I am a now US Citizen!

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OH MY GOD! BAD TRIP BAD TRIP!!!!!!!! /me runs.......to a bob marley concert
You guys have ruined Lemonking's thread!

BTW, good luck in North America! :D


/evil cakle
thx Datrix Im sure its gonna be hard as Hell...
but if the mexicans can do it I can do it too^^
Lemonking said:
thx Datrix Im sure its gonna be hard as Hell...
but if the mexicans can do it I can do it too^^
Now thats just ****ing racist
I hate the JEWS those people suck, I wish Hitler killed them all.^^

I'm leaving for the US in two weeks :D I'm only gonna stay there for three weeks though...
The_Monkey said:
I'm leaving for the US in two weeks :D I'm only gonna stay there for three weeks though...

Bring me back some freedom fries to go.

I haven't been to the USA in 8 years, but I used to go quite a lot when I was young. I've been going East mainly in recent years. Also went to Brazil which was fun.
wow...Hazar, of all the people i did not expect this from u :laugh:
nuttyness :)

anyway hope u like it in the US Lemonking :)
kirovman said:
Bring me back some freedom fries to go.
Haha I haven't heard freedom fries in like a year, and then it was also in jest/insult and the first time I'd heard it again in ages.
I'm planning on going to the US hopefully to do some placement work.

But I don't think I'll stay much in the US much after.
LOL they've taken over the whole second page
Congrats on being a US Civ, now you better start hanging up American flags and saying the Pledge, or big brother comes for you....OH GOD HERE THEY COME!!!! QUICK GET OU-

I'm sorry, Lemonking :( They've ruined this thread. Good luck to you, though
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