a two quantum bit computer may spit out the following to question "Is this question real?". The answers are 0 for not, 1 for yes and maybe) and sometimes quantum computers answer the question before its being even asked. What's the most fun part though is that performance-wise you get the fastest response when technically the computer is turned off.

Is that supposed to hurt his brain more?!
isn't it just a way of saying you could be right you could be wrong - 50:50 chance
Schrödinger's Cat: If the nucleus in the bottom left decays, the geiger counter on its right will sense it and trigger the release of the gas. In one hour, there is a 50% chance that the nucleus will decay, and therefore that the gas will be released and kill the cat.
If we burned a cat alive and hosted the video online with Doom music, would that answer this question? j/k poor NEDM cat...:(
I'd laugh my ass off if ep2, and most of 3 were all dire and serious, then at the very end of the hl triliogy, breens head turned into happy cat, and NEDM started playing.
Alyx- Gordon, youve saved the world from the combine!
Barney- and freed the vortigaunts, twice!
Kliener- and found lamarr!
All- Don't you have anything to say?

Gordon- *head turns into Happy Cat* NEDM! *que techno music*
Alyx- Gordon, youve saved the world from the combine!
Barney- and freed the vortigaunts, twice!
Kliener- and found lamarr!
All- Don't you have anything to say?

Gordon- *head turns into Happy Cat* NEDM! *que techno music*

Classic. :rolleyes:
Yay QMech!!

The temperature of Schrodinger's cat is 37 degrees celcius. Prove me wrong and you get one internetz free.

Cats have bodytemperatures of 38,5°C ;) Did I win something?

About the shrodinger-paradox...We don't know if the cat is dead or alive, warm or cold...Because it's in a box (A black box). Quantum-mechanics is all about the possibilities a system has...It is al at once and chooses one when 'perceived'
-Heavy stuff, I know- Like someone said before me we'll have to open the box to know >>> release of Ep2, Ep3???

Greetzzz ;)
Well quantum physics looks interesting to learn, but i know nothing about it, so i have not a clue what you lot are on about, and i aint even gonna try and understand it lol.

What gets me is that Gordon wrote an award winning thesus on the aspect of fusion in teleportation, using quantum physics to help. That guy is one heck an inteligent killing machine =D

50:50 chance of Breen's survival. My personal opinion? Dead. Certainty in my own theory: 20%.
Imo in the case of schroedinger's cat, The uncertainty principal is flawed. It completely ignores the conciousness/karma of the cat.

The cat would know if it's still alive, so the wave function is merely limited to the concept of the human being the determinate factor in the fate of the cat. Again it's all relative.
Think of this: Quantum computers give out all the possible solutions to the given question simultaneously (for example a two quantum bit computer may spit out the following to question "Is this question real?". The answers are 0 for not, 1 for yes and maybe) and sometimes quantum computers answer the question before its being even asked. What's the most fun part though is that performance-wise you get the fastest response when technically the computer is turned off.

I am fairly sure, that any real quantum physicist would laugh his ass off to that explanation. Unless I am terribly mistaken, that is just a bunch of silly pseudoscience that always seems to concencrate around the quantum theory.

Imo in the case of schroedinger's cat, The uncertainty principal is flawed. It completely ignores the conciousness/karma of the cat.

The cat would know if it's still alive, so the wave function is merely limited to the concept of the human being the determinate factor in the fate of the cat. Again it's all relative.

I wonder just how are you relating the concepts of consiousness and karma together and just how you imagine that "karma" is a scientific concept, at all. Not only Schrödinger's Cat is only a taught-game designed to show that either there is something flawed in the quantum mechanics or that there are sides in reality that we don't still know or understand. The latter is more popular choice among the scientists, or was when I last checked. The cat's point of view is irrelevant - the whole hypothetical experiment is designed to show, how everything seems to work to the outside observer.
The most literal interpretation of the riddle is the Many Worlds model, in which the universe literally splits into two parallel universes and in one the cat lives, while in the other it dies. No-one has managed to offer slightest proof of the existance of parallel universes, so far, though. The other interpretations are less literal and less interesting and admittedly, I know much less about them.

Now relating to the actual topic, I believe that what we are being told here is, that our taughts are completely in the wrong tracks. Either Breen and the Advisor have no relation, whatsoever or their relation is completely different than what we've speculated, so far.
The problem with Schroedinger's cat is that it'll be dead after an hour, since it's in a sealed box with no air supply.
I am fairly sure, that any real quantum physicist would laugh his ass off to that explanation. Unless I am terribly mistaken, that is just a bunch of silly pseudoscience that always seems to concencrate around the quantum theory.

It's actually several concepts combined which have already been proven true. The "works best when turned off" is just a matter of perception since quantum physics can't be described perfectly in common physics world. To explain them properly the person who it was explained to shoud also understand at least the basics of quantum physics and I really, really doubt that people here in general know their stuff about quantum physics.
Wait wait wait... so are scientists suggesting that we can create parrallel universes by killing cats? :P
He's pretty much admitting Breen's alive.

Why would they leave us guessing if he's supposed to be dead? What exactly do they accomplish by doing that? What's to gain by protecting a plot-related dead end?