How Will Aftermath End?

Oct 5, 2005
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We've all discussed how Aftermath will begin, but what about the ending? Do we escape? Does G-Man pluck Gordon out of battle when he fufills whatever task he wanted him to do? Will we evan be there to see the Citadel go up?
Or do we escape on a train with a few 100 rebels on it out of the city?

No doubt some massive cliffhanger end. Like a sort of huge ass explosion, then the screen fades out with some of Gmans taunting remarks. :p
With an anti-climax that involves Gordon Freeman being put back in stasis untill hl3. 1000000dollars ill bet you.
Combine CP said:
No doubt some massive cliffhanger end. Like a sort of huge ass explosion, then the screen fades out with some of Gmans taunting remarks. :p
Doesn't that happen at [edited by bigk] when you meet [edited by bigk] then you see dog jump in the [edited by bigk]? :D (Just kdding around.)

UltimaApocalyspe said:
We've all discussed how Aftermath will begin, but what about the ending?

Can you give a link to the thread? I would like to read up on it. (Or possible discuss also.)

Thank you,

Pauly said:
With an anti-climax that involves Gordon Freeman being put back in stasis untill hl3. 1000000dollars ill bet you.
I'll take that bet. You'll lose, because this is only episode ONE. Of who knows how many before HL3.

I'm rich now!

And I think it'll probably end with Gordon, Alyx, and a scattered bunch of rebels facing the wilderness. Like, you escape the city, watch the explosion take out the citadel and the surrounding area, and then you turn and face the wastes, going toward an unknown future. As a vortigaunt might say, "Where to now? And to what end?"
UltimaApocalyspe said:
We've all discussed how Aftermath will begin, but what about the ending? Do we escape? Does G-Man pluck Gordon out of battle when he fufills whatever task he wanted him to do? Will we evan be there to see the Citadel go up?
Or do we escape on a train with a few 100 rebels on it out of the city?

On the deck of the Borealis, watching the the Citadel take out City 17.

Hell, who need to know what course Aftermath takes before any speculation on the ending.
I don't honestly believe the G-Man will intervene. I can see something big happening (A big-ass explosion, and the screen-suddenly going black, probably due to the player getting knocked out). A cliff-hanger of some kind seems a dead cert.

Where will it end? I always used to take "Aftermath" as a fully contained game where it'd end once you were free of City 17. Evidently not going to happen now. You'll still be in City 17, probably taking down some big objective.
Well we know there is someone larger at stake then Breen as we see him talking to him when the teleporter goes wrong at the beginning, so maybe City 17 does blow up and as Darkside said, maybe into the Wilderness outside City 17 with a few rebels and what not trying to make your where to wherever this mysterious person is ?
Drackard said:
Well we know there is someone larger at stake then Breen as we see him talking to him when the teleporter goes wrong at the beginning, so maybe City 17 does blow up and as Darkside said, maybe into the Wilderness outside City 17 with a few rebels and what not trying to make your where to wherever this mysterious person is ?

The Combine Advisor is not on Earth.
A big ass explosion like in F.E.A.R. would rock my pants. Though not really necessary a nuke, perhaps just a huge light and a terrifying sound from the explosion. GOTY. :)

Can't wait for Episode 1.
Samon said:
FEARS explosion is vastly overrated :p

Heh, I thought it was just the level design, gameplay, and enviroments :p
Samon said:
The Combine Advisor is not on Earth.

Granted, but thats not to say they don't have to battle their way through till they reach somewhere or something which allows them to reach him maybe, or at least get a little closer.
I don't see why they'd want too, or need too. He's an alien overlord within a far out dimension where they have niether the power to reach nor the coordinates to find it. They need to escape City 17, and once thats gone...what will they do then?

The last thing they are going to do is go take the battle to the Combine.
Maybe the Prowler will make its appearance n_n. The Advisor was pissed for Gordon wrecking his shit so he sends a few to take care of him. At the end of the episode we find Gordon surronded by them.

a) They make another cliff hanger, but with a cliff
b) The screen fades out and pops up a Subway ad with G-man eatting a sub. Why? Because now Valve wants to make in-game ad's, why not add some in aftermath..
CodeFire said:

a) They make another cliff hanger, but with a cliff
b) The screen fades out and pops up a Subway ad with G-man eatting a sub. Why? Because now Valve wants to make in-game ad's, why not add some in aftermath..
Pff. Everyone knows that the G-Man is really Colonel Sanders. Why would he be endorsing Subway products?
GMan gives us sandwiches. Then we all proceed to get new conspiracy theories up right and the HL saga doofus has to redo his page which will list the GMan as an employee of Subway.

In-game advertising? But more than twice? I think not.
Bah, you don't know what your on about, you weak minded f00l !
First... thanks for ruining FEAR for me...
And Ep.1 will end with you being separated from Alyx like she being teleported to some Combine badass and you have to save her in Ep.2-3. Ep. 2 was gonna be on Driveable stuff... So you have to drive to where ever they are holding her. I donnu.
Samon:"FEARS explosion is vastly overrated"

Overrated? I think it was spectacular.
To quote Redneck, just click quote on my post. Well, it was good, but it wasn't the super amazing explosion that people make it out to be. At least in my opinion.
I loved the explosion at the end of F.E.A.R .. it was totally unexpected, i thought the facility blowing up would only be a tiny thing but it was like a nuke :O i was like "noooooo" !!1111!!!1!! :p
I believe it'll definitely end in some kind of cliffhanger, paving the way for Ep. 2 (obviously), and possibly involving an angry G-Man.
Gordons on a train... having escaped the city about to explode into tiny pieces of matter! On the train stalkers are ripping out and cutting him down... hes close to death, all his allys dead behind him... hes about to jump of the train, when all of a sudden... the train drops into a huge crater...

that a good ending? nope, but I enjoyed writing it :)
After seperating from Dr. Kleiner and Eli in order to rescue a group of trapped rebels, Gordon, Alyx, Dog, and their ragtag group of rebel friends are nowhere near safe distance and time is running out quick. Unfortunately, an unexpected trio of striders made the operation run longer than anticipated. Within the hour, there will be nothing left of the surrounding landscape except (from Dr. Kleiners estimate) a 25 mile wide bowl of glass. They can only hope that Barney and those soldiers under his command were able to secure one of the remaining train stations and escape City 17 in time. Now the group's only last hope is to rendezvous with Eli and Dr. Kleiner at Eli's old lab near the docks. It is there that Eli and Dr Kleiner have been tweaking a hand held local teleport device which Alyx, Eli, and Gordon Freeman obtained after slaying Breen's strange Combine "bio-engineer" slave during their flight from The Citadel.
G-Man dies, Gordon kills him.:sniper: Boy did I enjoy that:p
Well i suppose we got a few reasonable endings ... some were just a waste of time to read :p
Clearing the train station and board the train, only to have it (train station) explode and mass numbers of Combine soldiers board the train to get you and other Resistance members. The train will not move until you kill them & proceed to activate the train once more. Once about 30 seconds from when the train started moving, a Strider starts blowing some parts of the train apart. You have to attack it for a while, until a part of the Citadel explodes and the carriages behind explode and some are flung into the air with a mass explosion of blood (and well, fire). The Strider gets knocked over (well, actually, flung) by the blast, smash into the ground and explode (yep, for once). The lights go off and debris starts to fall as the train moves on as some carriages at the further end get disconnected by falling debris (maybe explode). Then the Citadel blows up completely... And the whole train is flung intact out of its tracks and out much further. You get knocked out. When you wake up, you have little health, and a Gargantua starts wrecking the train and blowing it up even more.