how will the world end? (seriously)

The world will never end. Every world of reality of dimensions may or may not be real in their own way, who knows, the world could have ended yesterday and we could have just relived our lives. You never know! ;)
For me it will end, when doctors from the psychiatric clinic will find me dead of the floor with my penis squeezed in my left hand, and a photo of Zigmund Freid in my right. This is how I see my death - exhostion cause by masturbation on a genuis and father of modern psychiatry.
Hmm..... I'm thinking nukes :p. I'm currently in a course called Nuclear News & FAQs at my college and I find it very interesting, I'll just throw out a couple things.

Some people believe that the reason Iran is acting so finicky right now with the inspectors and all is that they believe that nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) will not be renewed in 2005.

If the NPT is not renewed there will be no restrictions for countries who want to develop nuclear weapons. Right now there are around 40 countries described as "nuclear capable" that do not currently have nuclear weapons. Imagine if most of the countries in the middle-east had nuclear weapons.

I believe the bomb dropped on Nagasaki was about 20 kilotons (I'm not sure exactly). The largest bomb ever made was a hydrogen bomb and it was by the Russians. It was over 100 megatons.

1000 kilotons = 1 megaton. Do the math :p

both the U.S. and Russia have about 1500 nukes each.

Well I guess that about ends my little spiel. Hey has anyone else played Earth 2150? In the game a nuclear attack cause the earth to spin out of its orbit. I'm not saying its possible, just interesting to think about.
Originally posted by FortisVir
I believe the bomb dropped on Nagasaki was about 20 kilotons (I'm not sure exactly). The largest bomb ever made was a hydrogen bomb and it was by the Russians. It was over 100 megatons.

1000 kilotons = 1 megaton. Do the math :p
Actually, they used only the half of its capacity(about 60 kilotonns), but still it was much more then they have expected.
*bleh, stupid 15 minute edit time limit*

Russia and U.S. have about 9000 nukes each, not 1500.
Originally posted by FortisVir
*bleh, stupid 15 minute edit time limit*

Russia and U.S. have about 9000 nukes each, not 1500.
Aloghough 1500 would be rather enough. :P
Our world will end when another era begins, the next step in evolution.
the world will end...

when the baby jeebus sweeps down with his attendant train of kittens to take us all to gumdrop-teddybear heaven.
the forum didn't let me post or something!
anyway lucky i copied it first heh

What do we need all these nukes for? Man, those american government peoples are dumbasses. I am ashamed to be born in california. Why develop nuclear weaponry? Why not develop anti-nuclear attack defenses? Like the starwars program? or electromagnetic field, that envelops your house, to hold off radiation? stupid countries. where's the love, man? If I had a country, and someone threatened me, I'd go and talk with him y'know, be friends, play golf. teach him the concept of selflessness. Man, some people, I can't believe them. Give them a hug, show them the love, I say. Remember that movie, Seven Years in Tibet? Somebody said in that movie "Embrace your enemy, and he has no arms to point his gun at you" or something like that? Now isn't that some deep shit? I hear that, I hear that! I'm serious people, try to be nice to each other. Today I decided to started smiling at people (at work, as a cashier), just to add a little love, a little happiness to their day. And it f*ckin works, I tell you what. I smile at some poor sap driving a beater, man it just makes his day. "You have a good day too, sir" man i love that shit. even gangstas be smilin back at me. You know I'm right, all of you know I'm right. show the love. *hugs all of y'all*

if we find peace, by showin the love, we will survive until the sun is done, and then we will have the technology and the economy to move all our shits to some other good planet. hell yeah you know it, you know it. show the love people.

if we find peace, by showin the love, we will survive until the sun is done, and then we will have the technology and the economy to move all our shits to some other good planet. hell yeah you know it, you know it. show the love people.

Yeah, I think something like that is our ticket to a much longer existance. If we could grasp the technology, we could survive a whole lot longer. We could start colonies on a few planets, and from there on, human existance would be a lot more secured. But I think this is all part "life's plan". It's like fungus. First, you just have some old food hanging around your kitchen sink. If you leave it there long enough, it will start rotting, and fungus will prosper. But soon, all the food will be consumed. So the fungus makes a "spore-rocket", and sends it to a bunch of food near it. If it succeeds, the fungus will live on on the new food. Life is in search for this. If we're not the animal to explore the universe, some other animal will evolve in another million years to do the job we couldn't do.

What do you think?
Originally posted by Element Alpha
Yeah, I think something like that is our ticket to a much longer existance. If we could grasp the technology, we could survive a whole lot longer. We could start colonies on a few planets, and from there on, human existance would be a lot more secured. But I think this is all part "life's plan". It's like fungus. First, you just have some old food hanging around your kitchen sink. If you leave it there long enough, it will start rotting, and fungus will prosper. But soon, all the food will be consumed. So the fungus makes a "spore-rocket", and sends it to a bunch of food near it. If it succeeds, the fungus will live on on the new food. Life is in search for this. If we're not the animal to explore the universe, some other animal will evolve in another million years to do the job we couldn't do.

What do you think?
We are already shooting DNA-rockets at tiny planets! ;)
Sry if this has been mentioned before... I didnt read the whole thread, if it has Im just agreeing with the guy.

And if not then in what... 5 billion years when the sun burns out. :)
isn' nukes enough?

I'm sure 100 will wipe out the WHOLE world if launched out all at why 9000?
Originally posted by Baal
isn' nukes enough?

I'm sure 100 will wipe out the WHOLE world if launched out all at why 9000?
You want to make sure the enemy is dead. Being able to destroy the world 10 times over does that :)
Although, I agree its quite alot. I mean, with modern missiles we only need like 5000 or so, and still do 100x the damage than those 9000. Pff, most of them are old crappy bombs and small airplane missiles that doesnt even carry multiple warheads.
Originally posted by Baal
isn' nukes enough?

I'm sure 100 will wipe out the WHOLE world if launched out all at why 9000?
Nah, you can't wipe out the whole world with only 100 nukes. There are much more cities in the world.
However, 100 nukes will definitly suffice as a major threat to any enemy. Imagine how many damage a mere 10 nukes can do in the USA. Millions would die. Hell, even a single nuke could do unspeakable damage if targeted at a major city.
Originally posted by Arno
Nah, you can't wipe out the whole world with only 100 nukes. There are much more cities in the world.
However, 100 nukes will definitly suffice as a major threat to any enemy. Imagine how many damage a mere 10 nukes can do in the USA. Millions would die. Hell, even a single nuke could do unspeakable damage if targeted at a major city.
Depends on how tactical you want to get. You could probably melt some large parts of the arctic regions with 100 nukes, basicly reshaping the entire world.
Enough nukes would probably wipe out all life on this planet except cockroaches, rats, bankers clerks and pot noodles. The number of nukes would depend on whether you want to kill them all at once, or wait for radiation to do it's job.

You'd need more than even 9000 to blow up the entire planet, though, if that's what anyone here is thinking. Sure, 9000 nukes might reduce it to gravel, but due to coalescence caused by gravity, you'd still have a big ball of gravel. Dispersing it would take a shitload of energy.

The world will end next time I eat chilli.
Theoligical Statements:

God will end the world--Gods will end the world--But first major disaster

My Statements:

The world will end to an individual--this is when they die. They will either fall into the arms of a different world; or their eyes will simply go black and they will know no existence and fade away into nothing. (Debate this and your head will hurt for weeks on end)

I believe I won't fade into nothing--maybe we can't comprehend non-existance, but I think our species along with others have our ways to pass life into others and continue living.
Everything that has a beginning must have an end…Except possibly the Matrix Revolutions...

...which was great up until the last 10 minutes when they realised they had to actually stop filming.

How do you know that the gears arent already in motion for the destruction of the world. We could be on the brink right now without realising it...for all i know my message might never arrive on your screens.

I think aprt of the problem Tredoslop, with trying to think about where God came from is that, we are very limited by our minds and what is around us. Since none of us has ever left time, we cant possibly imagine that something could have not start...

Anywho, it was forcast in the great text...Im sure that when the great plug of the universe is finaly pulled...the chain will lead to Ankh-Morpork
the point of having "more than enough" nukes is to guard against the possibility that some of them will be destroyed in some sneaky way.

it goes a long way towards guaranteeing that no matter how many of the enemy's nukes you destroy, they're still gonna be able to respond with more than enough.

it's called mutually assured destruction (MAD), and it's the only reason we're all still alive and not ash.
Originally posted by Baal
isn' nukes enough?

I'm sure 100 will wipe out the WHOLE world if launched out all at why 9000?

12 are enough to wipe out mankind (read that somewhere), 6 are enough to destroy the world as we know it. in cold war's "best" times there were like 12000-20000 nukes one both sides together.

maybe the world will end in a war between the western world and islamic states.
12 of what size? 12 hiroshima-sized bombs certainly wouldn't threaten the world...

there are many sizes of guys are just lumping them all together.
Has anyone seen the trailer for the movie "The Day After Tomorrow"?
I saw when I was in the theater for the Matrix Revolutions, but if you haven't seen it yet go here - Trailer

Looks pretty interesting.

On a more serious note, Everyone knows that Jesus will come back and fight Mecca Rodan, and that is when the fate of the world will be decided.
Originally posted by FortisVir
On a more serious note, Everyone knows that Jesus will come back and fight Mecca Rodan, and that is when the fate of the world will be decided.


that movie does look interesting...i feel cheated that i didn't see it when i saw revolutions.
There's a 5% chance we'll be in a collision path with a world-ending asteriod within the next 100 years.
Originally posted by dawdler
Please dont get me thinking on that... My head would explode ;)

Anyway, this Common Place of Utter crap will end when the big power button is pressed by the Allmighty And OOOOH So Glorious Computology Goddess Pixel!! ALL HAIL PIXEL!!!

And then it will restart.
And then it will end again.
And then it will restart again.
Then it will probably crash.
And then it will restart.
And then it will end again.
And then it will restart again.
And then it will be upgraded to a newer model.

This relgion sounds like the real deal i want in!
1% not much is it, besides its proberly less. the chance of the us dying to causes other than ourselves is incredibly low.
the chance of the us dying to causes other than ourselves is incredibly low.

John, have you ever thought about the fact that we're living on a planet that's made out of dirt, flying at an incredible speed around a giant ball of fire, meanwhile, there are 8 other mudballs flying around this fireball as well. And all this little balls are being propelled at a tremendous rate through the galaxy, wich is mostly composed of more giant fireballs, random explosions and collapsing supernovas, wich are flying around us too, and in all possible directions. Also, add a few black holes, electromagnetic fields and other startrek gadgets, and you might get another "perspective" about the safety of our little ecosystem.
The universe is not quite the most secure place to be, especially when you're cruising steerless through it a the pace we're doing it. But hey, there's no place like the universe, right?
It's actually 0.02% LittleB, I just checked Scientific America. I was way off before.
umm.... ever think that there is 1.5x10^15 miles to the sun? (thats 15000000000) and a meteorite is 1 mile across?
Originally posted by king John I
umm.... ever think that there is 1.5x10^15 miles to the sun? (thats 15000000000) and a meteorite is 1 mile across?

You asking me?
Originally posted by king John I
umm.... ever think that there is 1.5x10^15 miles to the sun? (thats 15000000000) and a meteorite is 1 mile across?

what are you saying? are you saying that's how far the earth is from the sun or are you saying that's the sun's diameter?

either one of those is wrong.

the sun is like 91-93 million miles away (changes during the year)...your number is 15 trillion...i don't get what you were saying.
whatever i cant be botherd to get my physics file out, i'm saying that although there is crap in space, in reply to element alpha, the things are sooo very far apart that the hardly ever collide, this is in reply to the fact that we wont get hit by a meteorite.
yes...the chances are extremely small.

he said that space is made up of "blah blah example blah blah" when really it's 99.99999% empty. that's why they call it "space"
I suppose there could be a completely different universe which we CAN get to but by no physical means, im talking about heaven or hell or whatever... i suppose its impossible to explain because everything is based on physical theory, there is no way we can imagine anything unless we experienced it, but can you even experience it??, im not even sure if you can see whats there, you cant move, or anything but use non physical energy think about it and u get into a loophole you try and suggest something and your mind immediatly trys to link it with a physical aspect of the world as we know it, if we could break the link we could find out more about this dimention. I cant say if it even exists ,its hard to think about anything really without like i said getting in a loophole isnt it? Id be happy for you to discuss this id like to see what u guys think.