Huge Update Released

Sep 28, 2003
Reaction score
Valve has released yet another update over Steam. This one focuses on hl2dm and the source engine itself, as well as including a huge CS:Source update. Here's the full changelog:[br]Counter-Strike: Source
  • New hostage rescue map cs_compound
  • Added Source version of de_train
  • Upgraded version of the CT player model
  • Location names are shown in radio/team chat, and under the radar
  • Server tickrate can be specified with -tickrate
  • Added radio command aliases
  • Added mp_humanteam cvar [any | ct | t] (forces human players onto specified team - useful for humans vs bots)
  • Added new "match" mode for bot_quota -- If bot_quota_mode = "match", bot count = (human count) * bot_quota
  • Bots no longer automatically follow humans (bot_auto_follow now defaults to 0)
  • Bots are balanced before humans with mp_autoteambalance
  • Bots can open simple +use doors
  • Bots change their names to match the prefix when bot_prefix changes
  • Several improvements to bot behavior when paths become blocked -- solves problems specific to cs_havana
  • Bots won't throw grenades if something is blocking their throw
  • Bots are better at only breaking objects that are in their way
  • Fixed bug where a bot occasionally "dithered" rapidly between two or more targets without firing
  • bot_kick and bot_kill console commands use the bot's base name without the bot_prefix
  • de_piranesi - bots avoid the breakable crates better.
  • A bomb exploding just as the round restarts no longer kills players at the start of the next round
  • Grenades being thrown when the player dies no longer disappear
  • Increased mp_limitteams bounds to 0-30, where 0 will disable this functionality
  • Players' arms and hands can be hit by bullets now
  • Target ID font is proportional, and it doesn't resize incorrectly after a resolution change
  • Overviews don't show player locations when mp_fadetoblack is on
  • Players with spaces in their names can be selected in the spectator GUI
  • Observers can change their name at round restart
  • Throwing a grenade right at round restart no longer results in holding a "ghost" grenade viewmodel at respawn
Source Engine
  • Fixed a bug where snd_mixahead was not working properly. Should fix some sound popping problems for certain sound hardware when running at a low framerate
  • Added support for a new surround sound buffering technique that streams six discrete channels instead of using DirectSound3D. Use snd_digital_surround in the console to enable this. This allows for support of Dolby Digital 5.1 on nForce2 hardware
  • Allow mp3 playback at rates other than 44100Hz. This was requested by the MOD community
Master Server Query Protocol
  • Added a challenge number to A2S_PLAYER and A2S_RULES server queries
  • setting "sv_enableoldqueries" to 1 (default) allows old style (no challenge/response) queries to work. By default queries don't require a challenge number for clients on the same B class network, change "sv_allowlocalquery" to 0 to disable this functionality
  • Changed A2S_INFO server query to require the string "Source Engine Query" appended to the end of the query packet.
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
  • Fixed model exploit that would allow players to select an invalid player model
  • Added weapon type to server log
As per usual, in order to receive the update, simply restart your Steam client.
Now I'm waiting for an update, in which the CS:S physics will be fixed. No response from Mr. Cliffe to my e-mail on this, unfortunately.
There is something wrong with CS:S physics now? Do tell. I haven't noticed anything wrong.

Except maybe any server running the mani admin plugin no longer gets the menu screen. Wewt to that.
KagePrototype said:
Allow mp3 playback at rates other than 44100Hz. This was requested by the MOD community

This is why I love Valve.
stinger.aim92 said:
Now I'm waiting for an update, in which the CS:S physics will be fixed. No response from Mr. Cliffe to my e-mail on this, unfortunately.

The css physics arnt bugs. Thats how valve wants it. If you want to change it so its like hl2. Use these cmds.

sv_pushaway_clientside : 0 : , "sv", "rep" : Clientside physics push away (0=off, 1=only localplayer, 1=all players)

sv_pushaway_clientside_size : 15 : , "sv", "rep" : Minimum size of pushback objects

sv_pushaway_force : 30000 : , "sv", "rep" : How hard physics objects are pushed away from the players on the server.

sv_pushaway_max_force : 1000 : , "sv", "rep" : Maximum amount of force applied to physics objects by players.

sv_pushaway_max_player_force : 10000 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" : Maximum of how hard the player is pushed away from physics objects.

sv_pushaway_min_player_speed : 75 : , "sv", "rep" : If a player is moving slower than this, don't push away physics objects (enables ducking behind things).

sv_pushaway_player_force : 200000 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" : How hard the player is pushed away from physics objects (falls off with inverse square of distance).

Anyway de_train ROCKS, remake is kickass. :thumbs:
you forgot -added "Bad Challenge" error message to every other server

that was the main part of the update wasn't it?!
Damn the DM part of the update wasn't that large but the cs:s one is going at 2.1mb/s and it still takes more then 30 minutes. =/
bgesley426 said:
There is something wrong with CS:S physics now? Do tell. I haven't noticed anything wrong.

Except maybe any server running the mani admin plugin no longer gets the menu screen. Wewt to that.

Well, the objects won't let you stay on them, they push you away etc.

Raziel-Jcd said:
The css physics arnt bugs. Thats how valve wants it. If you want to change it so its like hl2. Use these cmds.

sv_pushaway_clientside : 0 : , "sv", "rep" : Clientside physics push away (0=off, 1=only localplayer, 1=all players)

sv_pushaway_clientside_size : 15 : , "sv", "rep" : Minimum size of pushback objects

sv_pushaway_force : 30000 : , "sv", "rep" : How hard physics objects are pushed away from the players on the server.

sv_pushaway_max_force : 1000 : , "sv", "rep" : Maximum amount of force applied to physics objects by players.

sv_pushaway_max_player_force : 10000 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" : Maximum of how hard the player is pushed away from physics objects.

sv_pushaway_min_player_speed : 75 : , "sv", "rep" : If a player is moving slower than this, don't push away physics objects (enables ducking behind things).

sv_pushaway_player_force : 200000 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" : How hard the player is pushed away from physics objects (falls off with inverse square of distance).

Anyway de_train ROCKS, remake is kickass. :thumbs:

I know, it's not a bug. I have however made a poll in the CS:S forums and over 90% of players according to the poll, want the CS:S physics be "normal".

I forgot to mention that I'm really happy with this update. Those maps are very nice. De_train is perfectly redone. :thumbs:
Downloading the update right now,only 37 more minutes to go......
well, just before i turned CSS on this morning it took 13seconds for another update and the "Bad Challenge" message disappeared. quick fix from Valve? I hope so!

amazing update though! :)
KagePrototype said:
[*]Allow mp3 playback at rates other than 44100Hz. This was requested by the MOD community[/list]

Does this mean now I can use 48000Hz quality sounds without having to resample them to 44100?
YAY! Updated player model too! ^_^. I love VALVe. Officially the best gaming company EVER!
stinger.aim92 said:
I know, it's not a bug. I have however made a poll in the CS:S forums and over 90% of players according to the poll, want the CS:S physics be "normal".

Well as soon at you get the lag that we get at HL²:DM servers you'll all wish you didn't have it. :)
Nice Update, getting mixed results on the new CT model (Personally I like it). Decide for yourself!

So who at valve should I send an e-mail to about this little problem?
Valve rules with those updates. This update is really awesome, especially these two new maps and new CT model (superb!). And how many bug fixes! Of course, it took me some time to download, but it was really worth the wait. Thanks, Valve!
" the steam servers are currently too busy to handle your request. Please try again in a few minutes"

Jangle said:
" the steam servers are currently too busy to handle your request. Please try again in a few minutes"


Yeh I'm getting that too... Anyway those pics of the new CT model look nice.
Lol what's with the new CT model? That helmet looks stupid -- did they all become NASCAR drivers?
The new model looks really good if you ask me, and makes the T model looks shite heh :(
I think any new models should just be deviants of the existing models, such as both ct models being of use as well as 2 more, and 3 more terrorist models, all retaining a likeness, as to not easily confuse the 2 teams. But that is just me.
If you keep getting server is to busy error, delete the clientregistery.blob when steam is exited and it "should*" find a new server.

*If it does not work the first time, try it again.
stinger.aim92 said:
I know, it's not a bug. I have however made a poll in the CS:S forums and over 90% of players according to the poll, want the CS:S physics be "normal".

Well even I want normal physics, but you should asked the question differently. Are the physics a PRIORITY update. I've gotten stuck between barrels and such a few times, but meh, I don't care.

I don't care about new team models, and I don't care about physics. But if Turtle Rock came out with a remake, and Valve pushed out a new map every couple months... I am a happy happy camper. Not literally though... boo! boo on campers!
That's fine, but when the physics interupt the quality (the "Bed Bug", when you can't get off mattresses) It is kind of upsetting. Though, if it decreases lag by leaving the physics as is, by all means, I do not care.
Remember Valve have done a lot of user/gameplay testing with the physics and chose the current setup for a reason.
Hmm. Seems the new update made all my favorite servers in HL2DM and CS:S disappear. That sucks.
All my favorites dissappeared too ;(

Even if I add new ones, when I restart steam they are gone. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?
Is it just me or have bots greatly increased in smarts in this update. I didn't notice it right away. Easy is still fairly easy to kill, but normal feels like hard, bots have virtually no delay time (even at easy) and they are much more accurate and aware. If I didn't know any better I would assume each level got one level hard, easy is normal, normal is hard etc.

Maybe this was intentional but for poor players I think easy and normal should be easier, perhaps if they put in more levels. :eek:
-WorldSpawn- said:
All my favorites dissappeared too ;(

Even if I add new ones, when I restart steam they are gone. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?
I have that problem since the inception of steam.

what you need to do is use the game browser outside of the game, right click the steam icon, then browse games.

mark your favorites there.