I am a happy man again!!!!


Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
I just talked to my father and i can get my own com puter with 256mb. graficcard.SO I CAN PLAY HALF LIFE 2.Nobody have to feel sorry for my anymore.JJJJJJJJJAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUU
Congrats, dude. I think ya got the wrong forum, though, buddy.
Grats dude! I dunno, the name donald makes me smile. Maybe because I think of Donald Duck. Quack!
I can understand, the little man its so freakin excited. I remember when I got my top o the line computer. It didnt really mean jack because the only great game that was out was far cry :)
But now its time for half life 2 to shine and make all the other games as of yet to whimper and cry.
The name donald is based over the name donald duck:)
Man, this thread puts the biggest smile on my face.

Thanks, dodald and congrats! :D
donald said:
I am a happy man again!!!!
I just talked to my father and i can get my own com puter with 256mb. graficcard.SO I CAN PLAY HALF LIFE 2.Nobody have to feel sorry for my anymore.JJJJJJJJJAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUU
A word to the wise,.. if its up to your father, you're not quite yet a man..

..and I dont think anybody was really feeling sorry for you..

But, hey, kudos!
Just make sure you don't get a 256 MB version of Radeon 9200 or GeForce FX 5200.
I talk to my father becourse then he is going to pay the most of the money and i can keeb a lot of my money.I shall allso have money for half life 2.
I am not quit sure.But i now that it can run half life 2.
Sounds like Donald might be washing the car and mowing the lawns for a while.... worth every minute though...

Don't think my Dad would appreciate his 30 year old son approaching him for a loan for a new PC, so looks like I'll just sit tight and play HL2 on my P200 16MB RAM PC.....

Can I get an "AAAAWWWWW SH|T" in da house???

P.S. My PC is actually a bit faster than the specs stated above, and can indeed display in ega mode... k thnx
omg d00d dat is ssoooooo k00l!!!!

can ur dad buy me a comp too!!?

I relly need a new one!


im hapy 4 u budy :cheers:
denlife7 said:
Don't think my Dad would appreciate his 30 year old son approaching him for a loan for a new PC, so looks like I'll just sit tight and play HL2 on my P200 16MB RAM PC.....

Can I get an "AAAAWWWWW SH|T" in da house???

P.S. My PC is actually a bit faster than the specs stated above, and can indeed display in ega mode... k thnx
That reminds me a lot of the E3 2003 shaky-cam when the guy says, "So this'll run on my 486?" :cheers:
im playing the worlds saddest song on the worlds smallest violin

... oh i mean cool :thumbs:
ship said:
That reminds me a lot of the E3 2003 shaky-cam when the guy says, "So this'll run on my 486?" :cheers:
HAHAHA... that made me laugh so hard the first time!! That was great. :E
do not get any GeForce FX 5--- series, they all have horrible frame-rates. ATI Radeon X800 Pro is the go for a not super-expensive card.
Radeon X800 XT is the best at the moment (and more expensive), doesn't matter what brand (Abit, Asus, MSI etc) you get, they all the same. Good luck, have fun!
Oooh oooooh - Is Half Life 2 compatible with Glide and 3dfx - =))
Those were the days lmao, big ****-0ff fancy logo at the start of each game lolololol

Ahh I remember the 3dfx days well - in fact stuff it - Ill rig up my server PC with HL2 and give it a lil try for fps =))

Server Specs (just for running MP3's thru house and hosting games...)

Pentium III - 550mhz
Voodoo 4 4500 PCI - Wow The Technology!!!
Soundblaster 16
Case painted with go faster stripes to get a lil extra power - lmao
f1r3b4ll said:
Case painted with go faster stripes to get a lil extra power - lmao
No, you've got it all wrong... it needs "speed holes."
OCybrManO said:
No, you've got it all wrong... it needs "speed holes."

Well I would but that damn processor has 22 fans on it to keep it cool - I've got it overclocked to 2.6 ghz - but then dad said i was starting to glow green in the morning ....