Hyper Threading???


Sep 6, 2003
Reaction score
When i run 3dmark 2003 and then look at what is say my computer is it sdays i have a 2ghz p4 with hyper threading turned of. Anyone know if i can turn it on?? and How??
You can turn it on in your BIOS. Only turn it on if you have windows XP though, it tends to slow down on other operating systems. XP is the only one optimised to use it. Just lookin your BIOS for Hyperthreading and turn it on.
i went into my bios by hitting delte before xp loads but there was no option for hyperthreading

where is it at and was i actually in the bios????
Yea that was the bios, the bios is different for different boards. Does your processor have hyperthreading on it? And what kinda Mobo do you have?
i have no clue what a mobo is and when i run 3dmark2003 it says i have hyperthreading but it is disabled
HT is not on a 2ghz CPU.
its on the 3.06ghz 533fsb P4
And the 2.4C and up CPUs (800fsb)

I'm sorry, that made me laugh.
Something struck me as odd about a 2.0 Ghz with hyperthreading. And a Mobo is a Motherboard lilboy.
P3's and up have hyperthreading on them but you cant use it unless you get a P4C :p