I AM Adrian Shepherd

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G-man is back,Barney is back,Freeman is back..................
The question is:
Where is Adrian Shepherd?
Opposing-Force is a excellent mission pack for Half-Life,I was really excited with Shepherd in BlackMesa.
Till now,I have never heard anything that he'll be in HL2.
I want him back!!
Maybe Valve kept it a secret,or maybe there's a Opposing-Force2?

At the end he is put on that craft and is left in space, to strave to death... So i don't see a place for him.

All HL games have totally crap endings btw (dunno the blue shift one)...
hehe you didn'y miss a thing, TPBin

-- spoil ? --

at the end of BS, Barney and the scientist team drive off in their pickup truck :E
He's not put there to 'strave' to death, he's detained there so he won't cause any trouble.
Adrian Shephard is the coolest one out of the 3 :cool:
Who the **** is Adrian Shephard.. any screens?
He is the player in Opposing Force, he looks like all the other Grunts when using the Hi-Definition pack :E.
I think HL games have very good endings. After you finish a game, you left wondering, what the hell happened to you, to the character itself and to the whole world. I knew this Black Mesa accident won’t be finished after nuking the place and it seems I was right.
I for one have felt that most of the HL games are very similar to a bad dream.
shephard doesn't die. The G-man puts him in some craft in xen and says that "you can do no harm, and no harm can come to you."

Also, why do people say that black mesa gets nuked? There is no indication of that in any of the games.
It gets nuked at the end of Opposing Force. You hear the Black Ops talking about delivering the "package" and they have a warhead in the back of their truck. Then you see two others setting up another nuke. At the end when the G-Man is talking to you there's a white flash and he says something about Black Mesa finally taking care of itself - so I assume he nuked it ;)
Originally posted by votka
It gets nuked at the end of Opposing Force. You hear the Black Ops talking about delivering the "package" and they have a warhead in the back of their truck. Then you see two others setting up another nuke. At the end when the G-Man is talking to you there's a white flash and he says something about Black Mesa finally taking care of itself - so I assume he nuked it ;)

Well, in Opfor, the nuke that the black ops had in the truck was defused by shephard. But, you could be right as i seem to remember after defusing the bomb I looked out the window and the g-man was examining it (maybe rearming it?). Another thing, if black mesa was nuked, and the plane you're riding in is that close (practically right next to it), it would have been obliterated.
I dont know.. but the black mesa is definatly destroid. I think some interviews said something about that
blish...i could own all 3 of the characters :afro: i never really played HL single player, but i just started to last week, i beat halflife on sunday, and now im like on the second chapter in Opfor
adrian is also the only one who wasn't introduced in the original hl.. they might not want to include a character that you wouldn't recognize unless you had bought a previous expansion.. i was just thinking about this earlier today.. my guess is adrians story begins and ends in op4.
Originally posted by fishbait
Well, in Opfor, the nuke that the black ops had in the truck was defused by shephard. But, you could be right as i seem to remember after defusing the bomb I looked out the window and the g-man was examining it (maybe rearming it?). Another thing, if black mesa was nuked, and the plane you're riding in is that close (practically right next to it), it would have been obliterated.
it was a bomb.. i don't remember anyone saying it was nuclear.

god you're saying it didn't get nuked..? did you even beat op4?
Originally posted by worldspawn
it was a bomb.. i don't remember anyone saying it was nuclear.

god you're saying it didn't get nuked..? did you even beat op4?

The bomb on the truck was "the package" (which normally refers to a nuke) that the black ops were talking about. Keep in mind the fact that there were multiple airstrikes on the facility (conventional bombs). The fact that they made a big deal about "the package" pretty much ensures that this was a special bomb, a nuke, or at least something powerful enough to destroy the whole facility.

As for your second point, yes I did beat op4, did you read my post? I said if a nuke had gone off that close to the plane where shephard and the g-man are talking, they would've been incinerated. I don't think black mesa was nuked.
Doesn't the plane teleport to Xen just after the flash? So they would have avoided the explosion. And since most of Black Mesa is underground, the full force of it might not have reached the surface.
Originally posted by fishbait
As for your second point, yes I did beat op4, did you read my post? I said if a nuke had gone off that close to the plane where shephard and the g-man are talking, they would've been incinerated. I don't think black mesa was nuked.

I don't know, New Mexico is pretty big. You ever think that they might be at a safe distance. Also, due to the fact that the BMRF is a decomisioned military base, I am pretty sure they would remove anything that would cause extream amounts of damage, like modern nukes. You don't need to be anywhere near a nuke to see a blinding flash or a definiting sound. To add, the sound of the nuke going off, WAY to low to be anywhere near the explosion.

I say that it was nuked, only they were far away from it to be more than safe. The G-Man is devious and evil, not stupid.

(Also, it is a game, not everything is perfect.)

I do hope that Shepherd returns in another expansion pack, re-evaluated and accepted to work for the G-Man.
Originally posted by votka
And since most of Black Mesa is underground, the full force of it might not have reached the surface.

Indeed.. broken arrow anyone?

I've think I never completed OP4!!!

The last boss is the big thing thru the portal, right?

If so, I killed it, but can't remember any cut scenes at the end?

Mmm, *runs off to complete it*