How would I go about getting my own website?


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
What service is the best? I don't know any HTML coding so I want it to be as painfree as possible. Thanks in advance. :)
what do u mean by getting?

dyou mean somewhere to host it?

if so i recommend krystal hosting, they own.

extremely good rates
1) learn html, or get a WSYWIG editor like Dreamweaver (free trial)
2) get a host (this could be as simple/stupid as geocities, or you can get a paid host.
3) get a domain name.
Yeah, I need someone to host it. I look into a few more things and then come back if I have anymore questions. Thx.

I use for hosting,. great rates there. $7/month for 1.5gb storage, 50gig/month, and web based/POP email.
Also use to register the domain.

Dreamweaver is a good tool. Designing pages can be rather difficult to learn, however.
Just spend a couple years mastering a few web languages and build the whole thing in notepad.

Notepad is my most used program :-/
kingthebadger said:
what type of site u making?

A site that allows me to have a opinion page about certain current events around the world. Maybe a videogame review page and a page that has all kinds of crazy/cool links with reasons why I chose them to be on my site. Or just a page with news and write-ups about various interests of mine.

I would probably spend most of the time writing up my political opinion page. I love politics! :thumbs: I have a lot of ideas that would probably piss a lot of people off. :O :P
Would that be easier then? How would I go about getting a blog? Is there like a template that someone has that could get me up a running pretty fast?

As you can see, i don't know a whole lot about making a web page. We all have to start somewhere though, right?