Hummer H1 vehicle discontinued

Steve said:
My computer runs on electric power from a hydroelectric dam.

To my knowledge, that's not squandering a dwindling natural resource, nor does it affect people worldwide.

What fuels were used to construct the dam? What fuels are used to maintain the machinery? What materials were used to construct your computer?

You're still squandering a natural resource no matter how much you try and argue your way out of it.

Not that I believe we're about to run out of oil anytime in the next 100 years, and no I don't beleive the peak oil bollox either.
Parrot of doom said:
What fuels were used to construct the dam? What fuels are used to maintain the machinery? What materials were used to construct your computer?

You're still squandering a natural resource no matter how much you try and argue your way out of it.
Well **** let's just forsake all modern technology and go back to STEAM POWER.
Steve said:
Well **** let's just forsake all modern technology and go back to STEAM POWER.
Steam may in fact be the answer to move us ahead, not back.
More accurately, hydrogen.
Steve said:
Well **** let's just forsake all modern technology and go back to STEAM POWER.

I'm just pointing out the flaws in the green argument. Electric cars are touted as being a great idea, which is a pity since your typical power station isn't that much more efficient than an internal combustion engine. Add the reduced lifetime of the electric car's batteries to the equation, and I don't see any advantages.

The green argument is all a load of bollocks basically.
Parrot of doom said:
I'm just pointing out the flaws in the green argument. Electric cars are touted as being a great idea, which is a pity since your typical power station isn't that much more efficient than an internal combustion engine. Add the reduced lifetime of the electric car's batteries to the equation, and I don't see any advantages.

The green argument is all a load of bollocks basically.
Well, to me what you seem to be saying is that ANY use of natural resources is squandering them.