Human Pez Dispenser pregnant again


May 5, 2004
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It's a happy Mother's Day for an Arkansas woman ? she's pregnant with her 18th child. Michelle Duggar, 41, is due on New Year's Day, and the latest addition will join seven sisters and 10 brothers. There are two sets of twins.

The other Duggar children, in between Joshua, 20 and Jennifer, 9months, are Jana, 18; John-David, 18; Jill, 16; Jessa, 15; Jinger, 14; Joseph, 13; Josiah, 11; Joy-Anna, 10; Jeremiah, 9; Jedidiah, 9; Jason, 7; James, 6; Justin, 5; Jackson, 3; and Johannah, 2.

they have a show on discovery channel, they're weird to say the least's also understandable once you realise they're conservative baptists: sex is only for procreation and they dont believe in condoms so I guess they use the "hope and pray" method
they have their entire attic lined with clothing that's donated to them ..there's an episode where the kids want new showes so they go to the attic and pick a pair for literally hundreds

I think their grocery bill was in and around $1000/week
So, what, are they just roller blading out of her vagina yet?
they have their entire attic lined with clothing that's donated to them ..there's an episode where the kids want new showes so they go to the attic and pick a pair for literally hundreds

I think their grocery bill was in and around $1000/week

Jesus christ, that is insane. I can't help but respect the woman though.
This thread fills my head with pleasant images.
I saw the show where they went on vacation. 18 kids?! DANG she must go through pain :O

Things like this actually make me kind of sad, because I can't imagine giving enough attention and love to that many kids, I think that's why people need to shoot for like 1-3 kids, so you know, they are actual humans to you, not just some number and name.
Crap, I cant imagine running after 18 kids, remembering their names, giving them all the attention they need and so forth. I agree, zombieturtle01, 1-3 kid'll be ok. 18? Not so much.
Must be like ****ing a coffee can after 18 kids, prolly needs a wood wedge to jam in there just to get friction
I for one welcome our new pez-like human dispensing overlord.
ITT: Woman gives birth to 18 children... through her neck?

D: D: D:
Jeez what are their monthly utility costs? Water for washing 20 sets of clothes. Electricity for a house that fits 20 people. Gas costs to truck them all around. School supply costs.

WHAT ABOUT COLLEGE? Are they going to try and send 18 kids through college?

There was a guy in my school from a family of about 21 I think.
Unless it was 14. Definitely a multiple of 7 anyways.
Was it 28??! :O

Okay seriously don't the family maybe think that they have maybe a bit too much children? Also I do not want to see their bills :O
sure the dad allways have a smile on his face
EWW! ><

And their bills! Oh my good golly gosh, their bills. :( I dont wanna see them either.

Exactly! Sending 18 kids through college?! How in the heck are they gonna do that?!
EWW! ><

And their bills! Oh my good golly gosh, their bills. :( I dont wanna see them either.

Exactly! Sending 18 kids through college?! How in the heck are they gonna do that?!

If it were me, I'd say only two people will get to go to college, and have them fight to the death for it. Then i'd laugh and say I was just kidding, and only one gets to go to college, and i'd pick my favorite of the two.
sure the dad allways have a smile on his face

If I had 18 children to feed, clothe, send to school, give attention to, transport, and buy presents for, I would not have a smile on my face.
I remember seeing a news report on them when she was pregnant with the 17th. That woman must be looser than Elliot Moose
Wouldn't a human pez dispenser have babies coming out of her throat?