I am a Japanese schoolteacher

Ooooh this is very very very old for me, bringing back memories. I remeber Japanese kids liking poking fingers up ya arse...i mean whats up with that?
He's complaining that 12-15 year old girls wanna touch his dick?
I fail to see any problem.
Ikerous said:
He's complaining that 12-15 year old girls wanna touch his dick?
I fail to see any problem.
Even with how gross that is ;p it's by a LOT more the boys. As you read more and more of the entries, it gets worse. haha
Heh drag her back kicking and screaming. Yeah from what i remeber those stories are quite disturbing and dodgy. You'd never think Japanese kids would be that horrible. One main reason i dislike that site is the section called the octopus. A) i have an irrational fear of them B) That article is quite disgusting and weird...refering to his penis, go no further, unless you wanna read (there was your warning though)
Wow. Japanese kids are officially ****ed in the head
I cant take it Im gonna go to Airport now

*me goes to Frankfurt
I have been reading these for a while now, very very good stories. I was going to make a post, but I am too lazy.
Time to check out the new ones.

*cough* Damn Japanophiles. *endcough*

edits: Yesh.
wow that shit is BaNaNaS!!111

If I went to Japan I'd tower over everyone and step on them since im 6'4 they'd see me as the equivalent of Godzilla and then squash them with my big dikku
xLostx said:
wow that shit is BaNaNaS!!111

If I went to Japan I'd tower over everyone and step on them since im 6'4 they'd see me as the equivalent of Godzilla and then squash them with my big dikku
OMG E-PENIS +++++++
Actually, it's not so much a "game" as it is kids clasping their hands together, sticking out their first fingers, and shoving them up your butt. I'm really not joking. It's called Kancho, and just about any kid can be a Kancho Assassin. Even the sweetest little girl may be prone to jam her fingers up your ass the second you turn around. This happened to one of my friends, which just goes to show - don't trust anyone. I'd say the little girls are the most dangerous cause they have natural ways of lowering your defenses.

I was pretty lucky. Before I came, I bought a really big, really baggy pair of pants. The kids try to Kancho...but they just have no idea where my ass is! It's beautiful! I had one kid try and find his fingers hit nothing but jean fabric and air. Yes! But I've actually gotten pretty good at dodging it, much like Spider-man I have developed a Kancho Sense that tells me where and when it's coming before it comes. I parry fingers like a pro. My record is still 100% Kancho Free. Ha! America 2, Japan 0.

All in a day's work I suppose.
...... :LOL:
I read this a while back, like back in February when someone showed me. Kinda funny.
"America 2, Japan 0"

Heh. WWII jokes are funny.
ha, my girlfriend is japanese, i'm glad she isn't trying to play kancho assasion with me.
I always knew that japanese students were weird. My friends told me.
I went to Japan when I was two, and I don't remember anything from the trip. My mom told me I got lost in the park and they spent hours looking for me.
Funny stuff, I knew about Engrish but never read this stuff.
Anyway, she almost agreed with me on that point. Almost. Until the girl ran by screaming at the top of her lungs "Breasts! Breasts!"

She doesn't even have them. And since she's Japanese, she probably never will.


Great stuff!
When I clicked this thread, I was expecting "Japanese Schoolteacher kills, rapes, and then cooks and eats students after lighting babies on fire and killing thousands of small kitty cats."

But no, in fact, that editorial was pretty hilarious. Thanks for the link ;)
SimonomiS said:
I'm curious as to what The Octopus technique involves...
So am I but it got his dick cut so that's pretty frightening
I think it is to do with giving him love bites along the bottom of his shaft.
SHIPPI said:
I wanna go again.. I went when I was ickle and it sucked cause we slept on the floor of my sister's (tiny!) apartment for 2 weeks, and it was way too warm n humid and horrible.. and japanese people kept taking pictures of us :|

Hahahahahahaa the taking pictures part
This girl and her partner, of course, picked "Michael Jackson cake" and "Michael Jackson juice". As I was walking around, I noticed this and told them it was a little odd. ...The hell is Michael Jackson cake? ...Y'know, on second thought, I really don't want to know. They teased me about it a bit, and at the end of class, on their comment sheets, the girl's message to me was "Michael Jackson juice for you!"

I dunno what Michael Jackson juice is, but I sure as hell don't want it.
The Wheelchair Girl pr0n video is funny too.;)
I've got to prepare for next year when I go to Japan... Crap.
They better not Kancho me. I'll just yell Aitsu! and chase them.
After this I took some time to read more about japanese sex culture, after 15 asian porn sites, I found a site that talked about it, apparently it's a really sex free culture, the japanese girls are verry sexual. I'll add Japan to my next destination.
Sparta said:
Wow. Japanese kids are officially ****ed in the head

yeah, they still watch anime :x

edit: /me hides
fakeedit: in before uberflammage