Hydras in Aftermath?


Sep 18, 2004
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Do you think they'll put the hydras back in for aftermath since they teased us with them in the old e3 vids? How about some of the cut weapons? Do you think they'll make an apperance in aftermath?
It was Bill Fletcher's pet and he still wants it somewhere sometime in the HL universe. Last I heard from him he's trying to retool it to something like an antlion or barnacle springing out of the ground.
It is possible. Ken Birdwell never said anything about a barnacle, or it sprouting out of the ground - he merely said he was going to re work the AI around that of an antlion (possibly).
Samon said:
It is possible. Ken Birdwell never said anything about a barnacle, or it sprouting out of the ground - he merely said he was going to re work the AI around that of an antlion (possibly).

I keep mixing the two of them up.
MOST THINGS WEREN'T CHANGE BECAUSE OF THE LEAK. It was taken out because it was the least fun thing in the game to fight against.
Grimfox said:
I may be wrong but, I think the only reason Valve had to get rid of the Hydra in HL2 was bc of the leak. I mean , because of that leak didn't the whole story / design have to change?
It had to change because it sucked, not because of a leak.
My best guess it that we will see the AntLion King. There is a concept of it on "Raising the Bar", and as City 17 is full of AntLions, we will surely see a boss type of them.

I do not belive we will see the Hydra on this particular episode.
It would be cool if the Hydra was in Aftermath but even if it isn't there is always RomeJGuy's Hydramod.
Is there any way to find/get the leak these days? I'm curious and want to see the scripted ("spectacular ai") in the e3 vids. Why can't valve just release it for like 5 bucks or something over steam.
Why do people blame that leaker for everything? It's not like he deleted the code left in Valve's office or something, he ust slowed them down because of security measures.

The Hydra might be seen but I'm pushing more for creamators, assassins and HL1 enemies. The Hydra just looked like a retarded version of the tentacle.
colson said:
Is there any way to find/get the leak these days? I'm curious and want to see the scripted ("spectacular ai") in the e3 vids. Why can't valve just release it for like 5 bucks or something over steam.
Shh... You’re not supposed to mention that here. The leak is a nonperson. Just get back to praising our glorious leaders…
Will people never learn ? It got deleted cause it was too boring to fight it, read the Rasising bar... everything explained there and i dont see why suddenly Aftermath would be good to put it in there unless a level will be based in the sewers but i doubt it.
Whoa, I suddenly had a hl1 flashback of creeping ... really ... slowly across sand in that area where headcrabs burrow around, looking up at the tentacle hoping to God that a headcrab doesn't spoil everything and make a noise, getting us both killed.

Personally, I don't know how they could make a hydra fightable anyway.
I really didn't like the design of the Hydra. Just a blue squiggly line? No thanks, I'm glad it got cut, and I hope it wont be back. There are other ideas which didn't make the final cut but which were cooler than the hydra.

Plus there's enough confusion here about where the antlions came from without chucking in lots of random speculation about the hydra too.
The hydra was one of the things I was looking forward to most in HL2 :(. Hopefully they can find a way to improve it and add it in the game.
I'm inclined to believe Aftermath is going to be heavily antlion focused, with HL1 and wasteland aliens entering the city.

And hopefully, the Garg will return.
r2000 said:
And hopefully, the Garg will return.


Honestly, I would like to see what happened to every HL1 baddy after the death of Nihilanth, like the gargs and the alien grunts. And dammit, I wanna see the houndeyes and snarks return!

I remember there were sand-barnacles in the leak (at least the models). I could see them fitting in somewhere. The hydra, however, will probably be left for the next Half-Life game or simply not used at all.
With the barriers down I'd hope to see the return of the garg, bullsquid (this one in particular) and the houndeye. It'd make my day :D
I want houndeyes and bullsquids but not gargs, controllers or grunts.
I don't want controllers or grunts - they really have no part in the story but I'd like to see a Garg.
Highly doubt it since they had their reasons not to let it stay in HL2.
r2000 said:
I'm inclined to believe Aftermath is going to be heavily antlion focused
I hope it's not too Antlion focussed - they were fun enemies, but we've fought them already and it'd be nice to not be surrounded by them more and more. Besides, I'm going to be very interested to see why they're starting to attack Gordon again - I imagine something like the phermones wore off. In just the same way as the super grav gun must've worn off. Just a tad tenuous, I fear.

Samon said:
With the barriers down I'd hope to see the return of the... houndeye. It'd make my day :D
You were one of those oddballs who wrote to Valve asking them for an inflatable houndeye, weren't you? :upstare:

Oh, and if some kind person would like to explain to me exactly what a sand barnacle was and how it attacked, I'd be most grateful.
el Chi said:
You were one of those oddballs who wrote to Valve asking them for an inflatable houndeye, weren't you? :upstare:

No, Chi, I was not...in fact I have no idea what your'e talking about :p
Samon said:
No, Chi, I was not...in fact I have no idea what your'e talking about :p
Of course not :naughty:
There was an interview I read with Gabe when the HL1 came out where Gabe was talking about the fan mail they receive. He joked that certain people enquired about inflatable houndeyes and that weird e-mails like that one went on the general notice board. Hardi-har-har, etc.
el Chi said:
Of course not :naughty:
There was an interview I read with Gabe when the HL1 came out where Gabe was talking about the fan mail they receive. He joked that certain people enquired about inflatable houndeyes and that weird e-mails like that one went on the general notice board. Hardi-har-har, etc.

Never heard about it, wierd what some people come up with eh :p
gettin bak to the hydra - hydra comes from the name of a monster in greek mythology i seen some pics of it ... it was sed to have around 9 heads . it was like half serpant... every time a hed was cut off another would grow back unless fire was used or sumthing like dat... anyways i wouldent mind seein the hydra an the return of the ichtysour is almost certin seeing as in hl2 they created the model for it with an attak module or summin like dat ... :p so just when u thought it was safe to go into the water
Oh, and if some kind person would like to explain to me exactly what a sand barnacle was and how it attacked, I'd be most grateful.
They hid under mounds of sand and I mean MOUNDS of it,and there tongues would shoot up out of it and pull its prey (you.......yes you the one in the back!) underground where you would be mutilated and swallowed.Painfully and sloooowlyyyy...MWUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!

And youv'e got to be kidding me AntLions were only fun for about 30 FRICKING MINUTES and they just got repetetive and boring like the headys and zombies.
I don't thing it was in the actual game part of the alpha. At least I never encountered one. There was only the model. It was yellow/brownish and came from the ground rather than hanging from a ceiling.

I assume it acted like a kind of mine, where you'd step above it and it would unburrow and attack you. Or maybe its tongue would wait in the sand and then grab unsuspecting victims that stepped near it.
With the barriers down I'd hope to see the return of the garg, bullsquid (this one in particular) and the houndeye.


Meh, not really interested in seeing a hyrda again.
SNARKS FTW! Screw that hydra up its bioluminescent ass, I want snarks!
I reckon there should be the hydra returning as just a visual spectacular. Maybe in some escape chapter they should shove a hydra in ripping the place to peices and killing as many combine as possible. Remember in raising the bar they said it looked cool to see it kill something else?
Excuse the newbness, but which ones where the Gargs, and, un, snarks?
I could think of a few ways to fight the hydra, none of which would be very fun. The only exception, perhaps, being that the Hydra itself isn't just the tentacle, but a sea monster which has numerous tentacles. Then you would be able to it, but it would probably either be some underwater fight, which I hate in every game, or maybe along docks of some sort, but none of those I see fitting in Gordon's future.

However, the Antlion King, I'd love to see that. I mean, if the Antlion Guards are this much, anything stronger and larger would be a sight to behold.

Frankly, I don't care what mod or game is based in Source, I just want to see some big ****ing monster. Like, gigantic ****ing ogres and shit. Anything that's really big, Strider big or even larger. That would make my heart jump at first sight. It would make me stare in awe.
Spartacus said:
Excuse the newbness, but which ones where the Gargs, and, un, snarks?
Garg was a gigantic creature that would kill you with extreme ease. In order to annihilate him, you had to use airstrikes and/or explosives. He could kick cars. If you hid from him, he'd sleep in front of your hidey hole, and wake up when you left.

On the other hand, snarks were funny little creatures that squeaked and exploded, and chewed you apart.
Malfunction said:
I just want to see some big ****ing monster.

Like the Crab & Mortar Synths seen in the citadel. I'd like to see those in Aftermath.

I personally think the Hydra would be a totally boring monster to fight against. Better to have something like the Antlion King, or more synths, in my opinion.