Human Development Index 2005

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
HDI is a way of measuring standard of living with three main factors:

* A long and healthy life, as measured by life expectancy at birth.
* Knowledge, as measured by the adult literacy rate (with two-thirds weight) and the combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrollment ratio (with one-third weight).
* A decent standard of living, as measured by gross domestic product (GDP) per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) in USD.

2005's list was released today, and here's the top 30 countries (and the change from 2004):

1. Norway (=)
2. Iceland (↑ 5)
3. Australia (=)
4. Luxembourg (↑ 11)
5. Canada (↓ 1)
6. Sweden (↓ 4)
7. Switzerland (↑ 4)
8. Republic of Ireland (↑ 2)
9. Belgium (↓ 3)
10. United States (↓ 2)
11. Japan (↓ 2)
12. Netherlands (↓ 7)
13. Finland (=)
14. Denmark (↑ 3)
15. United Kingdom (↓ 3)
16. France (=)
17. Austria (↓ 3)
18. Italy (↑ 3)
19. New Zealand (↓ 1)
20. Germany (↓ 1)
21. Spain (↓ 1)
22. Hong Kong SAR (PRC) (↑ 1)
23. Israel (↓ 1)
24. Greece (=)
25. Singapore (=)
26. Slovenia (↑ 1)
27. Portugal (↓ 1)
28. South Korea (=)
29. Cyprus (↑ 1)
30. Barbados (↓ 1)


I can't believe Sweden has dropped from 2nd to 6th place :(

Anyway, the report covered much more than that. It's generally about humanity's development and such.

Here's the full report.
Honestly, I don't think there's much difference within the top 20 in terms of quality of life. Minor differences that can probably be attributed to culture and economics, really.
I don't know, I would live anywhere else but here. However, I do have to get out of this damn country for a vacation; haven't been on another continent since I moved from Poland when I was 8.
Damn Netherlands used to be in the 5th place, but then we elected a christian rightwing party.
I'm surprised we even got in the top 10.
Murray said:
We're still in the top 10, w00t \o/
Not good enough. Although if we elect a bourgeois government I'm sure it will get a lot worse.
The_Monkey said:
Not good enough. Although if we elect a bourgeois government I'm sure it will get a lot worse.
True, I fear that Moderaterna will win this time.
Everyone keeps throwing shit at Socialdemokraterna nowadays. :(