I 100% agree with this guy

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Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
This is just a random post off IMDb, but he sums up HL2 so precisely:

If you think this game is groundbreaking then you're either a moron or you haven't been playing PC games for very long.
There is absolutely nothing in this game that hasn't been done before.
Physics and ragdolls? We've seen them in Max Payne 2, Raven Shield, and countless others. They've been around for years.
Mankind threatened by aliens and its up to you, a one-man army to stop them - Oh yeah, real original plot right there. Duke Nukem 3D did this sort of thing better, and with more style and humor.
Can you interact with any of the NPCs? Nope. Can you ever deviate from the linear course of the game? Nope. Sure you're given vehicles but you can't explore the environment because it doesn't allow for any exploration.
Then there's the incoherent plot, cliched and horribly inane dialogue, and a complete lack of interesting enemies that made the first Half Life so memorable. Story? What story? Character development? A generic NPC named Alex that falls in love with a character who never speaks? Give me a break. Don't even get me started on that awful anticlimactic ending.
Multiplayer, what a joke. Valve couldn't even ship the game with deathmatch, and when they did release it, it was only two damn levels.
Ah, Steam, what a complete load of sh*t. Takes a *beep* hour to install, and then chews up memory and hinders the game's performance. Nice going Valve, what a way to sh*t on the consumers just because you want to protect your profits. Instead of trying to stop pirates, who will never be stopped, do something about the cheating in multiplayer.
Graphics are okay, and the sound is pretty good, but again, I've seen better.
Coming from someone who has been playing FPSs for over a decade, I can say that Half Life 2 wins the Most Overrated Game Ever award. And now I can already tell that all the Half Life fanboys are going to start crying here. So flame away.
Honestly, who gives a shit what he thinks? Is it going to make us take back our copies of the game?

This thread just repeats what everyone who disliked HL2 has said already. Plus it's pointless. Unless your joking with this. But I doubt it.

God I need a lie down. ¬_¬
I would say that guy is 80% right, I would give him an extra 10% if he had mentioned the long load times.

I only played through that game twice the whole way through. I've played the original about 20 times in comparison, and I expect I will play it another 20 times when BM:Source comes out. I didn't like the idea of a European background because thats is way too cliche' (Think the numerous WWII games out there and give it a futuristic setting). I would of found it interesting if they all migrated to South America, or even Canada
I would of found it interesting if they all migrated to South America, or even Canada


Seriously, I was kind of disappointed when I first played the game, but still i had a wonderful time finishing it. It is a great game.
There are a couple of things in there that scream "I'm a moron!"
Inane dialouge? Alyx falling in love with the main character? Hehehe, I got a good laugh out of that one.

Foebane, we've seen this type of post before. And you've persistantly posted before about your dislike for HL2. Nobody cares.
Meh, more power to him. I've learned to just ignore critics instead of trying to argue with them, since no one is changing the other's opinion.
I actually prefered the generic characters in the original, for some strange reason they felt more human (in my bizarre opinion)
Wow. You know, I just totally had an epiphany - Foebane (and the guy he quoted) are absolutely right! How could I have been so wrong all this time? I want to thank then both for bringing me this revelation!

Oh, wait....
You see, the above just isn't going to happen. It doesn't matter how many times you spout off about how much you hate Steam or what you disliked about HL2, Foebane. You're not going to change people's minds, no matter who else you rope in that shares your opinion.
You know damn well the kind of responses a post like yours is going to elicit, and it's tantamount to trolling. I will not be warning you again.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion imo, however i totally disagree with that guy, I aint a fanboy that screams "HL2 is the BEST GAME EVER 1337 111!1!!11!!!" .... it is a good game, but yes ideas and storylines have been used before, but nothing as deep as HL2's can and will continue going (or so i hope) ... anyway, fools like that should be shot !!! :rolling: :bounce: :E
I agree only with the part about steam.

What about the cool propaganda? What about the amazing atmoshpere of the game?
I don't care if other games already did this or that before Half-Life 2 was released. It's just that Half-Life 2 does it much better than other games imo. Physics in HL2 are incredible, I've never seen a game with better, the characters feel life-like, you feel sympathy for the characters, the animations are very well done etc. etc. etc.
And yeah, I agree with Drackard. I'm not a fanboy going out screaming "Half-Life 2 IS THE BEST GAME 3VAR, FACT!!, HALO SUCKS BALLS!!!1", and it are things that I don't really like about the game and some things that could've been better. But Half-Life 2 is quite possibly one of the best FPS games on the PC imo, and I hope Valve continue to work hard on the Half-Life series.

Oh and yeah, I’m going through game now for the sixth time. I got to beat my Half-Life 1 record! ;)

FANBOYS! :sniper:

Oh, and moderator, why don't you go ahead and ban me? I could do with an excuse not to come here again.


See it goes both ways, just because we like a game and are not like "zomg teh pltholes and steamzor suxers cus i cnt w0rok meh toasterpc1000" does not make us fanboys.
Foebane said:

FANBOYS! :sniper:

Oh, and moderator, why don't you go ahead and ban me? I could do with an excuse not to come here again.

Why are you even here in the first place?
Foebane said:

FANBOYS! :sniper:

Oh, and moderator, why don't you go ahead and ban me? I could do with an excuse not to come here again.

ROFL, anyone who disagrees with you is a fanboy? IDIOT! Not because of your opinion but because you're an ignorant hypocrit. Also why do you need an excuse not to come here!? Does someone force you to come here otherwise they won't feed you!? You must be in the later stages of forum addiction if you don't want to come here yet still persist. If you don't want to come here, don't, you don't need an excuse for god's sake.

I also can't take anyone's opinion seriously if they feel like they have to resort to bad language in order to get their point across, simply labeling something as *shit* or using various other curse words totally voids their opinion in my eyes. If you're going to try to put your point across at least do it in a sensible well thought out manner where we can all clearly understand and debate your points.
Foebane said:
Oh, and moderator, why don't you go ahead and ban me? I could do with an excuse not to come here again.

Ohhh, finally a chance to remove you! Good riddance.
One down, few more to go.
What I don't understand is why people that don't like HL2 sign up to HL2.net :dork:

For instance, I hate the Sims series of games - But I don't therefore go and sign up to a Sims forum just to tell all the people who love the game why I don't like it. But then, there are some weird people around who have too much time on their hands.

Also - "Steam, what a complete load of sh*t. Takes a *beep* hour to install". What!? I just helped a friend of mine install Steam, create a new Steam account, buy DOD:S and then install it by giving him my gcf files. Took about 10mins.

I realise he probably means to download HL2 through Steam, but so what? Just leave it going overnight. If you seriously think about the concept of online delivery through Steam, it's one of the best things to ever happen in the games industry - I personally think.
Foebane said:

FANBOYS! :sniper:

No, people of dissenting opinion

Oh, and moderator, why don't you go ahead and ban me? I could do with an excuse not to come here again.

Request granted! See you...well, never.

I'm sure you'll now go to some other forum where you'll rant about how you were unjustly banned by "fanboys" because they just couldn't handle the truth etc etc. You'll just have to pretend that I care.
Penfold_ said:
For instance, I hate the Sims series of games - But I don't therefore go and sign up to a Sims forum just to tell all the people who love the game why I don't like it. But then, there are some weird people around who have too much time on their hands..

The golden rule is don't feed the trolls. :)
If you think this game is groundbreaking then you're either a moron or you haven't been playing PC games for very long.

Opinion, not fact

There is absolutely nothing in this game that hasn't been done before.
Physics and ragdolls? We've seen them in Max Payne 2, Raven Shield, and countless others. They've been around for years.

HL2 Is the first game to use pyhsics to alter gameplay In a big way. It is also the best game (as far as the physics go) still on the market today.

Mankind threatened by aliens and its up to you, a one-man army to stop them - Oh yeah, real original plot right there. Duke Nukem 3D did this sort of thing better, and with more style and humor.

I can by this post he has a WEALTH of new and innovative ideas on inproving the storyline :p

Can you interact with any of the NPCs? Nope.

Im sorry, so the several hundred lines in the game are no proof of interaction? Or do you want me to have tea and a chocolate discuit with the NPC's im supposed to shoot?

Can you ever deviate from the linear course of the game? Nope.

RATS! Just like Duke Nukem, Quake 1, 2 and 4, Doom 1, 2 and 3, Unreal 1 and 2, All the Medal of honours, Call of Duty...notice a pattern here?

Sure you're given vehicles but you can't explore the environment because it doesn't allow for any exploration.

Yes it does, thats rubbish and you know it. Just becasue it isnt brimming with useless side passages and plain textured barren canyons doesnt mean you cant explore.

Then there's the incoherent plot,

Um, the plot has no incoherencies or errors at all. It sounds like you havent got the brains to figure anything out if it isnt spoon fed.

cliched and horribly inane dialogue

The G-man and Breen had some of the best lines in any game ever. You certianly couldnt act better if you tried :E

, and a complete lack of interesting enemies that made the first Half Life so memorable.

cough* Stridersantlionguardsantlionsfast/poisonzombiesheadcrabsbarnaclescombinesoldiersgunshipsand helicopters *cough

Story? What story?

Tyr the ten pages of size ten information I presented to this forum a while ago

Character development? A generic NPC named Alex that falls in love with a character who never speaks? Give me a break.

Alyx (Which, by the way, is now you spell it, you moron) Does not fall in love with Gordon. It sounds like you havent played the game.

Don't even get me started on that awful anticlimactic ending.

Matter of opinion (Although you have already proved yours to be worthless)

Multiplayer, what a joke. Valve couldn't even ship the game with deathmatch, and when they did release it, it was only two damn levels.

Moot point. HL2 came with multiplayer - CSS - Deathmatch was an extra. Be thankful they released it to ungrateful idiots like you

Ah, Steam, what a complete load of sh*t. Takes a *beep* hour to install, and then chews up memory and hinders the game's performance.

It takes less than 5 minutes, and taks up 20 mg of ram. Sounds like a) You have no idea what you're tlaking about, or b) You have the most shite pc ive ever heard of. Move back to the ghetto you tramp :LOL:

Nice going Valve, what a way to sh*t on the consumers just because you want to protect your profits. Instead of trying to stop pirates, who will never be stopped, do something about the cheating in multiplayer.

Um, pretty much no one has ever pirated the game and not been caught. Oh, and VAC2 is fine.

Graphics are okay, and the sound is pretty good, but again, I've seen better.
Coming from someone who has been playing FPSs for over a decade, I can say that Half Life 2 wins the Most Overrated Game Ever award. And now I can already tell that all the Half Life fanboys are going to start crying here. So flame away.

No, sadly you havent. No games released before HL2 were as good as it in terms of graphical fidility, and why is everyone that proves you wrong a fanboy? It sounds to me you have no idea what you are talking about, and have made a poor at best attempt to pretend you know anything about games

I win :E
Holy crap, did you have to quote the whole of that post? O_O
Cormeh said:
Not you silly! :rolling:

johnnumbers bloke.
you sir have crossed the line
choose your weapons

*readies the wine corks
^Ben said:


See it goes both ways, just because we like a game and are not like "zomg teh pltholes and steamzor suxers cus i cnt w0rok meh toasterpc1000" does not make us fanboys.
Lol :D

Maybe it's because it's not french toast-compatible :O

john3571000 said:
*readies the wine corks
How barbaric :O
Now there's a great idea! Beerdude being barraged by a lethal onslaught of corks.

With a soundtrack by Randy Newman. Or something like that.

OK I'm out of this thread before I get done for spamming. :p
If you think this game is groundbreaking then you're either a moron or you haven't been playing PC games for very long.
Agree, but it's as fun as hell.

There is absolutely nothing in this game that hasn't been done before.
Physics and ragdolls? We've seen them in Max Payne 2, Raven Shield, and countless others. They've been around for years.
So? They are better here than in every other game. Saying that and praising a game for having better graphics than others is hypocritical because all games have graphics.

Mankind threatened by aliens and its up to you, a one-man army to stop them - Oh yeah, real original plot right there.
One man army? Hmmm, were the rebels all sitting around and drinking tea for the whole week the rebelion was on prior to Gordon's re-appearance?

Can you interact with any of the NPCs? Nope.
Define interact? What I usualy do with enemies in games is kill them. I did that in HL2. If I have a squad in a game I usualy order them, I did that in HL2. I played fetch with Dog. I had converstions with groups of lrebels.

Can you ever deviate from the linear course of the game? Nope. Sure you're given vehicles but you can't explore the environment because it doesn't allow for any exploration.
You can get out of the vehicles and explore many side areas which offer bonuses throughout the game. Eg the houses along Highway 17.

Then there's the incoherent plot,
Just because it is open to interpretation and not spoon feeded to you doesn't mean it is incoherent

cliched and horribly inane dialogue,
hahahahaha, is he serious?

and a complete lack of interesting enemies that made the first Half Life so memorable.
The synths, fast zombies(and posion for that matter) and antlions are very memorable IMO

Story? What story?
See above

Character development? A generic NPC named Alex that falls in love with a character who never speaks?
What non-RPG games even has character development? And it is open to interpritation whether Alyx is in love with you.
Plus you don't get the point of no lines for Gordon at all.

Give me a break. Don't even get me started on that awful anticlimactic ending.
Brilliant IMO

Multiplayer, what a joke. Valve couldn't even ship the game with deathmatch, and when they did release it, it was only two damn levels.
With more having been released. Did you want HL2 to be delayed even more?

Ah, Steam, what a complete load of sh*t. Takes a *beep* hour to install,
Did you know what you were doing?

and then chews up memory and hinders the game's performance.
Bull. Steam is a godsend, if I hadn't had updates available to me so easily I would never have gotten them meaning HL2 would be running slower for me right now

Nice going Valve, what a way to sh*t on the consumers just because you want to protect your profits.
Are you serious? Steam is brilliant for consumers.

Instead of trying to stop pirates, who will never be stopped, do something about the cheating in multiplayer.
They get auto-banned and their Steam account is disabled stopping them from playing Valve games.

Graphics are okay, and the sound is pretty good, but again, I've seen better.
In an FPS?

Coming from someone who has been playing FPSs for over a decade, I can say that Half Life 2 wins the Most Overrated Game Ever award.

And now I can already tell that all the Half Life fanboys are going to start crying here. So flame away.
No, I'm repling with arguments that seem much more rational than your "what a way to sh*t on the consumers"
Instead of refuting your "argument" I will just leave you with this.

[Intro - Jay Z]
It's so crazy right now!
Most incredibly, it's ya girl, Bee,
It's ya boy, young.

[Intro - Beyonce:]
You ready?
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

[Intro - Jay Z]
Yea, history in the making,
Part 2, it's so crazy right now

[Verse 1 - Beyonce]
I look and stare so deep in your eyes,
I touch on you more and more every time,
When you leave I'm begging you not to go,
Call your name two or three times in a row,
Such a funny thing for me to try to explain,
How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame.
'Cuz I know I don't understand,
Just how your love your doing no one else can.

[Chorus - Beyonce]
Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's
Got me looking so crazy right now (in love)
Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch
Got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)
Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss
Got me hoping you'll save me right now
Looking so crazy in love's,
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love.

Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

[Verse 2 - Beyonce]
When I talk to my friends so quietly,
Who he think he is? Look at what you did to me,
Tennis shoes, don't even need to buy a new dress,
If you ain't there ain't nobody else to impress,
The way that you know what I thought I knew,
It's the beat my heart skips when I'm with you,
But I still don't understand,
Just how the love your doing no one else can.

[Chorus - Beyonce]
Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's
Got me looking so crazy right now (oh crazy)
Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch (you're in love)
Got me looking so crazy right now (love!)
Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss (hey!)
Got me hoping you'll save me right now
Looking so crazy in love's, (hey)
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love.

I'm Looking so crazy in love's,
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love.

[Verse 3 - Jay Z (Beyonce)]
Check it, let's go
Young Hov y'all know when the flow is loco,
Young B and the R-O-C, uh oh, (oh)
Ol' G, big homie, the one and only,
Stick bony, but the pocket is fat like Tony, Soprano, (oh no)
The ROC handle like Van Axel,
I shake phoneys man, You can't get next to,
The genuine article I go I do not sing though,
I sling though, If anything I bling yo,

a star like Ringo, roll like ??
Crazy bring ya whole set,
Jay Z in the range, crazy and deranged,
They can't figure them out they like hey is he insane, (oh no)
Yes sir I'm cut from a different cloth,
My texture is the best fur, of chinchilla.
(Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no)
Been dealing with chain smokers,
But how you think I got the name Hova?
(Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no)
I been realer the game's over,
(Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no)
Fall back young, ever since the label changed over
(Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no)
to platinum the game's been wrap, One!

[Bridge - Beyonce]
Got me looking, so crazy, my baby
I'm not myself, lately I'm foolish, I don't do this,
I've been playing myself, baby I don't care
'Cuz your love's got the best of me,
And baby you're making a fool of me,
You got me sprung and I don't care who sees,
'Cuz baby you got me, you got me, so crazy baby

[Chorus - Beyonce]
Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's (oh love)
Got me looking so crazy right now (lookin' crazy)
Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch
Got me looking so crazy right now
Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss (baby)
Got me hoping you'll save me right now (baby)
Looking so crazy in love's, (whoa!)
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love. (whoa!)

Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's
Got me looking so crazy right now (your love)
Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch
Got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)
Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss
Got me hoping you'll save me right now
Looking so crazy in love's,
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love.
WTF is that supposed to mean? I cant be arsed to read it :E
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