How will you die?

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I'm going to die when the sun explodes, but luckily for me the sun will never explode since it doesn't have enough mass to have a supernova, It will just wither out. Therefore I will live forever.
I will die when I are mugged.

...Anyone see the horrible grammar there?
This is the second time I do this in two years and I got the same result- Chemical Accident.
"You will die the next time you answer the phone."

:eek: That's what I get for being a dirty liar I guess!
I will die without arms or legs.

"I will die after I fall off the cliff."

Note to self: Never take a piggy back ride from Cliff Richards.
Yes :D

You will die after you fall off the cliff. :D

Ill die falling of a cliff at the age of 79, then i will go the the sixth layer of hell because im an extreme heretic.. thats just fine withe me ;)