I am back!


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Finally got teh internets in my new house. Shaker is now posting from the heart of the Red Light District in Amsterdam! :cheers: I'll put some pics up if someone can point me towards a free Photoshop clone. I'm also on a new rig, which I lovingly call Brutus.

Good to be back!
Your back from the future? The appropriate question is, "*When* the hell are they?" You see, Einstein has *just* become the world's first time-traveler! I sent him into the future. One minute into the future to be exact. And at precisely 1:21am and zero seconds, we shall catch up with him and the time machine.
About the other thing tho: anyone know about a good and free Photoshop program?
I remember Shakermaker, I don't remember you disappearing, mabye you just slipped into the shadows and moved house/built new PC.
ohhh so your the eventrollsloverockandroll guy that i added a few weeks ago...and i can see that you are playing BF2...hmmm glad to see your back?
welcome back buddy, lets get our 'dude' squad up and running again, oh yeah im back too after a week of no internets...