I am building a headcrab!!!

Errr... if you look at the model, they're baby headcrabs with what looks to be a yolk sac.
Heh, I actually went and googled it.

Here's some rather interesting links with info. They all seem to agree that the Gonarch is a matured Headcrab.


This place has all sorts of stuff on the enemies. Isn't it interesting how those big white formations behind the Goonarch look a bit like headcrabs?


A good theory on the life cycle of the Headcrab, as well as theorisation on several other lifeforms.


Heheh... the Headcrab is even in the Urban Dictionary. I like the "Assumed Fictional".
Brian Damage said:
Yes, Chainer, what about them? No one ever said that the host has to be humanoid, anyway.

And I hope you aren't basing your arguments on the stolen build, Mr Eyebrow McWaggle.
All my info is mine, I would never get such trash as a stolen version. ;(
:sleep: I swear it. :sleep:
Then wonder we must, about the nature of this "little birdy".

I wonder what the next stage looks like. Maybe the human legs drop off, or something, like someone on these forums suggested a while back.
hey guys, i'm sorry to say i never got to wear the zombie costume to the convention. On the first day i was there i wore the combine suit all over the place and got bruises all over my face from wearing the gasmask the whole time.

that night i was wearing the headcrab mask and walked right into a wall because of the limited visibility. It became apparant very quickly that having 3 feet of view distance was not healthy. So i opted to do more modifications to the mask before i wore it anyway
Flyingdebris said:
hey guys, i'm sorry to say i never got to wear the zombie costume to the convention. On the first day i was there i wore the combine suit all over the place and got bruises all over my face from wearing the gasmask the whole time.

that night i was wearing the headcrab mask and walked right into a wall because of the limited visibility. It became apparant very quickly that having 3 feet of view distance was not healthy. So i opted to do more modifications to the mask before i wore it anyway

Sorry to say this but LOL!
Got this image in my head...

Gordons see scary zombie, zombie goes after gordon... gordon moves a little to the left... zombie hits wall... poor zombie... whould look good ingame ;)
Flyingdebris said:
hey guys, i'm sorry to say i never got to wear the zombie costume to the convention. On the first day i was there i wore the combine suit all over the place and got bruises all over my face from wearing the gasmask the whole time.

that night i was wearing the headcrab mask and walked right into a wall because of the limited visibility. It became apparant very quickly that having 3 feet of view distance was not healthy. So i opted to do more modifications to the mask before i wore it anyway

Yeah, sorry but the image running inside my head is just making me LOL! Only thing funnier would be if while wearing your headcrab/zombie costume you walked on a rake and the rake flipped up and hit you in the face.

How was the convention anyway? Get alot of feedback on the combine suit?
You could've just stood in a clear spot and gobbled.

Or you could have stood completely still, like a model someone had made. Then, if you heard anyone standing still near you for any length of time, you could have lurched towrds them with that odd strangulated cry the zombies make...
Thats a damn shame, still I got an idea. When HL2 finally does come out, and you should have plenty of time to make modifications. Stand next the games in the store and everytime somebody picks up a copy do a little zombie garble.
What he should do is wear the zombie suit up there and have a sign on him saying "Give me HL2" and swat at any one who opposes him!!!
well the only problem with the combine suit was that almost everyone confused me with the badguys from metal gear solid
maybe cuz metal gear solid is more famous than HL2
and what convension you go?
If it was a gaming convention, I dunno if Metal Gear Solid would be more famous than HL2 right now...
Flyingdebris said:
well the only problem with the combine suit was that almost everyone confused me with the badguys from metal gear solid

You do bear a striking resemblance to Psycho Mantis from MGS fame.

well in all fairness i was dressed as a lesser character from a game that hasn't come out yet.

also to answer the question, the convention was called Megacon
If anyone has heard of "The Lizard King" or "The Bar-Fly" on the internet...

He makes costumes of his own imagination that win ten's of thousands every year at halloween costumes throughout the state of Florida and soon USA. I will post some pics on my website of the costumes and I am going to make him make me a Half-Life character suit.

They are made entirely without any frame except for your body and usually a hockey mask, you'll be sure to love it.

How do I know this man, he's my dad rofl.

Well back to completing 5 hours of homework in...now i have 4 hours.

P.S... Want a costume, he sells them for $1000 each not only because of the art and work. But because of how much money you are gauranteed to win. The costumes cost us jack...$50 a costume :)
St0rM said:
hey, im new. Looks reallly great, keep up the good work

Damn.. Stoopid... Noobish.. Tricked me... Nrgggg... Foo!!!!

I started reading this damn thread from the start, and made it 3 pages in, thinking that someone was doing ANOTHER headcrab zombie costume -- then I realized that it was just St0rM doing the bump-dance... Fooled me damnit! :upstare:

Btw, welcome to the forums St0rM, just try not to bump TOO many old threads.... It gets a little confusing.
silverstealth89 said:
i should make a wood sculpture of gman

You could put it next to a picture of Alyx, and entitle it Gman's Got Wood!:naughty:

And of course, you do realize that as you work on your sculpture, you will technically be "holding" the G-man's wood in your hand, and working it! :o

Sorry, my bad joke radar was just going off with this one!!
lmfao, was curious who brought this back from the dead..haha
cyberpitz said:
lmfao, was curious who brought this back from the dead..haha

St0rM resurrected it -- managed to trick me into reading 3 pages into it before I realized that this was an OLD thread that was bumped :upstare:
heh nice to see someone ressurect this.

and I er don't have a website :(

i haven't even gotten around to building the gordon costume, ever since i found out someone beat me to the punch
slashandburn said:
Try this thread, Kit to build headcrab toys.


I WISH VALVe would get off thier butts, and realize the marketing potential of a Plush headcrab -- especially the limited edition, debeaked "Heddy Lamarr" version. I would SO rush out to get one of these (I would try to teach my 1 year old son to wear it as a hat to freak out the neighbors! :cheese:
Lets Be Uber Nerds And Build Oure Selfs Some Headcrabs Yeeha
Good riddance Transmit.

Just for fun I clicked on his name to "Find all posts byTransmit".. .ROTFL that is one unhappy fellow trying his best to make everyone as miserable as he is.

What I personally find hilarious about .Transmit (whenever he is not banned), is that he comes on the forums and calls everyone on here nerds with no lives.... Well, how much life can he himself have to come to a forum and do nothing but berate everyone in sight. I imagine he must have some kind of inadequacy complex/small penis thing going on, but I kinda feel sorry for the guy. He obviously has nothing better to do, and even in cyberspace, everyone just kinda ignores him. Jeez.