How would you spend your $3,415? [Iraq war]

I was and am against the Iraqi War, as many before he mave said, why don't free North Korea? They suffer from an even worse dictator that the Iraqis did. Two reasons: NK have a mucher bigger army than Iraq and NK doen't have oil. But maybe I've just been affected by our media. All the parties in our parlament were against the war and most TV-channels and newpapers were against it too.
Why is there a discussion on this, you don't have to be rocket scientist to see that the U.S. didn't invade Iraq to save the Iraqi's or because of WMD's, The north Korean regime is far more brutal than the Iraqi ever was, and they have rockets that could reach the US western coast, and probably have nukes, so why oh why didn't the US invade them. Everybody knows that, even the rightwing people here so why do you insist on bs'ing, and about those brutal totalitarian regimes, well you may find this surpsising but a large part of them the US trained ( this is a link Stern posted here a while ago).
Here is a site of a dutch television program, if you want to watch it you klick on the right side the part where it says video, its an interesting episode of the program, part of it is dutch but a large part is in english so you all should be able to understand most of the thing in it, it is very intersting if you could take the time watch it, if the same thing has allready been aired in the Us or something ignore this.
The_Monkey said:
I was and am against the Iraqi War, as many before he mave said, why don't free North Korea? They suffer from an even worse dictator that the Iraqis did. Two reasons: NK have a mucher bigger army than Iraq and NK doen't have oil. But maybe I've just been affected by our media. All the parties in our parlament were against the war and most TV-channels and newpapers were against it too.
Well everyone is that way.It's just up to you to decide whats right and wrong.Now of course most media outside the US do bash America...and don't lie.I know they do...So again it's up to YOU and only you to decide. ;)
Tr0n said:
Another thing I find funny is most euro's still deny that we are a Super Power and are the most powerful country in the world. :laugh:
Proof? I think almost 99.9% of all europeans would agree that the U.S is a super power, the 0.1% would just be the people that dont know what the U.S is.
Immortal said:
Proof? I think almost 99.9% of all europeans would agree that the U.S is a super power, the 0.1% would just be the people that dont know what the U.S is.
That doesn't answer the 2nd part. ;)
Depeneds what you think makes you the most powerful is. It could be weapons, economics, education etc.
Tr0n said:
Well everyone is that way.It's just up to you to decide whats right and wrong.Now of course most media outside the US do bash America...and don't lie.I know they do...So again it's up to YOU and only you to decide. ;)

Yes they do blame you some, but not as much as you may think. We relize that USA have to be our allied and that we have so much in common. Although there are the communists...Their youth league(?) is the biggest of them all and they are growing very fast. They belive all americans are the spawns of Satan. But most of us know better. :)
prove it, dont just dismiss it without any proof, that'd make you an ignorant fool

My parents have two cars (brand new), two kids, a nice two-three story house in a nice neighborhood, a two car garage, and fairly new electrical equipment wherever possible. They pay 4,500 dollars of tax to the gov't per year. They are both accountants so dont tell me they are cheating the system. That means over 50% of their tax dollars went to the war in Iraq. That isnt just unfeasible, it is impossible with all the other spending our government performs.
Yes, tens of thousands of civilians were killed by Saddam over the course of his rule. Almost fifteen thousand were killed by US forces over the last two years. That's five world trade centers. It's also two or three times more than the last big massacre Saddam commited in 1991.
How many need to die before it stops being a rescue operation?
See, you purposely downgraded his kill totals. Its not 'tens of thousands', it is 'hundreds of thousands'.

The Bush administration intends to seek about $70 billion in emergency funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan early next year, pushing total war costs close to $225 billion since the invasion of Iraq early last year, Pentagon and congressional officials said yesterday.
See, you purposely downgraded his kill totals. Its not 'tens of thousands', it is 'hundreds of thousands'.
that makes me wonder, how many millions has america killed since WWI?
Yes, some of those funds are for Afghanistan. That doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of those and past funds are for Iraq.

seinfeldrules said:
My parents have two cars (brand new), two kids, a nice two-three story house in a nice neighborhood, a two car garage, and fairly new electrical equipment wherever possible. They pay 4,500 dollars of tax to the gov't per year. They are both accountants so dont tell me they are cheating the system. That means over 50% of their tax dollars went to the war in Iraq. That isnt just unfeasible, it is impossible with all the other spending our government performs.

Yes, probably very little if any of their tax dollars actually went to Iraq. That's part of the reason we have a record deficit. Thanks for pointing that out.

Did you know that President Bush is the first president in the history of the US to not raise taxes during a war to pay for it? Not only did he not raise them, he cut them. Interesting fact, in my opinion.
Probably none of their tax dollars went to Iraq. That's part of the reason we have a record deficit.
You're right. I really feel that we should take a closer look at many of the social programs our government runs.

My parents are pretty middle class (35,000 income this year- 62,000 the year before). That sounds good to make an average. Everyone (on average) pays 4500$ (not including state gov't). 250 million Americans (roughly). That is 1,125,000,000,000 dollars per year. This doesnt include all the misc. taxes that the gov't collects. National security and education should be the #1 priorities and everything else behind that with whatever is left.

Did you know that President Bush is the first president in the history of the US to not raise taxes during a war to pay for it? Not only did he not raise them, he cut them. Interesting fact, in my opinion.
Reagan did as well. During a 'war' with much more potential danger then the one we are currently in.
Did you know that President Bush is the first president in the history of the US to not raise taxes during a war to pay for it? Not only did he not raise them, he cut them. Interesting fact, in my opinion.
actually, that is one of the few (or the only) smart moves he made
You want him to raise taxes? :rolleyes:
That money would have been wasted on superfluous social programs anyway. I'll start worrying about defense spending when they cut corporate welfare.

*note* yes, I know it saved southwest, but for every corporation saved by it billions are wasted on corporations that should be out of business.
seinfeldrules said:
Reagan did as well. During a 'war' with much more potential danger then the one we are currently in.

You mean the cold war? I was referring to actual wars we fought. Now certainly the cold war was a big deal, don't get me wrong. But it's not the same thing. I'm talking about wars where we have to support troops for extended periods of time while they actually fight with the forces of another country.

hasan said:
actually, that is one of the few (or the only) smart moves he made
You want him to raise taxes? :rolleyes:

There is a reason every President before him raised taxes during war time. It's because wars cost money and that money has to come from somewhere. Otherwise it just adds to the deficit like it did in this case.

Did I want him to raise taxes? No, I wanted him not to fight the war. But since he did fight it, I don't think he should maintian all the tax cuts he's made. So, yes, I think taxes should have been raised to a certain extent. The government needs money to pay for what it does, something Bush doesn't seem to grasp.
You mean the cold war? I was referring to actual wars we fought. Now certainly the cold war was a big deal, don't get me wrong. But it's not the same thing. I'm talking about wars where we have to support troops for extended periods of time while they actually fight with the forces of another country.
We still spent far more on the Cold War (year by year) than on the Iraq War II.

The government needs money to pay for what it does, something Bush doesn't seem to grasp.
We could raise money in many other ways, but that is for a different topic.
seinfeldrules said:
We still spent far more on the Cold War (year by year) than on the Iraq War II.

That doesn't change my statement about actual wars and taxes in the US.

So, I take it you agree with Reagan? Because I think it is wrong to have tax cuts during war time, no matter when it happened.

seinfeldrules said:
We could raise money in many other ways, but that is for a different topic.


Doesn't change the fact that Bush's spending is very extreme.
PvtRyan said:
Hehe, I pity the naive that actually think ANY country would start a 150 billion dollar war to "free the people" from some random dictator of which there are a dozen others.
And before you say it, no America didn't participate in WW2 just because they felt so sorry for us, it had huge economical and strategic effects (no disrespect to the many brave soldiers that fought in it of course, just talking about the intentions here).

and in the spending of that money, is the intention to get mega profit off of that incursion , back into the economy in the future, from easier more direct control of Iraqi oil reserves . So all of this uneeded death at present ... to make more profit in the future... to keep elitisim and free masonary in the work's, to maintain the heirarchy... to continue behaving like humans of the past... all for the few, and not for the many. :hmph:

Capital Ones response: what's in your wallet?
So, I take it you agree with Reagan? Because I think it is wrong to have tax cuts during war time, no matter when it happened.
Yes, I do. Many people more knowledgeable about economics than either of us combined claim that Reagan's tax cuts provided the prosperous times that Clinton led us through.
guess what, i would have spent my 3415 on buying more guns to kill more damn terrorists and iraqis... i say BOMB IRAQ

one thing, as posted aroudn the first page, if its americas way to overthrow dicators that are murding the people, why havent they invaded countrys in africa or south america?
merc said:
guess what, i would have spent my 3415 on buying more guns to kill more damn terrorists and iraqis... i say BOMB IRAQ


Because as we all know folks, the 9/11 hijackers (at least 14 of the 19 right?) and bin laden himself hail from Iraq. Even top Iraqi government officials contribute money, and large sums of it, to al qaeda right...

Oh damn wait, I am thinking of Saudi Arabia, not Iraq, silly me. Well obviously it was to dispose of a ruthless dictator and put an end to Iraqi WMD program.

Damn again, I was thinking of IraN that time not Iraq... Oh hell, I don't really know why we are there, so i'll just quit.
we are there because they are all terrorists.

i sense sarcasm, its not funny anymore qckbeam

merc said:
i sense sarcasm, its not funny anymore qckbeam


No really merc, your posts are HISTARICAL. I can't stop laughing. Really, you're a funny kind of guy.
seinfeld is the worst show ever. your sig made me vomit :bonce:

also, "i say BOMB IRAQ!!!11"... i hear that so much now i think i need to wash my ears out with acid. just about every redneck 16 year old ive ever seen has that mentality... even if you were joking, it reminded me of how stupid people are, which leads me to my next awesome 'paragraph':

im going to stop typing before my BP rises 120 points and i spontaneously explode...
qckbeam said:
No really merc, your posts are HISTARICAL. I can't stop laughing. Really, you're a funny kind of guy.

lol im just saying what i feel... by the way we need to exterminate the muslim religion and race. the world would be a safer place without them suicide bombers running around like cooks everywhere

merc said:
lol im just saying what i feel... by the way we need to exterminate the muslim religion and race. the world would be a safer place without them suicide bombers running around like cooks everywhere


Brilliant plan......just sheer brilliance. You liberals could learn a thing or two from this guy.
merc said:
lol im just saying what i feel... by the way we need to exterminate the muslim religion and race. the world would be a safer place without them suicide bombers running around like cooks everywhere


I think the world would be a safter place if we eliminated people like you.
merc said:
lol im just saying what i feel... by the way we need to exterminate the muslim religion and race. the world would be a safer place without them suicide bombers running around like cooks everywhere


merc said:
we are there because they are all terrorists.


Whoa! It was so simple, I just never saw it! Thank you for explaining foreign policy to me. I can't believe I never realized that everyone besides us were terrorists. You have truly opened my eyes, merc. I always kind of liked the my classmate that was from the middle east, but I see through his disguise now thanks to you. Damn him for tricking me, the terrorist scum.
Neutrino said:
Whoa! It was so simple, I just never saw it! Thank you for explaining foreign policy to me. I can't believe I never realized that everyone besides us were terrorists. You have truly opened my eyes, merc. I always kind of liked the my classmate that was from the middle east, but I see through his disguise now thanks to you. Damn him for tricking me, the terrorist scum.

You see the brilliance in his statement too? ISN'T HE AMAZING!!!!
Hey you liberals! Join me for a game of CS:S. Nobody is on the west coast server.
blahblahblah said:
Hey you liberals! Join me for a game of CS:S. Nobody is on the west coast server.

I don't know if I can....

Which end of the gun do I hold again? Hehe, I'm just so clueless...
Neutrino said:
I don't know if I can....

Which end of the gun do I hold again? Hehe, I'm just so clueless...

Be there in like 2 minutes. I want to bash the neo-nazi one more time.
blahblahblah said:
Be there in like 2 minutes. I want to bash the neo-nazi one more time.

im not the neo nazi seriously what the heck, i just want to kill terrorists that kill other people... thats what you all do in counter strike anyways dang

merc said:
im not the neo nazi seriously what the heck, i just want to kill terrorists that kill other people... thats what you all do in counter strike anyways dang


You just labeld the entire muslim nation as terrorists. Have you ever met a Muslim person before?
merc said:
im not the neo nazi seriously what the heck, i just want to kill terrorists that kill other people... thats what you all do in counter strike anyways dang


Face it, you are a neo-nazi for most intents and purposes. I've heard of some members of the Aryan Nations that have less hate and prejudice than you do.
blahblahblah said:
Be there in like 2 minutes. I want to bash the neo-nazi one more time.

Alright, I'll join for a bit. Just remember to go easy on me. I'm just a slow liberal after all.