How will it start?



Anyone who has played the Uplink demo will know that it took of DIRECTLY form where HL ended. This philosiphy of not taking control of Freeman away from the player, even for a second, is one of my favourite parts of HL but to keep it up HL2 will have to open with Freeman stuck in the corner of a room with a almost indistructable fire beltching monster on top of him. Bring it on I say, but newbies may find this a rather intimidating start to a game to say the least. The only way out I can think of is to release another quick episode for HL1 to clear it up and put Freeman somewere a little more managable. This might also keep us HL fans happy until September, or at least not biting our own arms off to release the tension... If they cheat and have Freeman anywere other than standing in the corner of that room at the start of HL2, well, I won't be a happy bunny. Games are art DO NOT COMPRIMISE YOUR ART!
Keep him mute

Oh yeah, and having Freeman be the 'strong silent type' was genius too. It made him a blank personality for the player to fill. (I found myself talking for him, even when playing alone. A sign of madness? Well, the crazies have the most fun.) This worked beutifully in GTAIII and I was dissapointed to see that your anti-hero got a voice in Vice City. I hope they don't do the same in HL2.
Perhaps they could have Gordon start in some office building, and you walk him to a meeting, sort of like how HL1 started you off in a tram, there could be an info lady :cheese:
Insanity in being enveloped in the game? Heck no, Valve wanted that feeling of BEING Gordon and somewhat filling his shoes. (the talking would mean that you're just very into the story and atmosphere of the game. That's not a bad thing! I do that too.) Now, if you had some identity crisis resulting from that... THEN I'd say you're insane. XD

Most of my chat did involve swearing at headcrabs. (Even after playing HL for four years the little buggers can still catch you unawares..) Last night I had a dream I was being chased through an industrial complex by giant chocobos. I had to escape by smashing some crates with a crowbar. Time to unplug for a while methinks...
Cool dream... Angry Chocos ???

Headcrabs is really anoying sometimes yes but they sure is easy to take out.. Side step and crowbar them in the back, or maybe two shoots with the glock...
Really funny to face them in a vent ^_^
this is how it starts basically from what gabe newhall said...

You are dropped from a chopper or something and you are immedialty chased by aliens, you have to run for your life and then you come across the HEV suit ...and its history from there.

So when this game ready to run as fast as you can cause thats how it opens

I think that you would start somewhere in the middle of city 17
maybe teleported there streight from the end of HL1 freeman would be as confused as the player (''you are gordon freeman'')
so you wander a bit more and are confronted by the g-man who explains whats going on.:borg:
Think probley Shokwave is right on this im shure ive read this some were else..
Originally posted by Zerimski
It's been rumoured to be set 15 years after Black Mesa.

Interesting... I didn't read that anywhere.
Half-Life 1 action was about may 2000, so Half-Life 2 action is in 2015. Maybe Gordon was about 30 year old in the first game and so he will be 45 year old in HL2. I now understand the lovely sight of alyx in front of Gordie...
He was 27 years old, so he would be now 42 years old, but I think he may have been Cryogentically frozen. I think I read that somewhere.
The truth is we don't know how much time has passed. You'll start the game not knowing what you're doing and why you're doing it or where you are. The last thing you'll remember in the Half-Life world is speaking to the G-Man and then all of a sudden you start HL2 not knowing what's happened or how much time is passed.
Originally posted by Zerimski
It's been rumoured to be set 15 years after Black Mesa.

I thought it was about 25? Course I could be getting confused with something else thats set around that long after the original.
I suppose (and hope) Valve has put some reminiscence of the first game in HL2. So maybe we'll be able to date HL2 when we play the game.

Another point had no importance in the first game : the fact that Gordon Freeman was from Austria. But it may be an explanation for his presence in Central Europe in HL2 (he may have returned back in his country...)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
I thought it was about 25?

25 years after black mesa... oups... Gordon should be married with two children... and a dog or a cat :cheese:
Originally posted by Hendar
Anyone who has played the Uplink demo will know that it took of DIRECTLY form where HL ended. This philosiphy of not taking control of Freeman away from the player, even for a second, is one of my favourite parts of HL but to keep it up HL2 will have to open with Freeman stuck in the corner of a room with a almost indistructable fire beltching monster on top of him. Bring it on I say, but newbies may find this a rather intimidating start to a game to say the least. The only way out I can think of is to release another quick episode for HL1 to clear it up and put Freeman somewere a little more managable. This might also keep us HL fans happy until September, or at least not biting our own arms off to release the tension... If they cheat and have Freeman anywere other than standing in the corner of that room at the start of HL2, well, I won't be a happy bunny. Games are art DO NOT COMPRIMISE YOUR ART!
errrrrm, Uplink started right where ~HL1 ended?? didn't they *NUKE* black mesa at the very end of HL1????:x
That was at the end of OpFor.

Yatta, I think you've been warned about this before.

Re: Re: How will it start?

Originally posted by Tarkus
errrrrm, Uplink started right where ~HL1 ended?? didn't they *NUKE* black mesa at the very end of HL1????:x

that happened at the end of Op4, IIRC that must happen atleast a few hours after BS finishes
Re: Re: How will it start?

Originally posted by Yatta
really? *sigh* damn, crappy start... and all i wanted was a genious start like the one in HL1... oh well we can't have EVERYTHING...
Re: Re: Re: How will it start?

Originally posted by Fenric1138
that happened at the end of Op4, IIRC that must happen atleast a few hours after BS finishes
no, i'm quiite sure you saw a big white flash while having the last talk with the g-man and he says somethin like "thats taken care of kind of crap".. check it if you whant, but i'm almost positively sure about this one...
The way I want it to start is just how the first gameended ('cept with the new graphics of course). You step through the portal and appear years later to find that earth has been invaded. I don't like the idea of the story going on without you, after all, it's your character. It could make some sense too. G-Man, or the people he works for, know that an invasion is immenent and that Gordon's their only hope. But it's like chess, you have to chose when and where to play your best piece, so they play their game (after all, they've, "been busy," etc) and pick the right time to make their move with Gordon.

I also wouldn't mind a metroid type beginning, where you start off with all the weapons you had at the end of Half Life. Have some fun with an easy intro to it. New players get to practice with different toysand then you either lose them (get knocked out but found by Alyx (Alex? whatever) who finds you stripped of weapons, takes you to the doc who explains some of the story and ends with you being given a new gun with, as in the E3 vids.

Another option would be to have no ammo available for the weapons you're holding, so you get to play with them, but automaticly throw them away once they become depleted (this would explain the throwing away of the shotgun)

But again, I'm talking out my back hole 'cos it's late. Please excuse the typing. I'm tired and the space bar on this PC is crap.
You're wrong. It happens at the end of OpFor.
Originally posted by Chris_D
That was at the end of OpFor.

Yatta, I think you've been warned about this before.

Actually I don't recall having been warned earlier. I did not post anything about the beta. Knowing about the game does not necessarily reflect upon having played the beta. He asked a question, I answered it. Do you want me to make something up for an answer?

There was no need to edit my post. Being an admin doesn't give you the right to be an asshole. I am going to contact Munro about this.
Originally posted by Wraithen
The way I want it to start is just how the first gameended ('cept with the new graphics of course). You step through the portal and appear years later to find that earth has been invaded. I don't like the idea of the story going on without you, after all, it's your character. It could make some sense too. G-Man, or the people he works for, know that an invasion is immenent and that Gordon's their only hope. But it's like chess, you have to chose when and where to play your best piece, so they play their game (after all, they've, "been busy," etc) and pick the right time to make their move with Gordon.

I'd like it to start like that too. I wouldn't like the place to be invaded already by the time I start, it'd be great if it just crept up on you.

The story won't go on with you. The story has gone on without Gordon yes, but that just adds to it. Storywise a few years have passed and Gordon doesn't remember anything. It'll add to the emotion IMO. And it'd work for people that didn't even play HL1.

Another option would be to have no ammo available for the weapons you're holding, so you get to play with them, but automaticly throw them away once they become depleted (this would explain the throwing away of the shotgun)

But again, I'm talking out my back hole 'cos it's late. Please excuse the typing. I'm tired and the space bar on this PC is crap.

It's Alyx btw :)
The reason the shotgun is thrown away on the buggy and traptown video is because they were playing around with the inventory system and they had considered a sort of setup where you can only have one main weapon and a secondary weapon. e.g. pistol and SMG or pistol and shotgun or pistol and RPG etc.
Originally posted by Yatta
Actually I don't recall having been warned earlier. I did not post anything about the beta. Knowing about the game does not necessarily reflect upon having played the beta. He asked a question, I answered it. Do you want me to make something up for an answer?

There was no need to edit my post. Being an admin doesn't give you the right to be an asshole. I am going to contact Munro about this.

Yatta, you broke the rules, and I'm sure too that you've been warned about it in the past, Chris was reminding you and warning you not to do it again.
Originally posted by Chris_D
It's Alyx btw :)
The reason the shotgun is thrown away on the buggy and traptown video is because they were playing around with the inventory system and they had considered a sort of setup where you can only have one main weapon and a secondary weapon. e.g. pistol and SMG or pistol and shotgun or pistol and RPG etc.

I'm hoping they keep something like that, where you've only got limited weapons, its more realistic, hugely annoying but in a good way and makes you think before you shoot.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Yatta, you broke the rules, and I'm sure too that you've been warned about it in the past, Chris was reminding you and warning you not to do it again.
I did not break any rules.

I fail to understand how my post reflected upon the Beta. I am sending you a copy of what I sent to Munro.
nah, im positively POSITIVELY sure that you also saw the nuke blasting black mesa in HL1, and yes, you also saw it exploding in op4
Tarkus it only happens in OpForce. I'd bet my girlfriend on it.
Originally posted by Yatta
I did not break any rules.

I fail to understand how my post reflected upon the Beta. I am sending you a copy of what I sent to Munro.

Your not supposed to give information, be it accurate or misinformed that you've learnt from the stolen files. You broke the rules and Chris did exactly what I would have done had I seen it first and I stand by his decision. You've been here long enough to know what you can and can't do.

Don't do it again.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Tarkus it only happens in OpForce. I'd bet my girlfriend on it.

Yep.. pretty sure the end of HL was just the offer the g-man made, Op4 you got a bit of a tour and some info on things at BM before it went bad then the nuke went off and Shepard was incarcarated or something, BS had the small group of scientists and Barney make their escape, so they must have done that quite some time before the Nuke went off to escape the blast. Also I'm pretty sure there's no nuke seen or known about in HL, just turns up on Op4 shortly before taking out the big bad.
HL1 - In the transit car from the begininng travelling through blackness speaking to the G-Man. G-Man makes an offer, the portal opens and you make the decision.
Game End

OpFor - In the helicopter from the beginning travelling through Xen, eventually arriving back to the mountain area that you saw in HL1 in the Surface Tension level speaking to G-Man. G-Man explains that he's going to contain you, no choice, fade-to-black.
Game End

BS - You, Eli, scientists and Dr Rosenburg all escape Black Mesa.
Game End
Originally posted by Tarkus
nah, im positively POSITIVELY sure that you also saw the nuke blasting black mesa in HL1, and yes, you also saw it exploding in op4

Well, have a good time playing through the entire game again to find out your wrong :afro:
Originally posted by arcturus
Another point had no importance in the first game : the fact that Gordon Freeman was from Austria. But it may be an explanation for his presence in Central Europe in HL2 (he may have returned back in his country...)

Actually, I'm pretty sure he just studied there. I think he came from America...
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Actually, I'm pretty sure he just studied there. I think he came from America...

where does it mention Austria? I didn't know that bit, cool :)