Huge increase in latency (Comcast Broadband)


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
My average latency is usually around 40 or so, ever since I started playing CS:S (when it first came out). Yesterday, I noticed that in every server I join (no matter how low the server latency is) my latency is usually 200+ all the time. I didn't change any settings, and I cannot think of anything that would cause this..I use Comcast Cable, is anyone else experiencing this problem? I'm hoping its a Comcast problem, and not my computer's problem
hey i hope for you it's a computer problem you can fix because if it's a comcast cable problem you have to wait for them to fix it if the will even try to or you have to change provider and find out you still have the problem
I've had the same problem.Normally 40, suddenly 300.Didn't seem to effect anything though, and went back down to normal the next time i logged in.This has happened to me on 2 seperate occasions.
Yes, I have comcast cable too and I have the same problem. I used to get 30-50 ping but now it's 100-200.
Yeah i'm having a similar problem, i usually get about 17 - 30 on cs 1.6 and the past few days i've been getting 300+. Dnt know wot the problem is. Any suggestions?
Well I'm glad it isn't just me....Thanks guys. I'll call comcast later today and will let you all know what they tell me.
They said nothing was wrong, and that they had no idea what I was talking it still happening to you all? CS:S is unplayable at the moment.
do a speed test on

if ur at or above 3mb down ur fine