I am a lazy bastard


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
should I bother to flip my avatar back right-side up, or shall I keep it this way to remember.. erm.. whoever it was in there awesome upside-down avatar day. Anywho to flip or not to flip, that is ze question. On another note I havent slept in 48 hours and I still have an entire day to stay up. I hope I dont vomit all this Mountain Dew crammed in my chassis. By the way Reak is officially my hero. I dont know why but I never seem to remember to get things done, flipping my avatar has been on my "to-do" list for a few days now, but I never seem to get around the the few clicks it takes. Not to get off track but dosent it seem sort-of strange how we bitch about "work" on the computer, when in reality you exert little to no energy at all in the few finger movements it takes to tweak somthing or sort through a system of files. I worry constantly.. about everything it's really starting to bug me and therepy I have gotten so far dosnt seem to have cracked it :frown: Sometimes I worry about the actual amount of constructive work and activity I get done in a day, it's little to none. In the summer I pretty much am either outside talking trash to my friends or inside talking to you bitches on the forums or in some game. I really sort-of wish I had more substance but on the other side of things I like living life as a half-assed internet personality with no real purpose in life, besides to make giant "bitching" threads like this. My head hurts pretty freaking badly right now :| :| and I think I will stop typing for now and see if anyone really wants reply.
i've always thought i was lazy but...

You're my idol...
I'm glad you decided to reply Moejoe because I like your avatar, honestly it makes me all happy inside.
Yup. I hear ya headcrab. The only reason i am up is to master doctor. SWG is sadistic and wrong. THe game is a chore! Lol. Anyway lazy ppl ownez all. If it wasnt for lazy people we wouldnt have things like cars and stuff.

Lazy = Best type of personality.
I find that all MMORPG's exert way to much of my time and energy and reward me very little. ): so I gave up on most of them. But ffXI was my baby for a bit.. until I stopped paying the montly fee :O
Laziness is sweet.
Also, I think keep your avatar the way it is now.