Human vs human combat

bliink said:
By not letting the player shoot recognisable humans, there would be some benefits (eg, game's violence rating)

Blood in a shooter already automatically gives you a M rating, and Half-Life is already on many parent's watchlist. Whats the point?
The combine were more human than the marines ever were. Besides, if you want human v human combat, there's always CS. The combine are easily one of the best races i've ever fought against in an FPS.
kupoartist said:
The combine were more human than the marines ever were. Besides, if you want human v human combat, there's always CS. The combine are easily one of the best races i've ever fought against in an FPS.

Seconded and thirded...(can I do that?)
No, you cant.

The whole point of thsi thread was not to promote an increase in the number or percentage of fighting vs humans. It was to support the idea of the humans being more, well, human.
avraell said:
No, you cant.

The whole point of thsi thread was not to promote an increase in the number or percentage of fighting vs humans. It was to support the idea of the humans being more, well, human.
And our arguement is that they already are more human, you ditz!
Well, my arguement is that they are NOT human enough! ya silly
Well he's right to an extent
The comnbine soldiers are just not smart enough
Partly because on hard the weapons are still ridiculously inaccurate
Now relative even to the much vaunted ai of FarCry they are the most superior ai to date particularly around a fixed structure like a house.
However I've been ramping up their health to 200 + to test my own abilities and theirs and sadly ai still does not cut the mustard
If u want to see good ai see the bots of css and hl2 and think of a compromise - soldiers that duck and weave and use cover, and flank properly
Oh and combine soldiers dont use grenades nearly enough
Pity really
Black Ops4 said:
I really don't want any more 'human' foes in HL: Aftermath.
Pretty much every damn FPS game out there has human opponents, one of the reasons I like the HL games is because they are so different.

I don't know why some of you think it isn't violent enough. To me, killing the enemies is just overcoming obstacles, not pleasure for sadists. I don't think Half-Life 2's rating could get much higher either, unless Vavle added tons of unnecessary swearing and gore. A human corpse with its face burnt off sitting in front of a television, or the twisted faces of the zombie victims are violent enough for me. Anything more than that is really just unecessary if you ask me.

Instead, I would like much more varied opponents. All we really got in HL2 was antlions, zombies, and Combine soldiers with the occasional chopper or gunship thrown in. I'd like to see a return of some of HL1's aliens, such as the bullsquid, alien grunts and houndeyes, as well as some of the others seen in Opposing Force (though that would be unlikely due to the whole Gearbox issue).

By the time I had finished playing HL2, I was sick of fighting Combine soldiers again and again.

Anyway, nearly all humans want to stop the Combine, not try to help them. If you want to fight humans, go and play CS, FarCry, or one of the other many games which allow you to do so.

Agreed. Since containment shields are down, its stands to reason more aliens.

Secondly humans can be that brutal without reprogramming. Stalin's Seceret Police, the Nazi SS, Pol Pot, Che Guevara's Death Squads, Hiroshima, Nanking, the Mongols, The Romans at Jerusalem.
The combine as they say are "slow to wake", and on the common occasion, i am tempted to agree. The fighting tactics can be a bit iffy, and is far removed from the marines in HL1, who are much more agressive. There are some really beautiful bits of combat with the combine, but they are few and far between. It needed more AI and less scripted sequences, like the bots in CSS.

I played HL2 first, and when i played HL1:S i was amazed at the diversity of enemies compared to HL2. So many interesting abilities and looks, it sorta reminded me of a cheap alien B-movie, but was quite good all the same. I miss the Houndeye...

These are the things that should follow through the Half Life series. Not just another FPS where you go around shooting your fellow man. Diversity and imagination.
Rennmniscant said:
The combine as they say are "slow to wake", and on the common occasion, i am tempted to agree. The fighting tactics can be a bit iffy, and is far removed from the marines in HL1, who are much more agressive. There are some really beautiful bits of combat with the combine, but they are few and far between. It needed more AI and less scripted sequences, like the bots in CSS.

I played HL2 first, and when i played HL1:S i was amazed at the diversity of enemies compared to HL2. So many interesting abilities and looks, it sorta reminded me of a cheap alien B-movie, but was quite good all the same. I miss the Houndeye...

These are the things that should follow through the Half Life series. Not just another FPS where you go around shooting your fellow man. Diversity and imagination.


I really miss the Garg. It was the ONLY enemy in HL1, that scared the crap outta me, without being disturbing (a la zombies). Just the fact that it killed everything, and was almost invincible.
Rennmniscant said:
The combine as they say are "slow to wake", and on the common occasion, i am tempted to agree. The fighting tactics can be a bit iffy, and is far removed from the marines in HL1, who are much more agressive. There are some really beautiful bits of combat with the combine, but they are few and far between. It needed more AI and less scripted sequences, like the bots in CSS.

my favourite thing about the marines is that they'd pull back a lot
like you'd come out of cover to shoot at the guy you were just fighting and he has left the room
the combine are much more about standing in place or advancing than the marines
jimmyjam said:
my favourite thing about the marines is that they'd pull back a lot
like you'd come out of cover to shoot at the guy you were just fighting and he has left the room
the combine are much more about standing in place or advancing than the marines

Hmm, I disagree. My own experience was that the Combine back off as much as the marines. The only exception to this rule were those shotgun guys who just charge straight at you until they have a clear shot, which sometimes looks a bit silly in wide open spaces.

Combine troops also do that killer thing in corridors where one will appear from one door and fire, then go back and be replaced by another guy coming out of the opposite door. Or strafe across the corridor from one doorway to another, shooting at you.
yes both combine and marines go back and forth between being devilishly clever and outright stupid

I noticed the retreating in the interiors when they're first introduced, they're not quite so interesting in the outdoors
they'd seem much smarter if their aim was tightened to avoid the Star Wars stormtrooper effect.

Also if they would have used more nades and manhacks.

Another thing would be to give them more animations like diving out of the way, or leaning out of corners to fire.

Also for the soldiers and elites, give them significantly more health. They are armored in advanced materials, they should behave like it.

Right now the combine troops are content to run in and get mowed down. They lack any sense of caution

Almost forgot, make the elites more unique in their behavior other than spitting out the ocassional plasma sphere, but behaving almost the same as the regular soldiers.

I'd like them better if they perhaps moved faster, maybe did a few jumps, or were considerably more accurate. Something that would imply eliteness
Metrocops, being unaltered human, had voice acting that really made me feel they were human.

I just started to replay HL2 again, and I'm in anticitizen one. My party came across some metrocops near a shack, killed 3 of the 4.

The last one ducked under a table and I heard "Blah blah number codes, Officer in trouble officer in trouble!" before one of my guys shot him dead, in the head and his ragdoll made his arms fly up in the air, making it seem even more real/sadder.
I didn't really see any problem with the AI in Half Life 2. The Combine don't show any fear because they are brainwashed facists. They still did retreat and the like though. I thought they really used gernades well. In some games you can stand beside doorways and lure enemies through, shooting them before they could bring their weapons to bear. In both of the HL games if you tried this the enemies (soldiers of course) would just chuck in gernades.

EDIT: my only compliant is that the elites didn't act much different than ordinary soldiers.
I wanted to see more difference in the Enemies. Like between the Metro Cops and Soldiers. They do have different fighting styles, but the soldiers are not noticably better than the Cops. And I miss the Alien Grunt. Those things were just so cool, when this big hulking alien comes up out of nowhere to kill you.
Dag said:
Like between the Metro Cops and Soldiers. They do have different fighting styles, but the soldiers are not noticably better than the Cops.
You are joking right? Metrocops just stand there and fire pistol shots in your general direction. You can effectively fight them by running up to them and giving them a Crowbar makeover... Soldiers move about, flank you, co-operate and flush you out with grenades
not enough grenades.
In HL1, if you made the mistake of staying in the open, i would RAIN grenades all over you (and they hit 100% of the time, regardless of range/time it took the nade to hit you.. except if you move out of the way, and those marines who used mp5 mounted nades were so deadly!

in HL2, most nades (both hand AND Mp7 mounted nades) are scripted events. And those that are not are rare (hand) if non-existing (grenade lancher from mp7..).
twad said:
not enough grenades.
In HL1, if you made the mistake of staying in the open, i would RAIN grenades all over you (and they hit 100% of the time, regardless of range/time it took the nade to hit you.. except if you move out of the way, and those marines who used mp5 mounted nades were so deadly!

in HL2, most nades (both hand AND Mp7 mounted nades) are scripted events. And those that are not are rare (hand) if non-existing (grenade lancher from mp7..).
True dat. More grenade usage. The AI is pretty damn deadly. In hard, the shotgun guys wheeled out of cover, lined up and never missed a shot they took. They were an angel of death. I would ignore super elites, to kill shotgun overwatch.
I enjoy waiting for the zombies to get really close and then throw a bucket of paint at them with the gravity gun. They should add more humerous objects to the game. Those headcrab zombies all look the same. They all have the same clothes and bodies. Give then some fashion sense. And where are the combine zombies? Just humans.
The combine aren't human beings, they are aliens so there is no human vs human battle in HL2..

thank god for that!! The humans like the marines in HL1 are much harder to kill of course than aliens

You see thoose metrocops, they are not humans, simply aliens : not wonder why they are so stupid

In the beginning step off the train and you will see a single combine guard watching everybody, take a bottle or a can. trow it on his head and run
He will chase you for 6 sec and then he ignore you, you can do this in 5 hours straight

After you meet barney for the first time, then go all the way until you're out side, there is a fence with a stone sthing in the middle with a combine monitor on it. Jump on the fence then jump on one of the two police officers head. he will trying to hit you with his chock thing but just jump all the time and then he will miss.

God it was so god damn funny! :)
Salad, metropolice are indeed humans. Most are volunteers with slight modifacation.

So yes, there is a little human to human combat.
Humans? humans that work for the aliens? wierd!!
F*cking idiots
And you wouldn't?

The choice between being a downtrodden refugee with no food, or a guy that gets extra rations, a comfy place to sleep, and other benefits offered by the Combine?

I know what I'd choose.

-Angry Lawyer
Er, yeah, I'd join the resistance. Like joining the Combine, but with added sense of moral superiority.

Metrocops = humans lacking moral fibre
Combine Soldiers = experienced Metrocops, heavily modified and possibly brainwashed
Elites = experienced Combine Soldiers promoted to special forces
Maybe in Aftermath, they'll have a more troubling moral issue than just blowing up Met Cops and soldiers. The stalkers may yet take part, and that I think would be a hard thing to kill. It is much easier to kill a hideous monster than a raving mad prisoner - aka stalker. The combine troops are pretty stupid thought, so they should integrate more AI rather than just script, like I said before.