How will it start?

Originally posted by Brian Damage
Anyone still got the HL1 manual? I think it's in the front...

I've got HL generation, so i think the manual was a lousy pdf ie: never bothered looking at it in that case :\
Well, I think it says he worked somewhere in Austria, at some physics lab, directly before coming to BMRF.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Well, I think it says he worked somewhere in Austria, at some physics lab, directly before coming to BMRF.

ahhh cool, makes ya wonder if thats some hint or something.
I think the place he worked at actually exists, but I can't remember what it's called.
Black Mesa actually exists. There is a scientific research facility called Black Mesa. I think PC Gamer or Computer Gaming World interviewed some scientist that works there.
Originally posted by Cunni
Black Mesa actually exists. There is a scientific research facility called Black Mesa. I think PC Gamer or Computer Gaming World interviewed some scientist that works there.

Black Mesa exists, it's in Arizona - but there's nothing there, it's just a vast, empty stretch of desert.
In the manual I got with the game (with the orange CD case), there is a copy of a letter from Black Mesa Research Facility to Gordon Freeman.

The head of this letter shows that Gordon is working in the "Experimental Physics Institute" in Innsbruck University in Austria (in German : Forschung Experimentalphysik, I suppose). You can see their homepage at this URL :

The letter spoke about Dr Kleiner who was his former teacher in the M.I.T.
The letter said Dr Kleiner had recommanded Freeman to the Back Mesa center.

So we can imagine that Gordon studied in M.I.T. (in Cambridge, Ma) then he worked in Austria in Innsbruck University (maybe Kleiner is from Austria and influenced the fact that Freeman went in Innsbruck) and then Kleiner recommended freeman to Black mesa...... so.... (I'm imagining in the same time I'm writing) maybe kleiner knew in advance about the problems that risked to happen in black mesa and so decided to put Gordon in the mess because he knew he was the only person able to resolve the case... so, this can explain that Kleiner and his daughter play an important role in the sequel...

I just began to write this post to add my 2 cents about the link between Freeman and Austria in HL1 but now I'm thinking about a lot of things about the sequel... but I don't want to be a spoiler.
I want HL2 to start out with Gordon bagging groceries. Think of the possible physics in a grocery store! Think!
Originally posted by arcturus
In the manual I got with the game (with the orange CD case), there is a copy of a letter from Black Mesa Research Facility to Gordon Freeman.

The head of this letter shows that Gordon is working in the "Experimental Physics Institute" in Innsbruck University in Austria (in German : Forschung Experimentalphysik, I suppose). You can see their homepage at this URL :

The letter spoke about Dr Kleiner who was his former teacher in the M.I.T.
The letter said Dr Kleiner had recommanded Freeman to the Back Mesa center.

So we can imagine that Gordon studied in M.I.T. (in Cambridge, Ma) then he worked in Austria in Innsbruck University (maybe Kleiner is from Austria and influenced the fact that Freeman went in Innsbruck) and then Kleiner recommended freeman to Black mesa...... so.... (I'm imagining in the same time I'm writing) maybe kleiner knew in advance about the problems that risked to happen in black mesa and so decided to put Gordon in the mess because he knew he was the only person able to resolve the case... so, this can explain that Kleiner and his daughter play an important role in the sequel...

I just began to write this post to add my 2 cents about the link between Freeman and Austria in HL1 but now I'm thinking about a lot of things about the sequel... but I don't want to be a spoiler.

Alyx is Eli's daughter not Kleiner, but otherwise yeah that could make sense
I would bet that Gordon has the HEV from the get-go. After all that went on, he's safer wearing it. The power has slowly run out, but I'm sure the control computer and flashlight will have juice until Armageddon. Possibly has a zero-point energy system. ;)
I think running around with just two weapons is a good way to die though. Maybe one weapon of each category, but two would limit you badly. Sure the gluon gun was the best, but if you only had that and say a pistol, you'd be in deep trouble.
Has it been said that City 17 is in Europe or similar?
I have it on good authority that it begins with Gordon being thrown out of a plane. You have only three seconds to master the all new parachute openin controls which use seven keys, before you hit the ground and die instantly.

Originally posted by Xaxor
I would bet that Gordon has the HEV from the get-go. After all that went on, he's safer wearing it. The power has slowly run out, but I'm sure the control computer and flashlight will have juice until Armageddon. Possibly has a zero-point energy system. ;)
I think running around with just two weapons is a good way to die though. Maybe one weapon of each category, but two would limit you badly. Sure the gluon gun was the best, but if you only had that and say a pistol, you'd be in deep trouble.
Has it been said that City 17 is in Europe or similar?

I think that the two-weapon system was thrown out. Gabe or someone said that they were only trying it out for a little while, or something like that.

A zero-point energy system... that would explain the continuous recharging of the torch.