Humans Break Space Law; Possibly Sparking Conflict with ETs.


Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
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Articles that make me lol hard said:
The planned October 9, 2009 bombing of the moon by a NASA orbiter that will bomb the moon with a 2-ton kinetic weapon to create a 5 mile wide deep crater as an alleged water-seeking and lunar colonization experiment, is contrary to space law prohibiting environmental modification of celestial bodies. The NASA moon bombing, a component of the LCROSS mission, may also trigger conflict with known extraterrestrial civilizations on the moon as reported on the moon in witnessed statements by U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, and in witnessed statements to NSA (National Security Agency) photos and documents regarding an extraterrestrial base on the dark side of the moon.

Old, but still. LOL

We would then use the LHC to put a supercharged magnet inside a Pinewood Derby Car. Thus, the Pinewood Derby Car would break the space time continuum and distract passing aliens down to earth. Once that happens we can steal all their space cash and build amusement parks; thus breaking Intergalactic Space Law.

We've already reverse engineered UFOs and the like.

When it comes to a crash on Earth, you need to get to the ship before their backup, basically.

-Clearly has done this before-
I've heard stories about a base on the dark side of the moon, where ET's and humans coexist.

Man, I need to stop browsing ATS! Very interesting stuff though...
Space law, like bird law, is very loosely defined at this early stage in its development.
there are no laws in space, its like the ultimate wild west but much more wild
What Emp is cleverly saying to you, Lone Wolf, is that there is no 'dark side of the moon' all of the moon receives equal amounts of sunlight. Dark sides are only temporary.

Far side, however, is a different story.

this must be the most recognizable album art since Abbey Road
And now the joke is no longer funny.
there are no laws in space, its like the ultimate wild west but much more wild
There are some laws regarding space exploration pertaining to ownership. "Nothing in space can be claimed ownership of" is basically the law, which I think most are a party to (signatories of). In other words, USA can't claim the moon or any part of it as US territory, for example.

There was another law drawn up that states that any thing of value found (raw materials, etc.) would be split amongst all countries. However, the only countries that have signed on to that are countries that do not have a space program. :cheese:

These laws are very old, and we will need new ones once we have bases on other planets and moons.
We've already intentionally shot space craft(or rather stuff from them) into celestial bodies to gather information about them.

What was that one comet or asteroid, whatever it was we slammed something into to detect what components resulted?

EDIT: Ahh... Deep Impact.
there are no laws in space, its like the ultimate wild west but much more wild
"This galaxy aint big enough for the both of us."

See I can't picture it somehow.
Well, I was hoping you would understand what I meant, but clearly, you didn't.
Space law! Why, our modern times are teeming with new discoveries, new frontiers, marvel and wonder abound; nevertheless, nothing excites me more than a new law to defy. Alas, my dear friends, it seems once again that the government has proven themselves petty, unimaginative criminals--the worst kind! You'd be hard-pressed to find a single true gentleman within the halls of Parliament, let me assure you.

How trite, how mundane--an explosion in a barren wasteland (and not even as a metaphor for the thorough raping of a lady past her prime)! Like a child too impatient to play with a new toy--why, I'd allow them to at least build up their silly political houses beforehand. What a grand explosion that would be! And what need I fear some space-creature imposing punishment, when none can match my sword in a duel? Of course, uncivilized beings that they would be, they'd have not even a single waistcoat or top hat among them; how dreadful it would be to duel with someone improperly dressed! Oh, you all may believe that I am cold-hearted, ruthless, that not even the greatest gust could stir the autumn leaves of my heart, but how wrong you are! You know not the pain it brings to kill a space-man so unmanly that he wears not even a moustache, or to rape a space-woman so debased that she goes out without her corset! Make no mistake, however: I will, and always have, endured such great sufferings for my wayward passions.
Man I like this guy.

Kills aliens with swords and doesn't afraid of anything.

Also seems courteous and civilized enough, which I believe are rare traits among you western devils.
Does anyone care to explain to me what has happened since the "bombing" (October 9, 2009)?

And if they have really found ETs and facilities on the Moon, why not try negotiating with them?
Does anyone care to explain to me what has happened since the "bombing" (October 9, 2009)?

And if they have really found ETs and facilities on the Moon, why not try negotiating with them?

Dude, don't tell me you haven't heard of this? We've been talking with the lunar-terrestrials on a regular basis for over four months now.