How would one start modding?


Nov 3, 2003
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Alright, this has probably been posted somewhere, but I can't find it in the search.

I think I might have some really good mod ideas, semi-new concepts, ect. Thing is, I don't even know how to get started modding. My question is just that. How would I even get started modding? I'm currently taking programming courses in collage, wouldn't mind investing (very very little--I'm a collage student for god's sake) money in it, and don't mind learning new skills, if nessesary.

Also, would HL1 editing be anywhere close to HL2? What are some other things I can do to get experience at this?
One of the best sites I've seen about starting a mod can be found at:

Even though this is an Unreal site most of the articles are conceptual pieces, and thus are applicable to modding in general.

And yes, HL2 editing is going to be very similar to HL1 editing. In most instances Valve has decided to expand on existing editing techniques, and thus any skills learned while modding HL1 should transfer over to HL2.

If you feel like having a go at the HL1 SDK, I'd suggest you download it from The included documentation should be enough to get you on your way, and if not, there are plenty of tutorials and help forums scattered around the internet. will soon have a sister site called .Dev where you can find (almost) everything about modding the source engine.

We got several articles about how to start a mod and what you need to think about, we will also have video tutorials about modelling and so on right from the start. I cant give you a release date at the moment but we're talking about maybe 1-2 weeks (got some server problems right now but should be out of the way soon). I hope you can wait :)
Karis said:
Alright, this has probably been posted somewhere, but I can't find it in the search.

I think I might have some really good mod ideas, semi-new concepts, ect. Thing is, I don't even know how to get started modding. My question is just that. How would I even get started modding? I'm currently taking programming courses in collage, wouldn't mind investing (very very little--I'm a collage student for god's sake) money in it, and don't mind learning new skills, if nessesary.

Also, would HL1 editing be anywhere close to HL2? What are some other things I can do to get experience at this?

1. Make a design doc, and write up all your useful ideas.
2. Get some basic knowledge and understanding of coding and C++.
3. Wait.
4. Wait.
5. Wait.
6. Wait.
7. Wait.
8. Wait.
9. Wait.
10. Wait.
11. Download the SDK.
12. Read all the documentation in the sdk.
13. You'll probably be able to continue from this step by then...
try to learn every other aspect of game design to a begginner/intermidiate level,, then when you write the game design doc you'll have a much better idea of what's possible and what isn't
Dile is almost right. A good project leader will have knowledge of all departments necessary in creating a mod. That includes code, maps, models, 2d art and sound. Your team members will get pissed off with you if you can't describe to them what you want them to do. You don't have to wait that much either. Almost all mods have started work on modelling. That said, don't spew out renders as fast as possible, it gives no indication of how the game will play, and you'll only attract a bunch of high poly loving kiddies with cs tendancys. rant over :E
Onions said:
Dile is almost right. A good project leader will have knowledge of all departments necessary in creating a mod. That includes code, maps, models, 2d art and sound. Your team members will get pissed off with you if you can't describe to them what you want them to do. You don't have to wait that much either. Almost all mods have started work on modelling. That said, don't spew out renders as fast as possible, it gives no indication of how the game will play, and you'll only attract a bunch of high poly loving kiddies with cs tendancys. rant over :E

I love the last part :) Good job onions
Allright, thx. Right now, most of my ideas are fairly scattered and random, but I do have one or two well-thought ideas. For instance (without getting too detailed :P) a multiplayer fight sim. Biggest prob here is finding out how to streamline the net connection enough so that it actually allows for comfortable online play for this type of game. Other ideas (including the common fps, and other genras) do exist as well. Gonna have to do one at a time tho. ^^

Is C++ actually the language used in most video games out there? (I do remember a classified ad on asking for peeps who know C++.) I know a little about it already, and I'm taking visual basic in collage atm. (pre-request for C++, and as I understand, not very similar) Modeling will probably be a weak point for me (not really that artistic, but I do have some experience with Adobie Photoshop (2d art design)), but map design I think I'll get a hang of fairly quick. Sound editing... new to me. ^^

Also, can I get a list of any programs other than sdk that I might possibly need? So that I can go ahead and get them out of the way.

And on the side, how the hell does one make an animated gif? I've seen programs out there to make em, but is there no way to do it with just Windows XP?
Animated gifs can be made with Flash, or if you have no money and morals, I got a free program off the front of a magazine ages ago called "Ulead Gif Animator" which is probably available on the internet somewhere.

You just make a series of pictures, each being 1 frame of the animation, then bung them all into the program saying how long it should take between changing frames, whether it loops or not and such...
i dunno about the whole industry, but c++ us very commonly used.
beginning to see a lot of games using scripting languages though, could come in handy.
k. Thx. I think that's about all I need to know at the moment ^^
well throughout the SDK is some C programming

so C/C++ coding a must....

now a good leader as stated above needs to know everything bout what is going on.. Make a to-do list with time tables and you should realize how long you are dedicating yourself to this project... If I were you I would try every thing there is to modding at least once so you have basic knowledge and i you don't know just ask! Never be afraid to ask

if you were to start a mod by yourself, good luck... find some people (usually on forums or IRC go into GamesNET (now called Gamesurge but mirc didn't update their list yet) and start scouring around for concept artists.. I feel that with coding and a concept artist people will come if you have a good design :D

Think of it this way. When you start a mod imagine it is a gaming studio cause that is basically what it comes down too... You need to organize a group of people and get them to work towards a common goal. You need great leadership skills and be able to handle anything that comes your way....

Iced_Eagle said:
What he said just above this post. :D

Yea. I've always had a sick fantasy of being a game developer. :laugh:

I'm on my way to BS some maps, simple images, ect just to see how to do / get experience at doing all the junk. :D

BTW, did anyone ever say anything about a good program for sound editing (if that is a dicipline)?
A very very useful thing I missed!

Download the HL SDK:

You can play around with hammer if you'd like, but the main thing is source files.
Read the source files, I recommend starting with the weapons in the multiplayer source folder. Look at them closely. After a certain amount of time, you'll realize that they all make sense. Continue looking until you understand how the weapons work, and how you can change things, such as what happens when you pick up a weapon, fire a weapon, etc...
If you feel you're cool enough go on to some more advanced stuff like the HUD.

If you know how to use HL's sdk, then you know how to use HL2's sdk.
mrBadger said:
Is your sig about me :D ?

Huh? What? NO! never! Ok. mabey.

On another note... after looking at the code.. I have come to a conclusion. I need a program that actually COMPILES code. I currently have something that came with like C++ for dummies (don't laugh), but it dosen't let you compile your code. (the only way to run it is to go into the program and "debug"). That's probably an issue I'll have to fix, soon.

Any experienced coders (lacking that, inexperienced will do) have any good input on what program I should get for this? ALL my experience in C++ comes from about 3 years ago, in high school, from that dummies book. :thumbs:

I know I should have put this with the last post, but oops. :O
Allright, I'm in hammer, I have all the technical stuff (game files, ect) filled out, but I can't make a room. I can make cameras and objects and everything, no problem there, but I can't find the "brush" tool, or whatever you use to actually make the brushes (as I understand it, you use brushes to make rooms). Does it have something to do with the cordon thing in the toolbar? If so, I can't figure out how to make more than one.

EDIT: ok, cordons have nothing to do with creating rooms. Still haven't figured it out though.