how well do you treat your body

what do you do to get messed up

  • BOOZE1!!

    Votes: 51 41.1%
  • pills

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • ganja

    Votes: 28 22.6%
  • other drugs

    Votes: 13 10.5%
  • none. im a good kid.

    Votes: 70 56.5%

  • Total voters
I'm quitting drinking for a bit to pay for a holiday - but my diet is AWFUL :p
I swim to stay fit, but I don't work out. I'm kind of buff though. I don't smoke or drink anything. And I can't feel pain. I feel discomfort, like a hard chair kind of discomfort, but no burning sensation, like a white hot knife thing. I walked into a piece of chain link fence, you know how it's bent at the top, and it went about an inch into my arm before I noticed it.
My cousin ran into a barbed wire fence while riding a four-wheeler going about 20 mph.
Gotta love the internet... bloody good quotes so far, top 2 being

"I can destroy you instantly in a fight"
"I can't feel pain"

classic, keep it up fellas.

[edit] forgot the projected lifespan of 120 years. seriously, are you guys Gareth Keenan and Dwight Schrute?
And I can't feel pain.

watch out, we gotta a hard man here!

We should put this guy up against terminator, would be an epic battle, the guy who can destroy people instantly in fights against the guy who feels no pain! Get them while they're hot!
I casually drink (sometimes too much to where I forget what happens but RARELY enough to get sick or lose proper motor function).

I work out. I used to be Tubbs McGee but so far I've lost 30 lbs in the last couple months and still losing more (170lbs. now with more muscle than before). I also try not to eat lots of shitty food. I don't drink coffee or soda.
Terminator should get a sex change, women live on avarage at least five years longer than men.
Terminator should get a sex change, women live on avarage at least five years longer than men.

lol I thought it was eight years.

I'm serious though, I don't notice pain. I can be walking along and someone will tell me I'm bleeding.
There's a condition like that. I only know that because it was in a House episode D:

But you don't have that, unless you wanna make a confession that you still wet your bed and poop your pants. Those people don't receive those kind of signals either. And there's a host of other disadvantages these people have.

Alcohol does that to you though, like waking up and finding out you have a piece of glass stuck in the palm of your hand..
Of course, it was that vat of toxic waste!!!

Edit: no nothing like in House^^
just wonder how you guys **** your bodys up if you do...

Just hanging around being gay does the trick for me :naughty:

Who couldn't love Jakob?! With his shmancy hat, and his endearing fake smile.

Which one is he, btw? :D
I don't drink or smoke or do any drugs, so I picked the last option. But I don't sleep well... I have a tendency to torture myself over schoolwork and I've been sleeping an average of four (or fewer) hours a night... have a really hard time even staying asleep for longer. People joke that I'm going to die early, or that I should already be dead of exhaustion. So no, I don't really treat my body all that well, but "not sleeping" wasn't an choice on the poll :P.
Gotta love the internet... bloody good quotes so far, top 2 being

"I can destroy you instantly in a fight"
"I can't feel pain"

classic, keep it up fellas.

[edit] forgot the projected lifespan of 120 years. seriously, are you guys Gareth Keenan and Dwight Schrute?

they're doing it the jack lalanne way!
You cant seriously be claiming that you dont feel pain! Even if it was true i dont think id see that as a good thing.

oh and jack lalanne :laugh:
Believe what you want, either I don't notice pain, or I can't feel it. People don't believe me, then I stick a pen into my arm.
I think 'shag virgins' should be in that poll... after lastnight i'm still counting the scratches/bruises/clawmarks. Got nail marks on my little soldier, too. Grr.
I treat my body very well. No smoking/drinking/reefing.

Inspired by Short Recoil/Terminator, I've been trying to improve my diet considerably. Tons of juice and fruit in the fridge, lot of protein, bag of flaxseed, etc.

Problem is I got the flu right now :( When yah work in a dairy cooler a good part of the day, when someone's sick, it tends to spread quickly.

Been trying to goto the gym more too, but I haven't followed thru on that.
Problem is I got the flu right now :( When yah work in a dairy cooler a good part of the day, when someone's sick, it tends to spread quickly.

Talk to Terminator, he knows what will get rid of it.
I'm a good boy. At this point, I have no interest in drinking or smoking. If anything it'd be something psychedelic (which wouldn't be a detriment to my health) but, around here, I don't know when that'll happen.

go chug a bottle of cough medicine that has dxm in it
I do pretty much everything on that list haha, but i eat good and stay in shape, so i bet ill still live healthier and longer than the ****s that say drugs are bad but stuff their face with greasy fast food and sit on their asses every day =]
I think 'shag virgins' should be in that poll... after lastnight i'm still counting the scratches/bruises/clawmarks. Got nail marks on my little soldier, too. Grr.

yeh well, maybe you should ask next time.