HUGE Arguement At School About...


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Dropping cats from the Eiffel tower...

Almost my entire History class was arguing about it (started by me :D), my Teacher was even in on the arguing.. He said it wouldn't work because of the internal organs would mess up, the cat would land, but then die..

I don't care if you argue about it here, but I just wanted to say about how much arguing this question makes. We didn't learn anything today, and we did no work because I asked that question. :)

I searched on google for it, and only found a post by The Someone, the very first post for the very first Cat/Eiffel tower thread.. That converted my teacher into beleiving me :)
A cat's terminal velocity is so low it could probably technically survive the fall. But it would depend on a lot of factors.

The best way to find out is to go find out how long it takes a cat to reach terminal velocity. Then see if there are any stories of cats surviving a fall of that length of time/height. I think there are some cases of it, but I don't remember exactly.

Edit: According to this site cats have a non-fatal terminal velocity, so that answers the question for most intents and purposes. It says that they reach termincal velocity after about 5 stories. Though it appears that it can't be proven one way or the other without further data.
I think we came to the conclusion that it would survive.
...Oh god, not this shit again

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dammit, why do we have no members in paris to test this for us?
...Oh god, not this shit again

..............,/ (............`\....`\?*=,``\.......*&*%@@@@@g;,..........\
......./.,$ `\,...`.-...&..../........................`%@@@@@@@@$#/

hahaha, qft :D
Well thats a really interesting debate to have in class, Ill have to try that one thanks haha.
Imagine the cat spinning wildly while suspeded in air.
I thought you would have had an argument over how to spell argument. High five to my face!
...Oh god, not this shit again

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......./.,$ `\,...`.-...&..../........................`%@@@@@@@@$#/

Damnit Pulse, that's the one I originally wanted, but there weren't any in sight when I looked D:
I want to bring in the .999 = 1 data to my math teacher.
I don't want to argue with you, but it's proven that .999 repeating is equal to 1.
I don't want to argue with you, but it's proven that .999 repeating is equal to 1.

It's equal to .999 repeating. Only if you add a .000001 or however many 0's need to be added to it to the end, which you cannot as it's repeating, would it be equal to 1. :D

Note: I've never really gotten into this discussion before.
Yeah. It's really hard to prove because your common sense kicks in. But it is equal to one.
So what exactly is the logic that .999 repeating, is equal to 1? When The only way it could ever be equal to one is if it was rounded up to 1. Which is impossible according to the information given. It's very close to one though.
0.999... = 1 - 0.000...1
But 0.000...1 has an infinite number of zeroes
So, 0.000...1 = 0
Thus, 0.999... = 1 - 0
0.999... = 1
It might have an infinite number of zeroes, but that only compensates for the infinite number of nines. Just because it has an infinite number of 0's, doesn't mean it also has that one on the end. It has to have the one on the end, or else 1 minus 0 doesn't equal .999...
Unfortunately, you can't use literary logic to disprove math :p
But 0.000...1 has an infinite number of zeroes
So, 0.000...1 = 0

Pretty sure that doesn't work, because even if there are infinite amounts of 0s there's still a 1 on the end.
Inside Group Educational Resources™ Presents:

Ronny the Ruler!



There you have it, folks.
The end!
Proving 9.99etc. isn't equal to 10 doesn't prove that .999etc. isn't equal to one. They're way different.
Proving 9.99etc. isn't equal to 10 doesn't prove that .999etc. isn't equal to one. They're way different.
Actually, it's the same fundamental principle, so it does D:

[edit] But 9.999... is 10. So. :p
Exactly, that's why Ronny gave the bonus example of 10/3.

Whatever number you choose, the line will never shift.
I just used ten instead of one because it's easier to illustrate.

Use Ronny's technique and try it yourself.

Remember: WWRD?
Same principle but extremely different situations. I'm not going to argue it, though. I'll just be the sheep and be herded by this math phenomenon!
It's equal to .999 repeating. Only if you add a .000001 or however many 0's need to be added to it to the end, which you cannot as it's repeating, would it be equal to 1. :D

Note: I've never really gotten into this discussion before.

1/3 = 0.333 repeating

1/3 * 3 = 3/3 = 1 = 0.333 repeating * 3 = 0.999 repeating
2+2 = 4

Call me the mathwhiz!
*stroke chin and looks in the distance