Humans, Combine, Xenians and Race-X

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Unless collars suppress the mind-web? It's possible, because the Slaves in HL1 seemed pretty dumb/cowardly.

They had SOME access to the mind web, because the HL2 Vortigaunts remember seeing you "cutting the cords" (killing) of the Vorts in HL1 and still saw you in the Nihilanth's chamber.

"Clearly we see you in the Nihilianth's chamber."
Oh a couple more things that might indicate the Nihilanth having philosophical tendencies:

1. He's a Big Bad. Leaders tend to have a system of beliefs motivating them.

2. His name. The Nihilanth likes nihilism!
The collars are different. In HL1 they are green and there are 3 of them, in HL2 there are 5 and they are grey with wires.

Computers used to be the size of a room, now they can fit onto a single desk. ;)
Jandor said:
Computers used to be the size of a room, now they can fit onto a single desk. ;)

Yep, the Combine have had about 10 ten years to update the collars. And remember... the Nihilanth controlled the vorts using the collars... anyone remember killing nihilanth in HL1? well i do, so the combine would have had to have modified the collars because they would be controlling the vorts using a different technique.
narc said:
Yep, the Combine have had about 10 ten years to update the collars. And remember... the Nihilanth controlled the vorts using the collars... anyone remember killing nihilanth in HL1? well i do, so the combine would have had to have modified the collars because they would be controlling the vorts using a different technique.
I know that. I was just corecting AJ.
Computers used to be the size of a room, now they can fit onto a single desk.

So why do they need more collars that are also bulkier and more haphazard?

so the combine would have had to have modified the collars because they would be controlling the vorts using a different technique.

There we go. Good theory.
Pai-Mei said:
So why do they need more collars that are also bulkier and more haphazard?

Because thats all they have to work with -- Earths technology, not the xen organic stuff.
Lets set what has to be in a "comprehensive" theory.
Antlions from Xen?
New headcrabs evolved / engineered?
G-man intentions
G-man is?
Grunts manufactured?
Nihilanth / controllers / Combine in charge of Xen?
Who in charge of vorts
Why Xen provides local teleport

Anything else?
My own quick opinions:

Antlions from Xen?
--Yes, we just never saw them in first game.

New headcrabs evolved / engineered?
--They always have been around, we just never saw them in first game. (Maybe from same area of Xen that Antlions are from?)

G-man intentions
--Not even going to try.

G-man is?
--Again, not even going to try.

--Don't believe they belong in the true HL storyline, as we see no evidence of them in HL2.

Grunts manufactured?
--I think its obvious that they are manufactured. By who, though?

Nihilanth / controllers / Combine in charge of Xen?
--Cannot comment on because of my oath.

Who in charge of vorts?
--Currently the G-man.

Why Xen provides local teleport?
--Just a property of its universe... all of the right energy and crystals make teleportation conditions ideal.

Other questions:

What role does the G-man play with the resistance?
Is Gordon mute?
Does the resistiance know of Gordon's contract?
Who, exactly, is the contract open to?
What is the 'highest bidder' paying with?
Why can Gordon climb a ladder backwards while holding a two-handed weapon?
What part did Breen play in the Resonance Cascade?
Was the Resonance Cascade intentional on any level?
Nihilanth / controllers / Combine in charge of Xen?
--Cannot comment on because of my oath.

We can say what we believe, but instead of arguing with someone just give them a link to the forum.
I still believe the resistance hired Gordon via the gman. As Breen sasy "Your contract is open to the highest bidder." and then Eli and Alyx interject "NO!" "Don't listen to him Gordon!"

Whats all that about, are they hiding something??

Then you ask, what did they have that the Gman needed? Hard to answer, its possible that the human race would offer thier service's...perhaps thats why the vorts are under his control..?

Its convolted to say the least, but its the best i can come up with.

As for your others questions Pai Mie...its called gameplay :P
My own quick opinions:

Antlions from Xen?
--Yes, we just never saw them in first game.

New headcrabs evolved / engineered?
--Yes, Neither version can become a Gonarch in my opinion.

G-man intentions
--No Idea. Presumably power.

G-man is?
--a Human, In my opinion. Because he looks like one and shape-shifting aliens are stupid and cliched ;).

--I think Mark said they can be considered part of the Universe, but there not coming back.

Grunts manufactured?
--I think its obvious that they are manufactured. By who, though?

Nihilanth / controllers / Combine in charge of Xen?
--Combine, But I'm not going to say why, theres a huge thread on it ;)

Who in charge of vorts?
--No-One, they are now free.

Why Xen provides local teleport?
--Just a property of its universe... all of the right energy and crystals make teleportation conditions ideal.
The vorts are under gmans control Jandor, this line confirms it:

"We serve the same mystery..."
Antlions from Xen?
--Yes, we just never saw them in first game.

New headcrabs evolved / engineered?
--Evolved - perhaps slightly nearer to Gonarch, or evolving to fill another role in the Gonarchy.

G-man intentions
--HL1 - Kill Nihilanth, claim Xen (+ruin Earth...?). HL2 - Destroy Dark Energy reactor. Purpose of that; unknown.

G-man is?
--...setting people up into situations that look accidental and screwing them over for his own gain. Representative of sinister alien presence. Powers/goals unknown. Now contracting Gordon out.

--Don't believe they belong in the true HL storyline, as we see no evidence of them in HL2<--seconded. ditto Adrian Shepard :p

Grunts manufactured?
--Manufactured, or grown, you could say. Perhaps those barrels acted like some form of chrysalis?

Nihilanth / controllers / Combine in charge of Xen?
--Nihilanth. Termite-Queen-esque existence - body decrepit,looks (and feels?) like prisoner while being centre of Xen society.

Who in charge of vorts?
--Noone at the moment.

Why Xen provides local teleport?
--Just a property of its universe... all of the right energy and crystals make teleportation conditions ideal<--seconded or thirded.

Other questions:

What role does the G-man play with the resistance?
--Hard to believe GMan would offer his services to lowly freedom fighters. They have nothing he wants. No connection.

Is Gordon mute?
--Only if the player who controls him is mute :upstare:

Does the resistance know of Gordon's contract?
--Yes. Or they know of/suspect Gman's existence. (evidence: Alyx and Eli's bizarre reaction when Breen starts talking about your contract)

Who, exactly, is the contract open to?
--Impossible to know or guess. If Gordon is working under contract in HL2, then it opens the possibility of ANOTHER unseen force in the game. Likely that he is simply working for GMan in HL2 - no third party client.

What is the 'highest bidder' paying with?
--Power, concessions, territory, state of the universal art technology.

Why can Gordon climb a ladder backwards while holding a two-handed weapon?
--there is an smart-electromagnet on the back of the HEV suit which kicks in when climbing ladders while facing the wrong way.

What part did Breen play in the Resonance Cascade?
--Saw visions of himself made famous by involvement in new research/experiments on extraterrestrials. Man behind BM's "questionable ethics", blinded by greed. Gordon's experiment may have been anticipated to yield information which Breen considered too valuable to discard. No cascade was intended on Breen's part. Final necessary strings were pulled by GMan (manipulated/lied to Breen?).

Was the Resonance Cascade intentional on any level?[/QUOTE]
--Gman wanted it to happen - cascade was designed to give Nihilanth a dimensional lever into Earth. Lots of people were excited about the experiment, yet most expected it to go smoothly. Breen was among these. Risks downplayed by GMan. Many were unsettled by simulations, predicted risks. GMan ensured that none of these people got in the way by having their voices heard.
Samon said:
The vorts are under gmans control Jandor, this line confirms it:

"We serve the same mystery..."

There are a fair few possible interpretations of that line...I said they are free because to all intents and purposes they are as free as the remaining humans on Earth. For instance, when Gordon's done his job, GMan isn't going to wrap up all the vorts and stick them into GSpace too, is he?

GMan may be manipulating vorts and the resistance as well as steering Gordon - presumably, some important information/orders/suggestions passed between GMan and Cubbage. The vorts are simply more perceptive than the resistance and know that someone is pulling some strings.

The extreme scenario - that Gman somehow controls the vorts absolutely by sitting in on their collective consciousness somehow - is also possible, but it's hard for me to swallow.
The vorts are under gmans control Jandor, this line confirms it:

"We serve the same mystery..."

As much as I believe that the G-Man controls the Vorts in some indirect way as a result of this quote (and the G-Man on the TV), Vortigaunt quotes can mean ANYTHING... perhaps they both serve the cause of fighting the Combine... the outcome of which is mysterious. Or, some people speculate that Gordon is part of the Vortessence, as symbolized by his teleportation into a dark room with a bunch of Vorts in it during the Resonance Cascade. They do say something to the effect that they are all joined and that "it is the same with you, if only you would see it." Perhaps the mystery is the Vortessence itself?

My point is that it is VERY difficult to use Vortigaunt quotes to justify your cause, much as they may seem to.

New headcrabs evolved / engineered?
--Yes, Neither version can become a Gonarch in my opinion.

Uhm... so which one do you believe?

"Coffee or tea?"
--Yes, please. :)
Pai-Mei said:
As much as I believe that the G-Man controls the Vorts in some indirect way as a result of this quote (and the G-Man on the TV), Vortigaunt quotes can mean ANYTHING... perhaps they both serve the cause of fighting the Combine... the outcome of which is mysterious. Or, some people speculate that Gordon is part of the Vortessence, as symbolized by his teleportation into a dark room with a bunch of Vorts in it during the Resonance Cascade. They do say something to the effect that they are all joined and that "it is the same with you, if only you would see it." Perhaps the mystery is the Vortessence itself?

My point is that it is VERY difficult to use Vortigaunt quotes to justify your cause, much as they may seem to.

Uhm... so which one do you believe?

"Coffee or tea?"
--Yes, please. :)

True, because were not sure what they exactly imply, but it still think it is pretty obvious what they are implying :p
Antlions from Xen?

New headcrabs evolved / engineered?
--Evolved. Fast=possibly same species, poison=new species

G-man intentions
Power for his race

G-man is?
An alien in a host body or an asimilated human

--Don't believe they belong in the true HL storyline, as we see no evidence of them in HL2<--seconded. ditto Adrian Shepard

Grunts manufactured?
Manufactured by Combine

Nihilanth / controllers / Combine in charge of Xen?
Nihilanth, then Combine asimilated him

Who in charge of vorts?
The g-man's race

Why Xen provides local teleport?
Because it is Earth's boarder world

What role does the G-man play with the resistance?
Provides them with supplies (Cause he wants the Combine to loose)

Is Gordon mute?
No he says orders to the resistance and in HL1 he says "Follow me" and "Stay here"

Does the resistance know of Gordon's contract?
Only the high up ones.

Who, exactly, is the contract open to?

What is the 'highest bidder' paying with?

Why can Gordon climb a ladder backwards while holding a two-handed weapon?
It's a game

What part did Breen play in the Resonance Cascade?
He was so eager to get the sample tested

Was the Resonance Cascade intentional on any level?
No, g-man tried to stop it.
It's funny, it seems that everyone is in on g-man's little secret except gordon.

Theory on adrian, he's in a bunker wiht popcorn, chips, beer, and a tv laughing at all the things that everyone is putting freeman through. G man is laughing with him.
ríomhaire said:
Who in charge of vorts?
The g-man's race

Biozeminades, actually.

But seriously, you don't have much to back this up.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Biozeminades, actually.

But seriously, you don't have much to back this up.

-Angry Lawyer
Oh well.
Does anyone have a pic of a Biozeminades

Many have followed the path of the Biozeminades, in search of what could have been. You would be doing yourself a favour, if you quit whil ahead.
You cannot know the truth. Do not attempt to or it shall consume you... as it has many in the past.

It is the only way to escape the Bio -!!.........They have me! ....*silence*
I'm guessing that they were never seen only talked about.
Not those bloody biozeminades again...

As a non-representative of Valve, I can assure you Biozeminades WILL be featuring in the Half-Life expansion pack
Race-X, as much as some people dislike them (and as much as some people like myself love 'em), do have a limited place within the HL universe.
Race-X did exist, and is a part of a timeline, but its overall influence on the events of HL1 is so minimal that their actions have no effect on Gordon, Barney, or any of the major characters.

The reason for this is that Race-X failed.
They showed up briefly, but got their asses handed to them with a nuke.
Here's what we know about them.

Origin: Race X come from a distant area of Xen, far from the few areas Gordon and Barney visited. This section appears to be the one with the sky filled with collosal microbes.

Motivation: Race X came to earth for two possible reasons. Like Nihilanth, they were retaliating against the harvesting of their species by the Black Mesa team. And/or, they are enemies of Nihilanth's race, and were attempting to sabotage their plans.

Alliances: None visible. Because Race-X uses entirely biological warfare without any technology, it is very unlikely that they work for the combine. Also, their independance from Nihilanth's strategies, remote location on Xen, and antagonism towards Xen forces indicates that they aren't on Nihilanth's side either. Race-X is basically enemies with everyone.

Effect: Almost zero. Once the portal storms had ended and the gene worm was killed, Race-X had no way to keep sending re-enforcements to Earth. The nuclear bomb killed the remainder of their forces at Black Mesa.
If they did teleport to other areas of Earth like Nihilanth's aliens did, they were likely wiped out by the subsequent battles against earth's military, and the 7-hours war.
Some may still be out in the wild but, like gargs, bullsquid and most of the other Xen aliens, they have not adapted as successfully as vortiguants and headcrabs.
Race X themselves seemed to be harvesting human specimens for their own reseach.
FireCrack said:
Race X themselves seemed to be harvesting human specimens for their own reseach.

And we did the same to them. Remember the bottled spore launchers? They were baby shock troops.
Alien Grunts are also a favourite for bottling, as seen in Questionable Ethics.
It makes you wonder if the whole fiasco between Xen and Earth was actually provoked by us. Shock! Horror! We're the bad guys!

-Angry Lawyer
The Combine chased the now-Xenians out of their home dimension into Xen, the border world between all dimensions.

Their leader, the Nihilanth, was raising an army (the grunts) using his unwilling slaves (the Vortigaunts) to fight the Combine when they came to Xen.

Everything alive on Xen came from the home dimension.

Nihilanth foresaw that the humans would trigger a resonance cascade by accident, so when they did, he invaded, hoping to escape the Combine a little longer.

They failed, thanks to Freeman, so the Combine then invaded from their multidimensional empire through the ensuing portal storm, after the Nihilanth's death destabilized the rift.

Race X was sitting on the sidelines in their own dimension, which somehow opened up in the resonance cascade, so they also took advantage of the situation, hoping to terraform Earth.

EDIT: I know that this is a monumental necro-post.
Is Race-X even considered cannon at this point?

And also,

Who decided the name for them? It makes 'em sound like a cheesy monster from a 1950's genera film.
The Combine chased the now-Xenians out of their home dimension into Xen, the border world between all dimensions.

Their leader, the Nihilanth, was raising an army (the grunts) using his unwilling slaves (the Vortigaunts) to fight the Combine when they came to Xen.

Everything alive on Xen came from the home dimension.

Nihilanth foresaw that the humans would trigger a resonance cascade by accident, so when they did, he invaded, hoping to escape the Combine a little longer.

They failed, thanks to Freeman, so the Combine then invaded from their multidimensional empire through the ensuing portal storm, after the Nihilanth's death destabilized the rift.

Race X was sitting on the sidelines in their own dimension, which somehow opened up in the resonance cascade, so they also took advantage of the situation, hoping to terraform Earth.

EDIT: I know that this is a monumental necro-post.

1. Yes.
2. Ish.
3. No.
4. No.
5. No.
6. No.
7. Yes.