how well do you treat your body

what do you do to get messed up

  • BOOZE1!!

    Votes: 51 41.1%
  • pills

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • ganja

    Votes: 28 22.6%
  • other drugs

    Votes: 13 10.5%
  • none. im a good kid.

    Votes: 70 56.5%

  • Total voters


Feb 22, 2007
Reaction score
just wonder how you guys **** your bodys up if you do...
I drink, but nowhere near as much as i used to, so in answer to the question "pretty well". I'm fairly squeaky clean nowadays.

I drink, but not enough to be drunk.
I drink a bit, but thats about it
I drink every now and then + I eat crap and I don't exercise.
I don't drink.
I don't smoke.
I don't do drugs.

I train everyday, i eat only fresh whole organic food, i do not eat ANY processed food, sugar, cakes, bisquits, fizzy drink, sweets i never have a treat or a 'day off'
Basically every food i eat most people would say "wow that's healthy", i eat raw brocolli, radishes, i eat lots of meat that is boiled instead of roasted to avoid heterocyclic amines (carcinogens)
The government says to have '5 a day' fruit and veg, i have about 20.

I cook everything in iron pots to avoid teflon ingestion, i do not use a microwave, nothing is excessively cooked, if i can it raw i will.

I drink nettle leaf, ginger and garlic juice daily, i take N acetyl cysteine, alpha lipoic acid, GSE, omega 3, many many herbal extracts.

I eat mealworms that i breed myself to provide rare proteins normal humans do not eat these days.

I drink filtered water.
I wash my cutlery without washing up liquid so i don't ingest that.
I am very hygenic but i deliberatley eat dirt to expose myself to bacteria and the like to build up my immune system, also if a freind has a cold i will obtain it to further increase my immune system.
I do not wear deodorant because the chemicals leach into your skin, i have banned everyone in the house from using any sort of sprays.

I Filter the air going into my room because there is a road near by.

I use an LCD monitor to avoid radiation, the computer is EM shielded.

I'm a bit of a health freak but it means i can run a 4 minute mile and could destroy you instantly in a fight.
Why am I thinking of an evil genius kind of guy when I read that, Short Recoil?
I lift weights, eat relatively healthy, and generally take good care of myself.
I can't run a 4 minute mile (born with asthma) but I can still destroy you instantly in a fight (karate helps there)
This thread is insulting, somehow.

But, I drink and smoke grass on certain occasions.
I'll admit that I have been on a sort of "smoking binge" for the past week now, but I'm just really stressed since graduation getting ever nearer.
Poor excuse, but there y'go.
Drink but much less than i used to
Eat pretty crap really, nowhere near 5 fruit/veg a day

i work out pretty much every day but i drink far too much.
i never knew being really healthy meant you can destory someone in a fight, i have second dan black belt in karate and fully mastered my style, still doesn't mean i could take on anyone. I used a exercise a lot but haven't in while because ive been really busy with college, over the summer i shall take it back up though, i do eat crap from time to time but meh. I dont and never will smoke or take drugs though, cant stand the smell of fags on clothes, its a bugger when you come out of a pub and reak of it. Im a 'light weight' when it comes to drinking also, so i dont have that much.
I don't drink.
I don't smoke.
I don't do drugs.

I train everyday, i eat only fresh whole organic food, i do not eat ANY processed food, sugar, cakes, bisquits, fizzy drink, sweets i never have a treat or a 'day off'
Basically every food i eat most people would say "wow that's healthy", i eat raw brocolli, radishes, i eat lots of meat that is boiled instead of roasted to avoid heterocyclic amines (carcinogens)
The government says to have '5 a day' fruit and veg, i have about 20.

I cook everything in iron pots to avoid teflon ingestion, i do not use a microwave, nothing is excessively cooked, if i can it raw i will.

I drink nettle leaf, ginger and garlic juice daily, i take N acetyl cysteine, alpha lipoic acid, GSE, omega 3, many many herbal extracts.

I eat mealworms that i breed myself to provide rare proteins normal humans do not eat these days.

I drink filtered water.
I wash my cutlery without washing up liquid so i don't ingest that.
I am very hygenic but i deliberatley eat dirt to expose myself to bacteria and the like to build up my immune system, also if a freind has a cold i will obtain it to further increase my immune system.
I do not wear deodorant because the chemicals leach into your skin, i have banned everyone in the house from using any sort of sprays.

I Filter the air going into my room because there is a road near by.

I use an LCD monitor to avoid radiation, the computer is EM shielded.

I'm a bit of a health freak but it means i can run a 4 minute mile and could destroy you instantly in a fight.

1. how the hell can you afford all that.

2. i can understand you enjoy/take pride in it, but imho life's far too short to live like that.

3. we live in an age where you don't have to run a 4 minute mile, and where being able to destroy people in fights ends you up in jail.
1. how the hell can you afford all that.
I grow/find/kill a lot of my own, and because i don't spend money on alcohol i can spend it on supplementation etc.

2. i can understand you enjoy/take pride in it, but imho life's far too short to live like that.
Well i should be getting 120 years, even so my regimen dosn't take up too much time and i still enjoy myself lots, prob more than most!

3. we live in an age where you don't have to run a 4 minute mile, and where being able to destroy people in fights ends you up in jail.
Well it's always good to be prepared, the health benefits are the main reason however, i just don't get ill anymore.

And anyway, it's a laugh i'd prob be bored if i didn't obssess about health.
I drink, but i dont get drunk. I get..well..'slower' and 'light-headed/dizzy' but not to the extent where i cant remember things or fall over all the time.

Done one joint in my life, didnt do anything for me. Waste of time and money. Drugs are for twats.
I drink ocassionally, but I cant drink at the moment because I got my lip pierced, so I need to wait for that to heal.

Don't think I get my 5 a day but I think I'm pretty healty.

Wouldn't mind working out, but I'm lazy :D
And anyway, it's a laugh i'd prob be bored if i didn't obssess about health

yeah i know what youre talking about the bored bit, i like to work out because i build muscle very easily and it's a nice addiction, i dont get ill alot so i just dont worry much about that even though i dont eat particularly healthy except low fat stuff, i couldn't possibly afford to get proper foods every week and make proper meals, i just get by with typical poor student food and some bananas every now and then. protein powder works very well post workout though! i try to live particularly healthy now to lose some weight but once i'm done with that i'm probably just going to do enough to stick there and not more.

i personally think it's pointless to live past your 100's, I would rather have a great (read; do shit that reduces your lifespan damatically) short life but i'm close to religiously obsessed with the better to burn out than to fade away mentality. i'd be the first to say to each his own :)
Done one joint in my life, didnt do anything for me. Waste of time and money. Drugs are for twats.

dude it takes some tries before it works. get a proper bong and you're sorted mate ;)
yeah i know what youre talking about the bored bit, i like to work out because i build muscle very easily and it's a nice addiction, i dont get ill alot so i just dont worry much about that even though i dont eat particularly healthy except low fat stuff, i couldn't possibly afford to get proper foods every week and make proper meals, i just get by with typical poor student food and some bananas every now and then. protein powder works very well post workout though! i try to live particularly healthy now to lose some weight but once i'm done with that i'm probably just going to do enough to stick there and not more.

i personally think it's pointless to live past your 100's, I would rather have a great (read; do shit that reduces your lifespan damatically) short life but i'm close to religiously obsessed with the better to burn out than to fade away mentality. i'd be the first to say to each his own :)

A nice tip for you here mate, in a nutshell low fat diets arn't good.
Humans evolved eating anywhere up to 40% fat in their diet.
Full fat milk is better than skimmed, by far, for example.
Cholesterol does not cause heart attacks, it is vital for body function.
Eating meat is very good as long as the meat is quality.
This obviously includes a large proportion of essential fatty acids (omega 3,6,9) so walnuts, fish, avocados, olive oil etc.
I drink a fair amount, but I also run half marathons in respectable times. Work hard, play hard ftw :).

Not sold on Organic food, unless it's locally grown, but can't really afford it.

I swim at least a mile at a reasonable pace at least everyother day.

Basically though, as a scientist I am exposed to a large number of carcinogens, radiation and general toxins to not worry at all about limited ingestion of them in food stuff.

And meat rules :)
i dont go by much except calorie amount and the expected calories i burn. building muscle that continuously burns calories works better than doing interval cardio i've noticed, but i should probably be doing both, cardio on off days is a major pain in the ass though!

i didnt know about the milk fat thing, i've been drinking minimum fat milk since 2 years ago.

the fatty acid thing is a department i def. should include, omega 3 etc, i'm not much for fish though there's this fish/tomato combined thing that i tend to consume.
I smoke weed and dont care whether you could destroy me in a fight.
I don't drink.
I don't smoke.
I don't do drugs.

Neither do I. For that matter I don't even drink cofee, hate the stuff.
I don't eat particularly healthy although I do enjoy eating fruits and salads once in a while. I excel at not giving a shit about my own health, so not drinking or smoking has nothing to do with health worries. So all in all I do just enough to keep my body alive. I'm one of those people that wouldn't drink or eat if they didn't have to
I still get hammered every weekend, but im out of school and work full time so its starting to catch up with me. I also like to purposely get colds from friends, cause who doesnt like a runny nose?

Way to make me feel like crap while I type away at my computer in my cubicle Mr. Recoil.

I started to respect you a lot until I started to realize you're a germaphobe. sort of aren't either. You induce sickness to build up your immune system - I guess that'd be the opposite of a germaphobe.

I just don't know what to think anymore! :(

I don't smoke
I don't drink
I don't do any other drugs
I don't drink coffee
I rarely drink soda-type drinks

But I eat a lot of greasy foods and such, mainly because my parents are divorced and I live with my dad. We're not the best of cooks either, so :(

And I don't regularly exercise, but I'm still really skinny.
I lift weights, eat relatively healthy, and generally take good care of myself.
I can't run a 4 minute mile (born with asthma) but I can still destroy you instantly in a fight (karate helps there)

I have asthma too but that shouldn't prevent you from running hard. Is yours exercise induced?
I have asthma too but that shouldn't prevent you from running hard. Is yours exercise induced?
It's hard to run hard if you don't have oxygen :hmph:
Yes, it's exercise induced. I can do karate fine now (I used to come close to passing out after a 45 minute lesson) but there are pauses in the action and changes of pace.

After I'm done running I collapse for about 10 minutes and just stare off into space waiting for my body to start functioning again.
i cant really run very well, then again i do karate none stop for hours, doesn't make sense to me.
None of the above. I treat my body like crap without the use of illicit substances.
What happens if I vote for everything includeing none im a good kid?
I drink to get very buzzed...I try not to get wasted anymore.*thought it randomly happens..*

I don't do any drugs/pop pills...I'm what they call, "legal" D:
*Newsflash* Short Recoil gets killed in hit-and-run by gang of fat teenagers in Humvee. Recoil put up a good fight - destroyed the Humvee in one hit, and killed 3/4 of the fatties with coconut nunchucks (Nutchucks)

I don't drink, smoke, do drugs. In Welsh society I'm pretty weird compared with everyone else. Today I got asked "Hey you'll be getting hammered on your last day of school won't you? It's compulsary (boy-o)", and I got very weird looks when I replied "I don't drink, sorry".
I do however on very rare occaision drink coffee. I like the taste, but am a tea man meself.
hey i didn't get hammered on my last day of school, we all just got together and went up to this huge hill overlooking the town, then we got attacked by a million chavs so we ended leaving in a hurry lol
hey i didn't get hammered on my last day of school, we all just got together and went up to this huge hill overlooking the town, then we got attacked by a million chavs so we ended leaving in a hurry lol
Last year the year above us (final year then) barricaded our common room and got shit-faced all day. I wasn't there that day, but I hear it was hi-llarious.
It's hard to run hard if you don't have oxygen :hmph:
Yes, it's exercise induced. I can do karate fine now (I used to come close to passing out after a 45 minute lesson) but there are pauses in the action and changes of pace.

After I'm done running I collapse for about 10 minutes and just stare off into space waiting for my body to start functioning again.

You shouldnt be getting asthma every time you run. If you are, you need to go on something asap
Drink, smoke, various other drugs...

however, I also skateboard daily, walk everywhere, eat relatively healthy, and always use protection ;)