isnt working


Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score

I just finished Portal and im ****ing amased :p

Now i saw the stuff with the
But if i visit it only comes
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111 in /valve/www/ on line 11
msql con failed"

what should i do ?
Is the page down or is it a trick ? :eek:

Thx :)
I doesn't work for maybe three days. I will send an email to Valve about that soon.
Ahh you saved my day :)

Are there acctualy more Eastereggs ? (exept the room with the cake :p)
Something about the take a wish foundation, shower curtains, and changing the direction of time
Yeah i heard of something, if you play Hl (blueshift i think) and follow gordon in the portal, it says you where cangin time or someting like that
Sweet Jesus, that notes mentoined "some kind of rip in the fabric of space" not "changing the direction of time".
And yes, in Opposing Force you can create a temporal paradox when you follow Gordon in the teleporter, Aperure science have nothing to do with this.
Ah i thought we were talking about eastereggs in Hl and portal :oops:

Il just google for those eggs :)

By the way does anybody know the egg in blueshift with the funny picture ?( the one behind the broken toilet , just found it out now)
Hmm...I don't know.:)
But Blue Shift and Opposing Force are Gearbox titles,they have nothing to do with Valve games..they're just good official mods.
Hmm...I don't know.:)
But Blue Shift and Opposing Force are Gearbox titles,they have nothing to do with Valve games..they're just good official mods.

What are you talking about? They're [official] expansion packs.
mmm...I think of them as mods.Because Laidlaw said their story isn't official.And AI in OF is really terrible.
Even Singleplayer Games forums are invaded by morons? Wow!

Um, he's semi-right. There's no determination as to what is canoninical to Valve's plot and what isn't. The story isn't official until it's referenced directly by Valve or the Half-Life storyline.
They're not canon as nothing that has anything to do with OF is referenced in the main HL series. Adrian Shepard, Race X, etc.
Wow this thread went wayyy of topic aperture science is still saying:
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111 in /valve/www/ on line 11
msql con failed
polaris have you, or are you going to email valve about being down?:)
mmm...I think of them as mods.Because Laidlaw said their story isn't official.And AI in OF is really terrible.
The AI in OF is the exact same as the AI in HL. Gearbox didn't change it at all. Pit drones use bullsquid AI and shock troopers use hgrunt AI.
To any morons claiming OpFor/BlueS/Decay aren't canon: they are. End of story.
Was this a awnser ?

I meant why is this freaking Website not on ? :(
That website was used to promote Portal, now that's it out. It's not needed any more. Shame it was pretty cool.
Good thing that I saved everything when it was up.
so did I, and I'm quite happy that I did.
I wonder if it's illegal to upload it?
It is working now as usual, only strange thing is that Xmas theme...

i was looking through the Aperture Science Website and i did the usual random login name password portal, but i hit help and like ten things popped up and one of them was play. so i tried a few thing like play tic tac toe (reference to wargames *smiles*),chess and the usualy stuff,but then i think hmm what happens if i put play portal...i put that in and it sends me here
sorry for long url
for those who don't feel like looking its a youtube page except the video "has been removed by the user." so i'm wondering what the video was. i might just be late and it was an old portal trailer or something. if anyone could shed some light on this for me it would be appreciated.
Yes, PLAY PORTAL command will send you to removed video. It was famous David Copperfield's "portal" trick.

Here it is
really? cuz if thats true thats kind of anti climactic in my opinion lol