Hypothetical question

Which would you play first?

  • Half-Life 2

    Votes: 54 87.1%
  • Doom 3

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • Halo 2

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters


This won't happen but lets pretend that it could..
If Doom 3, Half-Life 2, and Halo 2 all got released on the same day, and you went to the store and bought all three of these products, which would you play first?

I ask this because have you ever bought two games that you've been anticipating for a long time, you bring them home, but then you can't figure out which one you want to play first? This should make a good discussion, if not then damn :(

Spite these being HL2 forums, I would more than likely play Half-Life 2 first..
Half life 2 (I been waiting for it for too long)
then Halo2 co-op with my bro in-law
and then Doom3
halflife2. for one, theres the wait, and also, i think, imho, that it will be the better game, and deserves to be played first.
First Half-Life 2, and later on Doom III if it turns out to be good (and if I have the guts to play it :p). Halo 2 is excluded.
First Halflife 2( bought my comp for it), then halo2 ( cause i gots an xbox), then doom3 (looks good, but not as good as hl2 or halo2.
Half-Life 2. If you asked this question on a doom site, doom would win. If you asked this on a halo site, halo would win, if you ask it here well...
i'd play which ever game comes out first..hmm.. tho i never got into the Halo series so dunno i'd even purchase Halo2.

maybe.. we'll see :p
I assume that by the time the full Doom3 game is in stores, I've already played the Doom3 demo a lot, so I would obviously start with HL2.
And to quote Loke: "Halo2 is excluded."
Definitely Half-Life 2...

I'm not even certain I'm going to be buying Doom III... and I know I'm not buying Halo 2.
I will not touch Halo2.. unless my roommate picks it up. I never liked aiming with a thumb joystick.
Halflife2 first, Doom3 second, Halo2 isn't worth my money and the fact that i don't have an X-box.
HL2, because its the best. :D

Mind you, if i bought all the games at a store and took them home (assuming halo2 was on the PC) i would probally play halo2, then doom 3, then HL2.
becaus ei like to save the best till last :LOL:
I'd play HL2 SP all the way through, then HL2 MP/ported mods until I get tired of them, and by then third party mods will start to emerge and I'd play them. Maybe keep Doom 3 as an 'insomnia' game, because it doesn't seem very good, it's just for scares. And I'd sell Halo 2.
halo2 will be class. why sell it? id easily say its much better than doom3.

when i said id play Halo2 first, i didnt mean that it was worse than doom 3- its actually because its the game im most curios about (HL2 i know more info on).
You cant really ask this question in a HL2 forum...the results will be very biased. It would be best to ask it in a general gaming forum (In a general gaming site).
I think if Doom 3 had Co-op right out of the box for PC I would get it soon after HL2... but seeing that it doesnt, ill wait around for someone to make a co-op mod.

Yea and if you are wondering why, its because I am a pansy and I dont feel like crapping my pants while playing a video game.
I meant Halo 2 for the PC, not X-box.. FPS on a console game = yucky..
I remember when I was 8, and I played Doom..
scariest shit to me back then, but now that i'm older I dunno if I would get scared playing Doom 3.
If I hadn't upgraded my computer recently, I'd say Halo 2 (on XBox of course). But I might start with Doom 3 just to see the graphics, then HL2 for an hour, Halo 2 for an hour, HL2 for an hour,... and on until its over.
I couldn't possibly decide /o\

All 3 games should be classics. Maybe Doom 3 for some instant poo-your pants-gameplay. Or Halo 2 with some m8s.

Then, when everyone's gone home/to bed, I'll slowly unwrap HL2, smell it's new game freshness and spend all night giving it a damn good seeing too!!
Letters said:
Definitely Half-Life 2...

I'm not even certain I'm going to be buying Doom III... and I know I'm not buying Halo 2.

yaaarrrrr(10 char limit) rrrrrrrrrrr
Assuming they're all on PC and I can play them all...HL2 first, because it's prequel was the best and I've been waiting for ages and it looks the best anyway...Halo 2 second because I loved Halo one, and Doom 3 last because I'm not really lookign forward to it and probably won't buy it anyway.
Doom 3 i DEFINATELY wont buy EVEN if its a fiver. i hate it. it gives me nothing. if i owned it i might play it, but i certsainly wont buy it. if HALO2 comes out for the PC, im definately going to buy that. Halo = class, halo2= more class. HL2 speaks for itself. look at it! JUST LOOK!
Suicide42 said:
Doom 3 i DEFINATELY wont buy EVEN if its a fiver. i hate it. it gives me nothing. if i owned it i might play it, but i certsainly wont buy it. if HALO2 comes out for the PC, im definately going to buy that. Halo = class, halo2= more class. HL2 speaks for itself. look at it! JUST LOOK!

What's wrong with Doom3 ? :(

Didn't you like the original? Doom 3 looks to be a genuinly scary experience. I can't imagine there are many first person shooter fans who arn't interest in Doom 3.
Warbie said:
What's wrong with Doom3 ? :(

Didn't you like the original? Doom 3 looks to be a genuinly scary experience. I can't imagine there are many first person shooter fans who arn't interest in Doom 3.

i think the main reason why Doom3 is not popular with the crowd here is because of the MP.

iD is aiming for an excellent SP experience and thats dandy and all.. but for a game to have "re-playability" the MP part needs to be strong.. don't know if a 4 player MP is all that strong.. :|

really, so far without playing the game or that stolen build, all i can say is that the MP part is the most disappointing about the game. rest of it will be amazing in its own way :D
Fair enough :)

But it's just a matter of time untill the engine will be able to handle more players online, imo.

The thought of 6 v 6 RTCW2 clan matches, using the Doom 3 engine, gives me an instant tent pole in the trouser department.
During the day, HL2 (something about that Orwell-ian atmosphere makes me giddy :)).

During the night, Doom 3 (a horror game with headphones during the nigh makes me giddy also :))

Halo 2 is the type of game that I will play at a friends house. The single player demos don't impress me, but the multiplayer intrigues me a little bit.

PS - What is wrong with a 4 player multiplayer? Its all about quality of multiplay (which I bet that Doom3 will have), not quantity of people. Need proof, see Battlefield Vietnam (huge number of people, but the quality isn't there).
blahblahblah said:
PS - What is wrong with a 4 player multiplayer? Its all about quality of multiplay (which I bet that Doom3 will have), not quantity of people. Need proof, see Battlefield Vietnam (huge number of people, but the quality isn't there).

hmm.. i tried the BF demo once, didn't like it so never bothered with it.. so i really don't know what ur talking about with BF:V

while i agree with u that quality over quantity idea.. i still think in general 4 players is gonna hinder attraction to Doom3.

hmm.. i am thinking if the limit was 6 or maybe 8 players in MP it may have an appeal to it from the masses from the MP aspect.. but with 4 players? i dunno.. when i game with friends.. theres usually more than 4 of us together in a server.. not sure of the rest of the pple here.
crushenator 500 said:
who voted halo :|

I just did.

sry m8s, but Halo is IMO best story ever. Epic. end of argument for me.
i would play doom3 first because once i started HL2 i would never go back....But im not gonna buy doom 3 in real life so that wont matter
Sprafa said:
I just did.

sry m8s, but Halo is IMO best story ever. Epic. end of argument for me.
:thumbs: I couldn't agree more, especialy that epic part.
Like I give a flying f*ck about Doom 3 multiplayer (which, incedentally, is almost certainly going to be more than 4 player - I reckon 16). I'm not looking forward to it veyr much because it just doesn't look that interesting.
Sprafa said:
I just did.

sry m8s, but Halo is IMO best story ever. Epic. end of argument for me.

amen to that. Halo story = pure class. brilliance. the only PC game that has a better story is KOTOR (i say PC because i have a soft spot for final fantasy :LOL: ).

sulkdodds said:
Like I give a flying f*ck about Doom 3 multiplayer (which, incedentally, is almost certainly going to be more than 4 player - I reckon 16). I'm not looking forward to it veyr much because it just doesn't look that interesting.

yup, doom3 = poo in my opinions. horror and deathmatch dont go together. i have never enjoyed Doom gameplay and i never will. who cares about graphics anyway? would you play far cry if it was clunky, glitchy short and boring? for me thats doom3 summed up, with added "this is scary but i have a ****ing rocket launcher".