Hypocritical Nonsense

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
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Right, I'm sorry for posting an entire topic when I'm squiffy but if it's that diabolical (nothing would surprise me) then if one of the mod-peeps could send it to damnation in some form or another then that'd be just cool. But enough preamble...
I know I can rant at my friends in the flesh about this, but not at this hour - and as I've had two or three (maybe four) glasses of red wine, a thread at 4am makes total sense. I'm sure I've done worse <Sighs>
Loathe as I am to post a thread that, at its most distilled level, equates to "My mom is teh suXX0rz" here I am. Loathe as I am to post a thread that, at its most distilled level, equates to a rambling rant, here I am.

Right righjt - tonight was the celebration of my mum's 25th anniversary at the company (impressive, no?) and so there was a very posh very tasty dinner at a very posh restaurant in a very posh hotel. Where, not unlike Club Tropicana, the drink is free. Well, red wine to be specific. Anyhoooos. So I've had a couple of glasses of red wine. My sister, three years my junior (sixteen), has had a fair few glassses of white wine. Whilst she may not have had as many as many as me, I'm more of a seasoned drinker than she is (I'm a student after all). I'm not saying this is necessarily a good or bad thing; I'm just poihnting this out as a detail.

My beloved mum (and I do love her) asks me "...don't drink that glass [of red]" Now this ignores the fact that she herself is not entirely road-worthy. Yes I'm tipsy (and a half, perhaps), but I don't find it fair that she should point this out as I am beyond the legal British drinking age.
Okay, here's te thing - my parents drink a fair bit. Not thart they are alcoholics, not at alll; my point is simplly that it is hypocrtitical of my mum to say (especially when she's not sober either) that I am drunk in a derisory manner.

Right, so I am drunk-ish (sobering up as I write). I object to her mentioning this kind of thing - my dad doesn't do it. Why must she? I hate that she's hypocritical about it.
What I hate even more (and I'm being quite open here) is that I often feel that I drink more than I ought to. I felt this two summers ago but now I feel it again. And I f*cking hate it. So obviously my ever-loving mother's comments don't exactly add to a fellow's feelings of well-being.

I am tired now, so I shall stop. I'm sure there was more I wanted to say, but I'm tired from all the shocking, hideous snd copious amounts of alcohol I have injesrted, and of all the hypocrisy from both my mum and myself.

Grrr - I'm dipleased in a big way. And distressed a tad. I probably ought to speak to my mum about this, but I doubt I will to be honestly honest. I need sleep. And a kiss. Arrgh.
Right, sorry for polluting the airwaves kiddywinks; I love you all really. Miss Marple.

So, el Chi = drunk, and he doesn't like his mother saying he's drunk, so he posts a thread? :p
Give him a break, he's under the influence of alcohol :p
at least it feels better when you get it off you chest :)
Eh, well the best thing you could do chi, is make a decision. Do you want to drink, or do you never want to drink again. If you feel you drink to much maybe you should quit all together. I used to drink every weekend with friends for like two years straight and here recently i've just gotten tired of it. They still drink, but I just haven't felt up to it, nor have I felt that I've needed alchol. So I don't think I'm addicted, but alchol works different for different people. Just be careful, and do what you think is best.
you say you love your mum, but then equally she must love you. so taking her words "don't drink that glass" in that context, it's easy to see that she's just being protective/watchful of you. now i wasn't there so i don't know how she said it, but just from how you've described it, it does sound hypocritical of her, but if you take my first point into account then maybe you can ignore that.

don't give up drinking. i'm not saying that because it's some unwritten student rule, but i'm saying it because you'll grow out of it eventually. like Innervision961, i used to go out almost every night and get plastered. i came home after my first year and my liver actually ached :( anyway after a while i realised alcohol doesn't really do anything for me anymore. i still get drunk, but it's not as obsessive as before.

anyway, hope you got something out of that.
If you feel you're dinking too much, drink less. Problem solved.

El Chi seems to be perfecting drunk posts. :D
:) I like drunken posts, I believe this is el Chi's first :D

what can I say, parents will be parents
I'm sure your mom just didn't want you getting really drunk infront of her coworkers and making an ass of yourself or something. Even if it is a party, you'r moms gonna worry about what everyone at work thinks of her family.
And its not to say that when you drink you become some kind of raging ass hole. Its just that when anyone drinks, the outcome isn't always certin.
Pfft, my parents think I drink too much, they like live in the 1950s where it's not legal to drink until you're 21 :p

But I did just pull a convincing 'I just had 2 pints mum' so I'm not complaining :)
...and then you fell on the stairs.
Ok, maybe not but that would have been comical.

My parents don't mind me drinking, they almost encourage it but like everything, they don't want me drinking too much. Which is fine, because I don't want to drink too much either.
Haha...Thats classic.

You arrive home at 2Am after being gone for hours. "I only had 2 pints mum"

Although, it sounds like you said the 2 pints thing today.
-Frosty- said:
Give him a break, he's under the influence of alcohol :p
Actually Dalamari's right - I was being a whiny little bitch. But thanks for sticking up for me:)
Shuzer - Yeah, I see your point, but hence the "Hypocrtical" part in the title.

I'd just like to apologise for this thread and for myself. It was just a rant I needed to do at the time because I couldn't ring a friend at 3am or whatever and try and vent steam in an unjustified way. So I vented it here (and why not?) It's all a huge pile of boll*cks, and totally over the top. I'm mildly embarrassed, but f*ck it. :)
Ranting is good. many people can rant and they're the happier for it.

I'm no good at ranting.

So I bottle it allllll up :D
And then, when poked, you 'splode.

/me pokes Sh33p
How long until Cybersheep starts saying things along the lines of

"Well I'l be darn-didly-arned if I'm not going to make the bes-didly-est of this situation."